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I will say that I agree with the few people who mentioned not showing any coed teams. It makes me sad because personally I enjoy watching coed teams more so then all girl, but also because coed lately has really been taking a backseat to all girl when it comes to the media and attention. You have STUNT and NCATA (i think i got that right) in the spotlight making all girl cheer a sport, Jersey Cheer was an all girl team, and both CNN segments were all girl teams. I feel that the media is showing the female side, but why not give those amazing coed teams some spotlight? They work just as hard as any other team but get to sit in the backseat while the girls get all the attention. Now I do understand it is about entertainment value and how those outside of cheer are probably more drawn to female cheerleaders, but I know the people outside of cheer (that I know) that have watched competitions on TV are more wowed at the boys throwing up stunts and shocked that most are just high school boys. Maybe the next show or segment can be on a coed team for a change.

Also beware of the TV curse that I think looms around cheerleadings teams that do TV shows, just ask UK and UCF if they would want a camera crew following them around again.

Wasn't the first real attention given to cheerleading within the past few years that reality T.V. show about UK?
Aaaarrrggghhhh...I SWORE I wouldn't touch this thread with a 10 foot pole, but I just can't help it. I've followed this whole thread (and the first one that was locked) since the special first aired. And I've held my tongue, because I think most people are aware I'm definitely no member of the teal army.

The only thing I want to touch on is this: I find it very interesting that everyone is so adamant in saying that Maddie is just a teenager and people should remember that, but no one has mentioned that SO ARE HER TEAMMATES. No one seems to remember that this is a group of 35 other girls who are also still young, and at this age emotions are hard to keep a reign on.

You say this like it's the most awful thing in the world. Of course they're bitter and upset they didn't receive any credit for their involvement. Do they not practice just as much as she does? Did they not help win Worlds in 2010? Do they not show up with injuries and work through them? So yes, I think TEENAGE GIRLS might be hurt that they were brushed aside like back-up dancers in Maddie's show - "Maddie and her Senior Elites". Is it necessarily Maddie's fault? I have no idea - I don't know the girl, but I'm inclined to think in this case, no, not her fault. I think about 99.9% of the people on here don't know her, so none of us are really qualified to say whether or not she actually feels any particular way.

I would imagine that this is a group of 35 young ladies who've spent YEARS in Maddie's shadow. 35 young ladies who are just as much Senior Elite as she is. So instead of everyone acting so shocked that they reacted this way, and trying to figure out ways to make them not feel something that is perfectly reasonable and logical to feel...why not look into the fact that they've probably felt this way FOREVER...and this was just the straw that broke the camel's back for many of them. I sincerely doubt this is the first time they've had to deal with being made to feel like extras in a movie about Maddie. It has to be frustrating and horrible on a teenager's self esteem to know that no matter how hard you work, and no matter what you do you'll always just be on "Maddie's team". I don't think she has any control over any of this...but I think it's reprehensible for everyone on here to say these girls are horrible for expressing feelings that they've probably had bottled up for awhile now.

Was Twitter the best place for this venting of feelings? Of course not...but that's what teenage girls DO. They blast their feelings all over the internet first, think about the repurcussions second.

With all due don't really know what it's like to be on SE do you? Nor are you a parent of a girl on SE, nor do you have any idea which teammates (past or present) said anything and/or what was said right? Every single one of those girls knew that Maddie was the only one on SE being followed and that she was basically "chosen" (for lack of a better word) to be the team's representative for the piece. It's not some huge surprise all of a's not like they followed other girls and chose Maddie in the end w/o them knowing. Having watched the special, the TEAM WAS highlighted numerous times, during grueling practices (after the journalist said grueling practices), during the worlds coverage of the segment, etc. and they did report on how it was very much a team sport. She (the journalist) didn't say "Maddie's stunt WAS the reason they won", she said it "helped them win" (regardless if that was actually the case or not isn't the point..the point is the way it was said isn't the way some people are portraying it).

I'm watching it again and can't even begin to tell you how many times I'm hearing the word "team", "they", and seeing up close reactions of many girls on SE laid out on the floor exhausted during practice. Do teenage girls get jealous and tweet mean and irrational things, Yes....does that mean we should condone it bc "they worked just as hard"? NO....everyone here knows this is a team sport and while Maddie was the "focus" of the article it is obvious they (CNN) did emphasize allstar was a team sport.

