OT Casey Anthony Trial

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this entire situation makes me absolutely sick. she IS guilty, 'not enough evidence' is ridiculous, all of the lies? not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days while she goes out and parties while caylee stays with a FAKE nanny? i just can't even believe it. that's enough evidence for me to know that she is not an innocent woman. and really? not reporting her missing for 31 days...how is that "not guilty" for neglect. or that her parents got up and left the courtroom after the verdict was announced not looking very happy? hmmm...a little shady right? not to mention her mother clearly lied on the stand about searching for chloroform. these people all need help.

if that was me, and i actually was innocent (which clearly she's not), i wouldn't be laughing and celebrating i would be making the statement that someone needed to find my daughters murderer and bring justice for my little girl.

she will never live a normal day in her life ever again, due to the fact that it's obvious the entire country wants to give her a piece of their mind.

and one more thing, i think the fact that if new evidence is brought up she can't be tried and convicted again is absolutely bogus.
Thats the law though, That is a constitutional right.

Its very frustrating that they went to trial without adequate evidence. In my opinion, it is the prosecutions fault for not having the information they needed.
They based their case on the lack of fingerprints on the tape....no matter....casey said her baby accidentally drowned...for what reason would there EVER be a need for duct tape if her baby was dead already......there is NO REASON for duct tape....period
They based their case on the lack of fingerprints on the tape....no matter....casey said her baby accidentally drowned...for what reason would there EVER be a need for duct tape if her baby was dead already......there is NO REASON for duct tape....period
did casey ever give a reason though why the duct tape was on there though?
seriously...could there be a "good" reason why they found your child dead with 3 pieces of duct tape over nose and mouth???
none at all. she murdered her child, but the pros didnt prove it. so sad for florida politics. they were finally moving away from that dreaded 2000 election. first you give us bush then you cant show that a mother murdered her child? smh!
I was at work when the verdict was about to be read, and right before it came on, every TV in our restaurant was showing the trial, and all of us were out in the dining room watching. A lot of the servers I work with are mothers with young babies and so of course they were highly involved and interested in it. When the verdict was read, the whole entire restaurant went silent... one of our waitresses, a mother of a 2 year old daughter...looked at me and said "i just got goosebumps" and she had tears in her eyes. I know this kind of thing happens everyday, murder and other horrible things. But I just don't see how in the world they came up with not guilty. No there may not have been pictures of her literally taping her mouth shut or killing her or anything else. But how many other signs or obvious clues do you need? Searching how to chloroform your baby on google, making up fake people, lying to her parents about letting them see Caylee, lying about where she works, borrowing a shovel when she has never gardened or done yardwork a day in her life, the smell of decomp in her car, the heart shaped stickers next to her body, a tattoo that says the good life... like really? If it was an accident, WHY WOULD YOU GET THIS TATTOOED ON YOURSELF RIGHT AFTER IT HAPPENED, and okay first she was kidnapped, then she drowned... yadda yadda... it's all completely ridiculous. If she didn't want the baby, her mom would have loved to have her. She'd be a lot better off if she was with Casey's mom then dead right now.

Okay i'm done ranting. But I must say the worst part about what was on TV today was seeing that Casey cries basically happy tears when she hears that she is not convicted of murder on any degree, when she has barely shed a tear for the whole trial. And honestly the sight of her hugging Baez and the rest of the defense as they smile and celebrate their win of the case, made me physically nauseous. Casey didn't want the responsibility of Caylee anymore, it was getting in the way of her party 'good life' and her made up boyfriends, so she got rid of her. And someday she will pay. Probably sooner than later.
none at all. she murdered her child, but the pros didnt prove it. so sad for florida politics. they were finally moving away from that dreaded 2000 election. first you give us bush then you cant show that a mother murdered her child? smh!
sry....cant agree with the 2000 fiasco...Florida and the courts changed the rules of recount after the contest...the supremes had no choice...but in the end..Bush won fair and square.....the Casey Anthony deal is tragic....:(....the two are not even close ...IMO
sry....cant agree with the 2000 fiasco...Florida and the courts changed the rules of recount after the contest...the supremes had no choice...but in the end..Bush won fair and square.....the Casey Anthony deal is tragic....:(....the two are not even close ...IMO
cant agree at all with you here but thats why people can agree to disagree.
She is guilty as sin and my heart breaks for little Caylee. The only peace I feel when I think about the whole mess, is that Casey will be hated forever for it and most of us will never forget. She will never be able to live a normal life and karma is a b****. Lets hope it comes for her like a speeding freight train and runs her asss over.

