All-Star Cheer Vs Grades

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Ultimate Grand Supreme '12
Cheer Parent
Mar 16, 2011
At what point should a child be removed from cheer in order to improve at school?

I hear a lot of parents say “Education is first,” and obviously, this is true. But if a child is struggling with a concept, subject or method of teaching, do you think it’s appropriate to re-evaluate the level of participation in extra-curricular activities?
Thats a tough one because school is first but at the same time....a cp is comitted to a team...mine is getting ready for Worlds and while I stress school...I can hardly pull her out (she is doing fine..this is just a "what if" situatuion) after they got a paid bid etc....if I ever were to have trouble in that area...I would pull everything else cell phone, parties, sleepovers etc....that worked well with my son....hard one...commitment vs grades....:/
My sister cheered all through high school and still maintained a 4.0 and was valedictorian of her high school. you just have to make sure your kids putting enough time into school and focusing when she is there.
It's not really fair to the team to pull her a child after they've already made a commitment for the season. From my own experience, it takes a lot of work and self-discipline to maintain good grades while cheering but it is possible, you just have to make sure they're doing their homework when they get home instead of getting on the computer, make sure they're focusing in class instead of texting (personally, I turn my phone off during school so that I'm not distracted), make sure they're studying for tests instead of going out with friends, and so on and so forth. If it gets to the point where their grades are sinking, none of that is helping and they really just need to stop being involved in cheer, fine, as long as the parent is aware that they're punishing the team too.
i agree, you are committed to a team and the team shouldn't suffer from your grades. At the same time, if they don't pull their grades up it would be very fair to say no more cheer next year. My mom threatened me once about making me quit for the next season if I got any grade below a B, and after that I whipped into shape!
Grades are a determining factor in whether I allow her to tryout each year. Once she commits to the team she loses all other privileges before cheer (including free time wandering with friends at competitions). There was one period of time where nothing seemed to make a difference, so I sent her in to practice with all of her books and made her sit there beside the floor and get her work done before she could join the team. It took her almost the entire practice, and her teammates (and coach) were showing their irritation with her, but it was absolutely effective. I've NEVER had a problem since.

Yes, cheer is a priority and it's not fair to the team to pull her even for a practice, but at the end of the day I'm not going to let her fail school.
I 100% disagree. If a child isn't doing well in school, they should DEFINITELY be pulled off the team.
In college you need to maintain a certain GPA in order to be on the team. And the same goes with other sports as well. That is how it was in my high school as well.

If school is run in 1/4s, then the child should get one quarter to improve, and if they don't then they are out. Yes it sucks for the team but I'm completely behind the fact that education is more important.
While I am definitely an advocate for EDUCATION FIRST, people must also understand that when/if you pull your child, that's not just affecting your child and your family. It affects that entire team. Having someone pull out mid season on a younger age team can sometimes be devestating. And even though I have yet to deal with an athlete with failing grades, I would like to think that I would try whatever is in my power to help and motivate her/him to do better. Pulling out of the allstar program is not always the answer. Perhaps cp is just struggling because they honestly don't understand. Every situation is different. But education does come first and we make sure our children know that. D's or F's are not allowed. We want out kids to succeed both on and off the mat. But no, pulling my child would not be my first solution, TV, Video Games, Facebook, FIERCEBOARD, Twitter, Cellphone, those would be my first approaches. Outside of cheerleading, think about what you cp spends the most time doing. You have to hit them where it hurts =)
Education is forever...cheerleading and athletics are not.
I would say a B and higher and MAYBE one C is OK...(if the C is in a silly class...cough...wood shop)
Grades are a must in my house. I expect straight A's from my kids. there is no budging in my home on this. Luckily I have not had an issue with the grades dropping.
Education is forever...cheerleading and athletics are not.
I would say a B and higher and MAYBE one C is OK...(if the C is in a silly class...cough...wood shop)

See? I told you we'd agree in a different thread. ;):) Because I totally agree with this. B and higher is fine with me. Once we start getting C's is when I start to have an issue.

I usually take everything else away, and then cheer would be last. So far we haven't had to get to that. Sometimes I think cheer helps my older one's grades--because all the other girls on her team have to maintain good grades too, so they're all doing homework at the gym.
See? I told you we'd agree in a different thread. ;):) Because I totally agree with this. B and higher is fine with me. Once we start getting C's is when I start to have an issue.

I usually take everything else away, and then cheer would be last. So far we haven't had to get to that. Sometimes I think cheer helps my older one's grades--because all the other girls on her team have to maintain good grades too, so they're all doing homework at the gym.

YESS the war has ended ;) LOL just playing
But YES grades are soo important. I always see kids doing homework in the so happy my kids aren't their yet. We still have simple mathematic homework..takes 5 minutes to do. Im sure the gym will be our homework spot within the next few years.
YESS the war has ended ;) LOL just playing
But YES grades are soo important. I always see kids doing homework in the so happy my kids aren't their yet. We still have simple mathematic homework..takes 5 minutes to do. Im sure the gym will be our homework spot within the next few years.

yep homework is often done at the gym :)
I expect straight A's from my kids. there is no budging in my home on this.

I guess, in my home, I have to applaud effort more than anything. I would love to see straight As, but I don't. What I have seen this year is my cp struggle with a subject, go in early for extra help, tutoring, etc. and pull a C in the class. I can't find fault with that. This isn't a black and white, right or wrong issue. I think much depends on the child's effort, which can only be measured subjectively.

Now, if she put as much effort into coping with a teacher/subject she doesn't like as she put into getting her full, she'd be at Stanford, with a full ride, in no time...

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