Like some other analogies I've seen that I agree with...everyone knows a football team isn't won by the quarterback. He may get the most attention, but w/o a wide receiver he's useless. I'm frankly surprised at the lack of common sense regarding this sort of thing by adults and teenagers alike.
Coming form someone who does know the situation let me say that they are kids, young adults, but kids. Most have talked to each other and have worked out any hard feelings or misunderstandings. In other words, if you leave them alone they will work it out. Same things happened when I was a kid on the playground, just nobody past my yelling voice heard anything about the circumstances. Now, would we let her do another documentary where we have no input on how the content is presented? I doubt it. Have some people learned something about responsible use of social media? I think so. Will parents make it better by inserting themselves into the situation? I doubt it. They are fine. Will Courtney be OK this year? I believe so, everyone involved has always known that CEA and SE are her and Ben's teams.
Some sound advice right there! When we'd get into fights w/the neighbor' parents RARELY intervened bc they knew we'd work it out...they didn't step in and fix everything for us bc for one, they wanted their kids to learn how to deal with things their own way and for two, we'd often be bff's the next day and if they did get involved, as parents it's not right back to the way it was a few hours ago
So I have been reading this thread, and the others before it, since they started. Quite interesting to see everyone's take on it. Also, I have not watched the segments. But here's my take, as short and as sweet as I can make it.

Maddie Gardner, you're an awesome, amazing young lady. Your light shines bright, don't ever let anyone take it away from you.

The rest of senior elite, every one of you are amazing young ladies. Your talent is unmistakable and you should be so proud of being incredible athletes!

Fierceboard fans, you're an amazing group of people. I truly enjoy that we live in a country where I can hear each of your views, even if I don't like them or agree with them.

CNN, while I hate you for being "bought and paid for" media that never gives me true unbiased news anymore, I thank you for highlighting a SPORT that my entire family loves and hopes will only continue to grow as a SPORT as more regular folks learn about us.

In closing, I'm going to get a bit sentimental. I'm not the oldest guy on the boards, but I remember a time when life was more simple. I remember a time when speaking your mind meant thinking first. When blurting out the first thing that popped into your head that was based purely on emotion was imprudent. I remember a time when parents instilled this in their children. A time when children were taught to be mindful of their words and their delivery. When children were taught that their words could be more powerful than the sharpest of swords. That these words could cut deep, and therefore it was true wisdom to listen twice as much as you spoke. I remember a day when technology did not give us the false sense that it was ok to quickly and senselessly trash another human being without carefully considering our point of view first and the damage it's delivery might cause. I remember a wise person once saying to allow only what is good for lifting others up to come forth from your lips. Constructive criticism is only constructive if it is delivered in a responsible, caring and sensitive fashion.

I fear for the future of our nation. Freedom of speech has always been a god given right, but so has introspection. Freedom to think has been around since the dawn of time, but so has courtesy, respect and integrity. Seems to me that with each passing day that we get "connected" to each other more through technology, we move further away from the most important connection, the connection that comes when you look another human being in the eye and understand that each word that comes from your lips can affect the very spirit of the eyes returning your gaze.

Proverbs 3:21-22
My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.

Proverbs 10:14
The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.
Honestly, best post in this thread and on this topic.
With all due don't really know what it's like to be on SE do you? Nor are you a parent of a girl on SE, nor do you have any idea which teammates (past or present) said anything and/or what was said right? Every single one of those girls knew that Maddie was the only one on SE being followed and that she was basically "chosen" (for lack of a better word) to be the team's representative for the piece. It's not some huge surprise all of a's not like they followed other girls and chose Maddie in the end w/o them knowing. Having watched the special, the TEAM WAS highlighted numerous times, during grueling practices (after the journalist said grueling practices), during the worlds coverage of the segment, etc. and they did report on how it was very much a team sport. She (the journalist) didn't say "Maddie's stunt WAS the reason they won", she said it "helped them win" (regardless if that was actually the case or not isn't the point..the point is the way it was said isn't the way some people are portraying it).

I'm watching it again and can't even begin to tell you how many times I'm hearing the word "team", "they", and seeing up close reactions of many girls on SE laid out on the floor exhausted during practice. Do teenage girls get jealous and tweet mean and irrational things, Yes....does that mean we should condone it bc "they worked just as hard"? NO....everyone here knows this is a team sport and while Maddie was the "focus" of the article it is obvious they (CNN) did emphasize allstar was a team sport.

