All-Star 2013-2014 New Uniforms

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Who remembers Worlds 2011 when the whole uniform thread was saying how these uniforms were inappropriate... Oh how times change.
Well they aren't much better except that the shorts are longer, which is nice. I like the neckline of the TGLC uni. Sports bra friendly and still pretty. Hard to believe they were designed by the same people as the OO5 uni. Within months of each other, no less.
Didn't you participate in some of these conversations? If you participated, then you perpetuated. If you're not part of the cure, then you're part of the cause. Your hands are just as bloody as whomever you are trying to call out.

For the record, this board, as far back as the old board, has never shied away from controversial topics. My daughter is almost 18 and is NOT allowed on the boards for this reason. People say yucky things: welcome to the Fierce Board.

Back to uniforms...

You totally misread my post. I know they do - that was my point. That we had all those conversations mentioned above and nothing was said... But now it's censorship time. (in case you missed it, some posts here were deleted or partially deleted by mods) So I wasn't saying those other things should have been moderated and censored, I was saying "why now?" (rhetorical - I know why now... We go through this every year when TG puts out a new uniform)

I was merely pointing out that it's funny that all that stuff was acceptable, but NOW suddenly we've crossed the line? These comments were nowhere near the level of those other threads. It's because these comments were about top gun. Period. Nothing in here was any more inappropriate or offensive than any of that. If Fierce Board is so "ok" with controversial topics, why were things about this uniform deleted? Even though it's precious Top Gun, the moderation should be the same across the board. It can't be ok to have a 30+ page thread for us to discuss someone's porn career and then have it deleted when it's mentioned here once.

I wasn't asking for more censorship, I was asking for less hypocrisy.

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Didn't you participate in some of these conversations? If you participated, then you perpetuated. If you're not part of the cure, then you're part of the cause. Your hands are just as bloody as whomever you are trying to call out.

For the record, this board, as far back as the old board, has never shied away from controversial topics. My daughter is almost 18 and is NOT allowed on the boards for this reason. People say yucky things: welcome to the Fierce Board.

Back to uniforms...
Off topic but wow, almost 18 and not allowed on the boards? No reply needed just amazed by this one. Sorry.

Cheer Dad = broke dad
Okay I'm sorry. Love TG and I'm literally in love with OO5's routine but the uniforms have literally ruined it for me.
How many of those girls are going to have their straps ripped from being caught wrong in a double down? I'm sure there's going to be some broken fingers. Or just popping down from a partner stunt? If I ever was told to wear that uniform I would walk out and not even look back. I'm sorry. I don't even think the bra brigade had to comment on this one...
I really wish more gyms would lean towards the way rays does their uniforms. Always in good taste and they're clean.
Sometimes I'm really happy I don't cheer all star anymore because the way it's going I would honestly be terrified to see what the uniform I would be paying so much for looked like with all of these cutouts and stomach mesh and yuckyness.

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It can't be ok to have a 30+ page thread for us to discuss someone's porn career and then have it deleted when it's mentioned here once.

I wasn't asking for more censorship, I was asking for less hypocrisy.

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Deleted most of it to save space. Sooo wait, everyone knows once of my comments was altered because of a mention of an "inappropriate" subject? Hah I did not know that.

ETA: Unless you're mentioning someone else's post that got altered?

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So realistically, if an EP wanted to, could they make top gun compete in practice wear instead of their uniforms? I think in this situation it would not be out of line for Cheersport, NCA, etc to tell them not to come back in that uniform.

Also do they not know that they're Top Gun? Everyone would talk about them no matter what because they have amazing athletes and impressive choreography. Trashy uniforms not needed to stay relevant.
First Apple and now this uniform. Correlation is definitely not causation here, but I'm dreading what images might be used for the next wire article…

Meanwhile, Victor and Kristen did a really wonderful interview on sportsmanship for TwistedTV. Sadly that's not getting nearly the same amount of attention as these other two, um, unfortunate incidents.

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So realistically, if an EP wanted to, could they make top gun compete in practice wear instead of their uniforms? I think in this situation it would not be out of line for Cheersport, NCA, etc to tell them not to come back in that uniform.

Also do they not know that they're Top Gun? Everyone would talk about them no matter what because they have amazing athletes and impressive choreography. Trashy uniforms not needed to stay relevant.
Right?! As soon as their video was posted of their routine everyone, myself included, was fawning over the creativity and the difficulty and everyone had basically nothing but praise. Top Gun was the first all star gym I've ever come across and I have been a huge fan of them for years, but after some of these uniforms, I would not want to cheer for them.
I feel like as such a high profile team and gym, they have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders to represent our sport in the best way possible. Children both within our sport and those who know nothing about it look up to them and while their athleticism and sportsmanship make for hugely positive role models, this uniform is irresponsible and distasteful. It is not appropriate for any sport whatsoever and does not represent themselves or our sport in any decent way. Top Gun have made some questionable choices with their uniforms before but this is just another level. Our uniforms shouldn't have a 'wow' or 'shock' factor, sure they can look pretty but at the end of the day they should be functional, appropriate, athletic garments. Uniforms like this don't make any kind of clever point and are only going to force USASF to become stricter with their regulations, which at this point doesn't sound like such a terrible thing.

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yes and especially since just this team has more eyes on them after the beautiful omar tribute last season.
Could an EP actually deduct points for OO5 wearing that uniform? Or a stern talking to or something? Is an EP/judge at liberty to do that?

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