All-Star Top Gun Uniform Discussion

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CH33R MOM said:
they are great athletes but i wouldnt be comfortable in that. they were pulling at the tops down. in the routine it looked like some girls had alot on top. other girls were pulling there bottoms down that they were riding up :rolleyes: how about the shoes are they comfortable??? are they supportive enough on the feet? but i think they should speak up and say they are not comfortable wearing that uniform. i think they would do 1ox better if they werent concerned about their uniform.​
Don't assume they aren't comfortable wearing them. Every single one of those girls can pull it off.​
uwont4getme said:
Am I the only one noticing/thinking that this top is the same as the new TG one except with sleeves that are connected? What a difference fabric on the arms makes....

Wow good catch... Didn't even notice that till you said it. Maybe it is the black in TG that makes them look so different!!!
Wow good catch... Didn't even notice that till you said it. Maybe it is the black in TG that makes them look so different!!!

The CA top looks like it starts significantly higher above the chest than the TG top least it does to me.

Would also like to point out that without the shoes, I don't really mind the TG uniform. The shoes just are too...contrasting maybe? Just like how you wouldn't wear high boots with a short skirt. I think the plain sneakers would make it look far more athletic and tasteful, if you will.
The CA top looks like it starts significantly higher above the chest than the TG top least it does to me.

Would also like to point out that without the shoes, I don't really mind the TG uniform. The shoes just are too...contrasting maybe? Just like how you wouldn't wear high boots with a short skirt. I think the plain sneakers would make it look far more athletic and tasteful, if you will.

part of me questions those high boots. I wonder if they make it alittle trickier to stunt in. Not as good of a grip on the ankle and if they are made out of a plastic type material then when your hands sweat they could slip

This is very feminine! I would never date a guy w/ a uni top like that!
part of me questions those high boots. I wonder if they make it alittle trickier to stunt in. Not as good of a grip on the ankle and if they are made out of a plastic type material then when your hands sweat they could slip

True...and did one fall off in the dance at NCA? Or are my eyes deceiving me?
I should clarify that I wasn't saying the lingerie football pic should be taken down because it is :D

I just don't understand the problem with the TG pic. The girl's face isn't in it, and since everyone on the TG side of the fence is claiming that we're all too stuffy and the uni is "in good taste" and that it is basically stylistic genius...why take down the photo? I think the photo definitely made the point the poster was trying to make--that perhaps the uni isn't quite as tasteful as it could be. Logic would say that your answer will be that there are kids on here and it's not appropriate to post cleavage shots on here.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: If the cleavage isn't appropriate for the BOARDS, is it really appropriate for a competition???
I was JUST about to post this. You took the words right out of my mouth.

Sorry if it was inappropriate, but I guess I didn't think it was. I mean, she competed like that. It's on facebook. I took out her face so if you think about it, it's just like any other picture that gets posted of uniforms on here. I then I see it got removed, and a few posts later there is a picture of girls wrestling in their underwear. (That doesn't offend me whatsoever, you'll see I shimmied it because I thought it was funny. I just think something is up if that is considered appropriate but a cheerleading uniform picture isn't)

I'm not angry about it getting deleted at all, I think I made my point even without the picture. But I'm just saying....if we didn't want people to see it on the boards, why is it ok for people to see it at competition?
Sorry too late to edit:

I don't want make it seem like I'm picking a fight. That's really not my goal. I'm just trying to continue a conversation that I think could prove to be important for our sport. =)
Sorry too late to edit:

I don't want make it seem like I'm picking a fight. That's really not my goal. I'm just trying to continue a conversation that I think could prove to be important for our sport. =)

This goes for me too. I am actually not trying to be difficult. I just think that it actually DOES matter what our kids wear. Especially when every day we are trying to get people to see us as different from Professional and Sideline cheering and give our kids the respect they work so hard for--and deserve.

ETA--and I swore to myself this weekend that I wouldn't touch this TG uniform argument with a 10 foot pole...
CH33R MOM said:
they are great athletes but i wouldnt be comfortable in that. they were pulling at the tops down. in the routine it looked like some girls had alot on top. other girls were pulling there bottoms down that they were riding up :rolleyes: how about the shoes are they comfortable??? are they supportive enough on the feet? but i think they should speak up and say they are not comfortable wearing that uniform. i think they would do 1ox better if they werent concerned about their uniform.​
Don't assume they aren't comfortable wearing them. Every single one of those girls can pull it off.
i didnt say they couldnt pull it off of course they can pull it off they have great bodies. You can tell they arent comfortable wearing them if they are pulling at them during their whole routine like i said they were concerned on their uniforms exposing parts they didnt want anyone to see.
okay, i'm not going to point fingers, i'm not going to use vulgar language, but i am going to say it as it is. These are ATHLETES people, not circus freaks or exotic pole dancers, and not even gymnasts (by the wording of this I am going to clarify, I'm not saying gymnasts aren't athletes, but cheerleaders are not gymnasts) just like any sport, athletes should be clothed according to the skills they will be performing. if you have to constantly be tugging here and there and putting the uni back to where it's supposed to fit, thats a big sign that maybe they shouldnt be wearing it. we dont wear uniforms to see how many heads we can turn, honestly, the uniforms dont even matter. we are judged on the skills we perform, not what we perform in, and if athletes are wearing something that no longer allows them to perform their skills properly, then i think these coaches need to think over their decisions. we are looking to prove we're a sport, not get another headliner of "scantily dressed cheerleaders raise eyebrows". i understand trends change and develop, but this? this is not a trend. this is disgusting. i for one would much rather see the pleated skirt come back then see these athletes wear some of the uniforms they do. i wouldn't mind the usasf stepping in and laying down some ground rules....
we dont wear uniforms to see how many heads we can turn, honestly, the uniforms dont even matter. we are judged on the skills we perform, not what we perform in, and if athletes are wearing something that no longer allows them to perform their skills properly, then i think these coaches need to think over their decisions.

THIS is exactly it!! When watching Top Gun this weekend, I saw girls tugging at their uniforms constantly. That tugging not only distracted from their performance, but also ruined the "clean-ness" of their routine. This will take away points on the synchronization and overall impression sections of the score sheet.
okay, i'm not going to point fingers, i'm not going to use vulgar language, but i am going to say it as it is. These are ATHLETES people, not circus freaks or exotic pole dancers, and not even gymnasts (by the wording of this I am going to clarify, I'm not saying gymnasts aren't athletes, but cheerleaders are not gymnasts) just like any sport, athletes should be clothed according to the skills they will be performing. if you have to constantly be tugging here and there and putting the uni back to where it's supposed to fit, thats a big sign that maybe they shouldnt be wearing it. we dont wear uniforms to see how many heads we can turn, honestly, the uniforms dont even matter. we are judged on the skills we perform, not what we perform in, and if athletes are wearing something that no longer allows them to perform their skills properly, then i think these coaches need to think over their decisions. we are looking to prove we're a sport, not get another headliner of "scantily dressed cheerleaders raise eyebrows". i understand trends change and develop, but this? this is not a trend. this is disgusting. i for one would much rather see the pleated skirt come back then see these athletes wear some of the uniforms they do. i wouldn't mind the usasf stepping in and laying down some ground rules....

I completely agree!! Pictures from Action Moments are up, and they say a picture can speak a thousand words......
I am really not a fan of the Top Gun uniforms. Maybe it's because I loved the old ones, but the new ones take away rather than add to the effect for me. I'm too distracted by the girls adjusting their uniforms. I personally do not like the arms either.

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