Like some other analogies I've seen that I agree with...everyone knows a football team isn't won by the quarterback. He may get the most attention, but w/o a wide receiver he's useless. I'm frankly surprised at the lack of common sense regarding this sort of thing by adults and teenagers alike.

Nope. Not a clue. but I do know what it's like to be a teenage girl, despite the fact that it was AGES ago. And i do know what it's like to be constantly overshadowed by someone who I don't feel is "better" than me. That's really all the knowledge I need to post MY OPINION on how these girls may have felt and what may have led them to post what they did (and yes, i do know what was posted...I saw some, not all, of it.)

And I most certainly noticed that you didn't have a peep to say to all the people who "know" how Maddie feels, all the people who said basically the same thing I said, just about Maddie instead of the rest of the team. No "Are you Maddie? Are you the parent of Maddie?" from you... So I'm not really sure why I am not allowed to defend people I don't know, but EVERYONE can defend Maddie whether they've ever even laid eyes on her or not.

As for the team knowing the story was on Maddie or not, i have no idea what these girls knew or didn't know. I suppose they'd have to be crazy not to know that of course it was going to be about Maddie, despite the crew supposedly following around numerous teams (no, I wasn't there, but even maddie's father said last April that they were following multiple teams and that "no one" knew what angle they would take...although I'm fairly certain, now that I've reread that thread with my hindsight goggles on, that he was very well aware of what angle the story would take). But judging from the reaction...I'd say that no, a lot of them did not seem to be aware it was going to be quite that Maddie centered.

Lastly, those of you that keep using the football analogy clearly don't follow football very closely. Yes, the quarterback gets all the credit. But football players are notorious for running their mouths about each other and complaining about the quarterback getting credit where it isn't due. So it's really not a good analogy, considering that they do the same thing. It's human nature to react when you feel slighted.

Just because EVERYONE on the team didn't feel like that doesn't mean that no one did. And just because they don't say it doesn't mean they don't feel it. And just because you're there doesn't mean you know how everyone feels any better than I do. Seriously, people on FierceBoard that are a thousand miles away are afraid to say anything against SE, Maddie, or CEA in general because they don't want to deal with the backlash on a MESSAGE BOARD...I really find it hard to believe that there isn't anyone on that team that keeps quiet because it's easier than dealing with the backlash if they speak up.
Wasn't the first real attention given to cheerleading within the past few years that reality T.V. show about UK?

The first ones I remember that were somewhat recent were when True Life on MTV followed Dunbar (2001) for a show and then the other black squad who's name I cannot remember (2003). Cheerleader Nation was in 2006 and the UK show was actually in 2007. The teams before UK were all girl teams. Now if you go back to the show with Cheer Athletics, Gym Tyme, and World Cup they did include some coed but it was mostly focused around the 3 large senior teams.
Nope. Not a clue. but I do know what it's like to be a teenage girl, despite the fact that it was AGES ago. And i do know what it's like to be constantly overshadowed by someone who I don't feel is "better" than me. That's really all the knowledge I need to post MY OPINION on how these girls may have felt and what may have led them to post what they did (and yes, i do know what was posted...I saw some, not all, of it.)

And I most certainly noticed that you didn't have a peep to say to all the people who "know" how Maddie feels, all the people who said basically the same thing I said, just about Maddie instead of the rest of the team. No "Are you Maddie? Are you the parent of Maddie?" from you... So I'm not really sure why I am not allowed to defend people I don't know, but EVERYONE can defend Maddie whether they've ever even laid eyes on her or not.

As for the team knowing the story was on Maddie or not, i have no idea what these girls knew or didn't know. I suppose they'd have to be crazy not to know that of course it was going to be about Maddie, despite the crew supposedly following around numerous teams (no, I wasn't there, but even maddie's father said last April that they were following multiple teams and that "no one" knew what angle they would take...although I'm fairly certain, now that I've reread that thread with my hindsight goggles on, that he was very well aware of what angle the story would take). But judging from the reaction...I'd say that no, a lot of them did not seem to be aware it was going to be quite that Maddie centered.

