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I don't have a double, but I can see when a girl is not landing them all the way around. I don't think the two are related at all? :confused:

Agreed. There are lots of amazing tumbling coaches who have never actually performed the skills they are teaching or spotting. I don't think you have to have performed a skill yourself in order to know the correct way it's done and/or intelligently comment on it. If coaches could only teach or critique skills they've done themselves the sport would never progress.
And if you dont want to get critiqued then dont put it on the internet where the entire world and our surrounding planets can see it.......... Im working 1 to full whip whip doubles right now and dont have it down perfect. I dont want people seeing me eat mat, so Im not gonna put a video up. Its pretty simple

Its not that I don't want to get critiqued if you look people said good and bad about my video's and this is the only statement I have challenged because it was in OPINION...stated as fact...
Its 100% fact the most teams competed under rotated skills last season...they are usually called performance errors...most coaches i know do not intentionally set their athletes up to fail.
What you said was "PCM has a pretty good history of bad technique" and that is what I take issue with....that is wrong and inaccurate. Again my videos are of practice not hiding the bad moments because those are the learning moments.

I'll get to, what I consider, PCM's history of bad technique later, right now I'm in class. I'll refer you to your bid competition for Fantasy last year though. Of 7 doublers in 11 seconds, 5 underrotate. Performance error or not, every video I can find of Fantasy from last year, the doubles are consistently underrotated. Never once did I say you set yourself up to fail, never once did I say other teams do not compete underrotated doubles, my favourite team in the world with some of my best friends have competed underrotated doubles. Discussion right now is about what PCM decided to make public, and so that's what I'll comment on.
again I do not dispute comments or opinions just when people make statements as fact that are not true...
if it is your opinion that our tumbling technique is poor then shout it to the world by all means as your opinion.
again I do not dispute comments or opinions just when people make statements as fact that are not true...
if it is your opinion that our tumbling technique is poor then shout it to the world by all means as your opinion.

Just like what I said is fact, you can't say it isn't. What I said was fact was this: underrotation on doubles, bent knees on doubles, crossed feet on doubles. Based on those which I believe to be fact (and I encourage you to remove your bias), I've said many athletes doubling in the PCM videos have bad technique. My definition of bad technique. Based on my definition of bad technique, I would define a large majority of the doubles that have been competed by PCM in the past as having bad technique. Me saying that PCM has a history of bad technique (based on my definition of bad technique) is like saying Senior Elite has a history of innovative stunting (as defined by one's own specific definition of "innovative"). Make sense?
Just like what I said is fact, you can't say it isn't. What I said was fact was this: underrotation on doubles, bent knees on doubles, crossed feet on doubles. Based on those which I believe to be fact (and I encourage you to remove your bias), I've said many athletes doubling in the PCM videos have bad technique. My definition of bad technique. Based on my definition of bad technique, I would define a large majority of the doubles that have been competed by PCM in the past as having bad technique. Me saying that PCM has a history of bad technique (based on my definition of bad technique) is like saying Senior Elite has a history of innovative stunting (as defined by one's own specific definition of "innovative"). Make sense?

Crystal clear...:)
I do wish people would stop basing one team for a whole program. fantasy yes has underrotated doubles...doesn't mean the rest of the level 5 teams do. You can't say PCM has a history of underrotated doubles because I can guarantee there were three other worlds teams last year who didn't get knocked for underrotated doubles scoring wise. Yes, one team struggled with doubles in the past. My issue is it appears that you're basing a judgment for the program as a whole. Maybe I'm reading too far in between the lines, or maybe I'm biased because I used to cheer there. But the owners taught me everything I know about cheer and you best believe I don't underrotate, cross my legs, or bend my knees when I double.
I do wish people would stop basing one team for a whole program. fantasy yes has underrotated doubles...doesn't mean the rest of the level 5 teams do. You can't say PCM has a history of underrotated doubles because I can guarantee there were three other worlds teams last year who didn't get knocked for underrotated doubles scoring wise. Yes, one team struggled with doubles in the past. My issue is it appears that you're basing a judgment for the program as a whole. Maybe I'm reading too far in between the lines, or maybe I'm biased because I used to cheer there. But the owners taught me everything I know about cheer and you best believe I don't underrotate, cross my legs, or bend my knees when I double.

(Last point because I agree with the fact that this is a video thread)
I do know where you're coming from with this and I apologize that my comments implied PCM as a whole. I haven't watched enough of other PCM teams to recall from memory the tumbling technique, and it should have been more clear that I was referencing Fantasy.
This post is going to be said once. If you ever feel like arguing with me about my opinions on something or my critiques about something, reference this post.
Not once, in the history of Fierceboard, have I claimed or implied that my critiques of skills comes from my ability to do them better. If you have felt like that reading my posts, it's about time you stop. Every single time an argument happens, it seems that this is the way the conversation goes; "Well you can't do it, so you have no right to comment on it." On the flipside, what I HAVE stated many times is that my opinions and critiques come from a gymnastics coaching background (the athletes I coached were no Nastia Liukin, but the coaching did involve level 4/5 cheer tumbling skills), and the past 5 years I have spent studying, not just watching, cheerleading routines, stunting videos, tumbling videos, etc., to better my own personal knowledge of the sport. I do not claim to be better than the athletes performing those skills. In my routine this year, tumbling wise, I compete jumps to back and that is it. Am I capable of better tumbling? Yes, but because of my own stupidity and fright, my body refuses to do the tumbling I know I can be capable of and have at one time thrown. Saying that you are going to watch me compete this year so you can criticize me in no way scares me. It in no way deters me from wanting to say things on Fierceboard. You now know what I'm throwing, feel free to criticize what I'm going to throw on the floor, just as I have done on this site and will continue to do because that is what this site is for.

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