I hope the judge does put something in her so-called punishment that prohibits her from making ANY money off of this tragedy in any way, shape, or form.
Casey is guilty. However the defense and jurors did they best they could do with what they were given and clearly it worked to the defense and that peice of trash Casey's advantage.

I wish that they'd done a better job weeding out jurors especially the prosecution. You had people that said they "didn't like to judge people"- their minds were probably already made up from the start. You also had people with prior arrests for things like DUI...im sure they sympathized...felt like they knew what it was like to be wrongfully accussed etc etc etc

I also hope that on Thursday when that trash walks free that NOBODY purchases any book by her or watches any Lifetime movie...please please please don't allow for her to get rich off of the death of that poor innocent child
I was at work when the verdict was about to be read, and right before it came on, every TV in our restaurant was showing the trial, and all of us were out in the dining room watching. A lot of the servers I work with are mothers with young babies and so of course they were highly involved and interested in it. When the verdict was read, the whole entire restaurant went silent... one of our waitresses, a mother of a 2 year old daughter...looked at me and said "i just got goosebumps" and she had tears in her eyes. I know this kind of thing happens everyday, murder and other horrible things. But I just don't see how in the world they came up with not guilty. No there may not have been pictures of her literally taping her mouth shut or killing her or anything else. But how many other signs or obvious clues do you need? Searching how to chloroform your baby on google, making up fake people, lying to her parents about letting them see Caylee, lying about where she works, borrowing a shovel when she has never gardened or done yardwork a day in her life, the smell of decomp in her car, the heart shaped stickers next to her body, a tattoo that says the good life... like really? If it was an accident, WHY WOULD YOU GET THIS TATTOOED ON YOURSELF RIGHT AFTER IT HAPPENED, and okay first she was kidnapped, then she drowned... yadda yadda... it's all completely ridiculous. If she didn't want the baby, her mom would have loved to have her. She'd be a lot better off if she was with Casey's mom then dead right now.

Okay i'm done ranting. But I must say the worst part about what was on TV today was seeing that Casey cries basically happy tears when she hears that she is not convicted of murder on any degree, when she has barely shed a tear for the whole trial. And honestly the sight of her hugging Baez and the rest of the defense as they smile and celebrate their win of the case, made me physically nauseous. Casey didn't want the responsibility of Caylee anymore, it was getting in the way of her party 'good life' and her made up boyfriends, so she got rid of her. And someday she will pay. Probably sooner than later.

Exactly. She lied from day one, when her mother questioned her as to not having seen caylee for awhile. She told LIE after LIE after LIE - never once saying "drowning" was the cause of death until the trial. Never once saying things about her father till the trial. The defense was just throwing out anything they could to take the focus off of Casey....not caring what they were saying and doing were yet again more LIES. Her mother lied about the searches...it was proven she was at work when those searches were made, and could not have been on the home computer at that time. Nothing that the defense presented was true...YET the jurors chose to believe their side more, instead of how caylee's body was found dumped in the woods with duct tape - due to an accidental drowning... The jurors got to see the jail taped videos of Casey's interaction with her parents - it baffles me that they could convict her on FOUR counts of lying, yet choose to believe the defenses claim that she didn't have anything to do with the death...of course not! - she MUST be telling the truth - since she has shown to be so truthful....
They said something on my news this morning that gives me peace: 'It's not that they found her INNOCENT, they found her not guilty.'

Plus- Am I the only one who considered that maybe the reason they didn't find as much forensic evidence was because she lied to the police and waited 31 days to report the incident? If so...SOO not kosher.

ETA: They NEVER would have put her on the stand, because you can't be forced to incriminate yourself, and the defense KNEW that the moment she'd step on that stand she'd be royally screwed.
They said something on my news this morning that gives me peace: 'It's not that they found her INNOCENT, they found her not guilty.'

Plus- Am I the only one who considered that maybe the reason they didn't find as much forensic evidence was because she lied to the police and waited 31 days to report the incident? If so...SOO not kosher.

ETA: They NEVER would have put her on the stand, because you can't be forced to incriminate yourself, and the defense KNEW that the moment she'd step on that stand she'd be royally screwed.

Yes...she led the police on a wild goose chase at the beginning...taking them to Universal claiming she worked there...taking them to the babysitters apartment(no real babysitter, it was an unoccupied apartment) - claiming the babysitter took her...etc...The body was put in a swamp, so there was nothing left but the skull (which had the duct tape) and some bones..so not alot of physical/forensic evidence could be obtained from the body. But looking at the big picture of her behavior (especially during the time Caylee was missing) and lies she has been caught in from the beginning...she NEVER called the police, her mother did...I don't see how the jury came to their verdict...

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