Lastly, those of you that keep using the football analogy clearly don't follow football very closely. Yes, the quarterback gets all the credit. But football players are notorious for running their mouths about each other and complaining about the quarterback getting credit where it isn't due. So it's really not a good analogy, considering that they do the same thing. It's human nature to react when you feel slighted.

Just because EVERYONE on the team didn't feel like that doesn't mean that no one did. And just because they don't say it doesn't mean they don't feel it. And just because you're there doesn't mean you know how everyone feels any better than I do. Seriously, people on FierceBoard that are a thousand miles away are afraid to say anything against SE, Maddie, or CEA in general because they don't want to deal with the backlash on a MESSAGE BOARD...I really find it hard to believe that there isn't anyone on that team that keeps quiet because it's easier than dealing with the backlash if they speak up.

The problem I have with your post is that you are assuming....and you know what they say about people who assume right?....My other point is that you don't personally know the person(s) who have posted and/or said anything negative who are associated with CEA. You don't know who, why, to what extent, etc. and you completely ignored what I said regarding other girls not being the focus of the piece. THEY KNEW THEY WEREN'T GOING TO BE THE FOCUS FROM THE START. I'm telling you that regardless of "what angle" anyone thought they were going to take (and I'm sure starship trooper meant an actual real look inside the cheerleading world, or a "toddler and tiara" type when he meant angle) they ALL KNEW the deal. None of the other girls were followed. CNN didn't come to their house and follow anyone else around. Starship Trooper was never deceitful about that fact. He merely didn't know whether or not they were going to use certain material and if they were going to represent our sport honestly (although he was hopeful that they were) And did you fail to see the part where I said I'm re-watching this as we speak and I can't tell you how many times I heard the journalist say "team" or "they" and how much of the actual team was shown (LOTS!!) You have the girls at two different practices (exhausted from grueling workouts sprawled out on the floor), and the extensive worlds coverage.

Perhaps you need to re-watch the special so that you may see that as well. Regardless, even if none of that was the is NOT acceptable to endorse childish behavior, regardless of your opinion on why you can understand how those girls might have felt. Do you mean to tell me you would find that acceptable if it were one of your girls? What if your daughter was Maddie and not one of the other 35? Especially given the precipitating factors I keep telling you but you seem to be ignoring? I certainly hope it wouldn't be to condone such nastiness based off of emotion, because aren't we trying to teach these girls proper sportsmanship?

And I beg your pardon, but I do happen to know Maddie and her parents very well...which is actually why I didn't say anything regarding her. I don't need to bc I know her and her heart, her intentions..I know her parents and their hearts. There have been plenty of posts regarding her personally to which I have not replied. There's no need in my opinion. Since I do actually know her and her family, I know the good things people are saying about her are true and I know the mean ones aren't. I also appreciate the comments of people who are genuinely objective (the ones who say they aren't CEA/Maddie fans) but understood the purpose of the piece and get what you don't seem to be getting.

Furthermore, I would think a woman of your intelligence would have enough common sense to know that the story can't be focused on 36 girls. My father doesn't interview the entire band on one of his stations for a 10 min segment..he interviews the lead singer. That's the way it works lady.

Obviously you're overly emotionally heated bc the point of the football player analogy is that WE as people all know it takes more than the quarterback. Yes I follow football, basketball and cheerleading closely and personally know professional athletes who used to be college athletes and they worked together as a team and did NOT let personal feelings get in the way of their games or talk smack about each other, but perhaps I'm fortunate to have experience w/the classy ones. I find the type of behavior you described of people who feel slighted as immature and classless and do not care to associate with the likes of individuals like that. That would of course, be my opinion but pardon me for thinking most people understand there is no I in team.
The first ones I remember that were somewhat recent were when True Life on MTV followed Dunbar (2001) for a show and then the other black squad who's name I cannot remember (2003). Cheerleader Nation was in 2006 and the UK show was actually in 2007. The teams before UK were all girl teams. Now if you go back to the show with Cheer Athletics, Gym Tyme, and World Cup they did include some coed but it was mostly focused around the 3 large senior teams.
Holy crap, True Life did one on Dunbar?! My bad, I thought that was recent (it showed their rival team too)! I thought cheerleader nation was at the same time as the UK one (at least I remember watching it around the same air time)
I'm confused why @Just-a-Mom is having her post picked apart as if she said anything negative? She did not say anything negative about Maddie at all and her post was much more well thought out then many others that have been posted. I am sure the girls knew Maddie would be a focus, but at the reaction I don't think they knew that the final product would give them so little credit. You may think that they were given plenty, but many many others disagree that doesn't mean you need to discredit their opinion. No need to attack someone who didn't attack anyone or anything in their post.
I'm confused why @Just-a-Mom is having her post picked apart as if she said anything negative? She did not say anything negative about Maddie at all and her post was much more well thought out then many others that have been posted. I am sure the girls knew Maddie would be a focus, but at the reaction I don't think they knew that the final product would give them so little credit. You may think that they were given plenty, but many many others disagree that doesn't mean you need to discredit their opinion. No need to attack someone who didn't attack anyone or anything in their post.
I felt I explained myself well
Holy crap, True Life did one on Dunbar?! My bad, I thought that was recent (it showed their rival team too)! I thought cheerleader nation was at the same time as the UK one (at least I remember watching it around the same air time)

