Back Handspring?

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Dec 23, 2012
I've been working at this for too long. I've tried everything- youtube videos, private lessons. I have a back walkover and all my skills, I just don't want to be on level 1 another year. I'm 14 and just started cheering 2 years ago. I have improved a lot since then. I don't know, maybe I just don't progress AS fast as other people.
Its the fear of jumping backwards, I always bend my arms and freak out. Can someone give me tips? I don't know what's wrong with me.
And I want to get it by May, but I NEED it before august. Thaks!
It took one of my CP's two years to get theirs. We went thru three coaches, they where finally comfortable enough with their current coach to just throw it.

My point to this is that you may want to try a tumble class with someone else. Not that you're current gym isn't good or anything but sometimes a fresh perspective on your skills goes a long way.

Good luck.
You can't force it. I do think working on arm strength has really helped my CP both in ability and to gain confidence that she can hold herself up when she jumps onto her hands. For her it was mostly fear of landing on her head. Can't say I blame her!
I used to have the fear of going backwards a long time ago too. But, you can't let it bother you. I'm sure you're capable as long as you listen to your coach and remember the right form, but if you scare yourself, you won't get anywhere. You need to find a way to let it go.
My CP has "almost" had her bhs without a spot for about a year. Her c0aches tell her it is all confidence now.
I have the same problem. I'm slowly overcoming it. My coach always says " i didn't touch you!" but i'm still afraid.
Things that have helped me;
A coach spotting you on a dead floor (wrestling mats!) and then on the cheer floor i realized how easy it was.
Squeezing my stomach and locking out my arms. (by squeezing my stomach, it made my arms lock and my shoulders open)
Things that didn't work;
Learning it on the trampoline. It taught me to relax and not try, but i need power on the ground that i can't do on the trampoline.
Visualizing me do it. For some reason, that didn't do anything for me. I just visualized me flopping onto my face.
You say you have a BWO, so I know a couple of girls who got over there fear of doing a BHS by just doing Back walkovers over and over again. The trick is to pick up speed every time you do it. Then once you feel comfortable doing it fast. (when I say fast I mean like almost the speed of a BHS. Then once you have done that start with your feet together before your BWO and just kick your dominant leg over with alot of power. Then once you know that you have that solid, jump into it a little (like swinging your arms a bit, and jumping a little more every time) then as you began to add more power to your jump and swing a bit more, you will be doing a BHS but with a step-out. then all you have to do is keep your feet together the whole time. (BUT REMEMBER TO LOCK YOUR ARMS OUT THE WHOLE TIME.)
I have/had the same problem, but I'm slowly getting over it. I've been working on it for a little over a year and a half and I understand how frustrating it is. I think the best thing to do is to just get comfortable with throwing it (it doesn't matter where it is) so you can start to perfect it. And then when your coach tells you that they want you to throw it by yourself on the spring floor, throw it. They wouldn't tell you to if they didn't think you were ready for it. I have been able to throw it without anyone spotting me for a couple months but I am still a little scared to do it. Believe it or not, I actually think falling helps make you more confident because you begin to realize that you know it well enough where you can't really hurt yourself. Jumping back is the scariest part for me, but all of the times I've fallen, I've only fallen on my knees. Being confident will really help you get it. And if you don't feel confident at all, fake it!
Also try making a list of what you need to do to improve your back handsprings because you can't do it by yourself unless you have the correct technique! I wrote things like: tighten everything (especially your butt and abs) before you throw it (and make sure you keep them tight), swing your arms all the way up--they need to be next to your ears (don't forget to lock them), watch your hands, squeeze your legs together, and snap down! Good luck! :)

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