All-Star 9.11.2001 - 9.11.2011

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Mar 25, 2010
Im watching the 9-11 ceremony on the news right now and seeing these people break down is breaking my heart slowly into a million pieces.. i just wanted to poast this thread to anyone that was affected by the 9-11 attack. keep your head up, i pray for you guys to stay strong. i cant say i feel your pain but i can only imagine and just know there is other in your place your're not alone.. and your loved ones will never be forgotten!
I was reading the tweets on twitter about president bush during/after his speech, and let me just say there are some seriously f-ed up people in this world. Today is a day to be united as a country, not to put blame on somebody. I've never been more disgusted with people I've never met in my entire life. ugh, rant over.

This day deserves a chant! USA! USA! USA!

^FYI this is a proper time to use caps lock as some of us seem to have difficulty distinguishing an appropriate time.
Thing about all of the families, friends, and lost lives that had to witness that tragedy and live in fear, as well as everyone who had to watch on the News. 9/11 will never be forgotten. Prayers go out to everyone<3
im fortunate to say that i didnt have a loved one lost at the worl trade center but honestly what broke my heart was seeing them open the memorial to the familys of the lost loved ones and seeing this one mom standing in the place where her daughter died. seeing her face knowing that thats the first time shes came close to her daughters resting place in 10yrs and her tears just broke me i couldnt handle it i had to change the channel i honestly couldnt imagine!
This 102 minute special is very hard but important to watch. It is like reliving it all over again.

I watched, and made cp watch, too. I explained how confused we all were, how we all watched the coverage and couldn't turn away because we just didn't know what was going to happen next.
And I finally realized two things: First, I can't think of a number of people over 3,000. But I can think of 1 person. Those that fell/jumped needed to be shown. They need to be recognized. They had no option left. They took control. And second, I grew up that day. I understood, on that day, that I wasn't invincible. Anything, even the most unimaginable thing, can happen.
Watching it 10 years later is so crazy. It's a lot different watching it when you are 10 years older because now I actually understand a lot more. The "102 Minutes That Changed America" special was incredible as they showed tons of footage of the attacks and the audio clips of firefighters talking to each other and more. I will never forget the day, even if I was only 6 years old. My dad lost 343 brothers that day, many of which were very close friends of his. God bless all who've been effected by this in one way or another.
It is so heartbreaking to see all these people suffer! This tragic event that took place 10 years ago will never be forgotten,and all the people who lost their lifes,either in the terrorist attacks or in the fight aganst terrorism will always be remembered! I have been spending the day reading articles and watching videos about 9/11 and at some point i thought i could not handle it anymore, i constantly feel like crying
Stay Strong guys the whole world is standing behind you!
I cant imagine loosing someone like so many people did ten years ago today, thinking about these event still brings tears to my eyes. Im praying for those people today, and also praying for the soilders that are fighting to help secure our countries freedom and safety
It is very scary to think about it all again. @Mamarazzi - I agree with you, those who had that one decision need to be shown. I was 9 when it all happened so I didnt really understand the severity of it all at the time. But years later, while watching tribute videos on youtube, it all kinda hit me. I remember watching one video and all you could see was dust floating all around in the sky, papers slowly making their way down to the ground and pieces of the building falling. Only after a few seconds I realized that some of those things falling weren't pieces of building. They were people. Plummeting to their death. Because they knew that was the only choice they had left. It's terrifying.
In church today, our pastor told a story about a first-response fire fighter that saw a big, dead bird in a pathway. He said that he was really confused, because of course, birds can fly away from danger. He said the firefighter picked up the bird and when he did, 4 baby birds ran out. This momma bird had thrown herself over he babies to save them, even though it meant that she died.

That story did it for me, I was crying for the rest of the service.
It was such a horrific day and, yet, we need to remember and keep our resolve.

The birth of the special needs teams will always be inextricably tied with this day to me. We had started the team that summer and our patriotic themed ending was very emotional the rest of that year.

Here is their first recorded performance and you can see and feel the emotion even though it was in November 2001.

We obviously hadn't forgotten then and still haven't today.
To all those very brave men and women who stood tall that day in the face of terror, you are my heroes. I will forever respect you, to the families who lost someone that day, god bless you and my heart goes out to you today and every day following.
It may have been ten years since this horrible day in american history and you may be gone but you will never ever be forgotten. Rest in peace
In church today, our pastor told a story about a first-response fire fighter that saw a big, dead bird in a pathway. He said that he was really confused, because of course, birds can fly away from danger. He said the firefighter picked up the bird and when he did, 4 baby birds ran out. This momma bird had thrown herself over he babies to save them, even though it meant that she died.

Thank you, Mama Bird.

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