Many people don't remember the True Life with Dunbar because they never air it anymore. Sometimes you can randomly catch the one with the black squad, but it is hard to find anything about the Dunbar episode online not sure why. Could be because it was from one of the earlier seasons. You are lucky if you find a video of it somewhere.
Nope. Not a clue. but I do know what it's like to be a teenage girl, despite the fact that it was AGES ago. And i do know what it's like to be constantly overshadowed by someone who I don't feel is "better" than me. That's really all the knowledge I need to post MY OPINION on how these girls may have felt and what may have led them to post what they did (and yes, i do know what was posted...I saw some, not all, of it.)

And I most certainly noticed that you didn't have a peep to say to all the people who "know" how Maddie feels, all the people who said basically the same thing I said, just about Maddie instead of the rest of the team. No "Are you Maddie? Are you the parent of Maddie?" from you... So I'm not really sure why I am not allowed to defend people I don't know, but EVERYONE can defend Maddie whether they've ever even laid eyes on her or not.

As for the team knowing the story was on Maddie or not, i have no idea what these girls knew or didn't know. I suppose they'd have to be crazy not to know that of course it was going to be about Maddie, despite the crew supposedly following around numerous teams (no, I wasn't there, but even maddie's father said last April that they were following multiple teams and that "no one" knew what angle they would take...although I'm fairly certain, now that I've reread that thread with my hindsight goggles on, that he was very well aware of what angle the story would take). But judging from the reaction...I'd say that no, a lot of them did not seem to be aware it was going to be quite that Maddie centered.

Lastly, those of you that keep using the football analogy clearly don't follow football very closely. Yes, the quarterback gets all the credit. But football players are notorious for running their mouths about each other and complaining about the quarterback getting credit where it isn't due. So it's really not a good analogy, considering that they do the same thing. It's human nature to react when you feel slighted.

Just because EVERYONE on the team didn't feel like that doesn't mean that no one did. And just because they don't say it doesn't mean they don't feel it. And just because you're there doesn't mean you know how everyone feels any better than I do. Seriously, people on FierceBoard that are a thousand miles away are afraid to say anything against SE, Maddie, or CEA in general because they don't want to deal with the backlash on a MESSAGE BOARD...I really find it hard to believe that there isn't anyone on that team that keeps quiet because it's easier than dealing with the backlash if they speak up.

AMEN sister!!!
And no offense, but if your worried about posting something on an internet forum bc you're afraid of the backlash, you might wanna turn the computer off for a few days or rethink posting on an internet forum. This place is pretty mild compared some other forums (and that's putting it lightly)
Many people don't remember the True Life with Dunbar because they never air it anymore. Sometimes you can randomly catch the one with the black squad, but it is hard to find anything about the Dunbar episode online not sure why. Could be because it was from one of the earlier seasons. You are lucky if you find a video of it somewhere.

Its from 2000-2001 I have bits and pieces on vhs but can never find anything on the internet and that was my favorite true life episode.
Many people don't remember the True Life with Dunbar because they never air it anymore. Sometimes you can randomly catch the one with the black squad, but it is hard to find anything about the Dunbar episode online not sure why. Could be because it was from one of the earlier seasons. You are lucky if you find a video of it somewhere.
I really wanna say it wasn't on MTV recently that I saw it, rather another channel. The mother was the coach and her daughter was on the squad and it highlighted their competition as well. Is that the same episode?

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