All-Star Cheerleaders Season 2!

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What I find disturbing about your comments is that it appears you are looking for drama.

Let's do a 180 here, you want drama how about this: Maybe they aren't fame who**s and maybe the kid just wanted to tumble without having to dodge a camera/cameraman on the mat, or a crew directing the dialogue between her and her stung group. Maybe she had additional pressures to gain a ton of social media followers. Maybe they, the Cruises, had a problem with the coaches being jerks. What if all that was posted were intimate details of the breakup? We don't want that. You know what...maybe the kid just wants to cheer.

California Allstars, Smoed kids and Jenee (and family) have shown NOTHING but class in this. Gyms and kids breakup, we move on. If, you are indeed and cheer dad or even just a parent, how would you feel about some adult coming on here to question your kid, your wife and you like that? Dude, seriously, why stir the pot.
Not looking for drama here and you may or may not know I mentioned in a different thread with no other info things could go awry with speculation. Never once did I question the decision for Jenee to leave, change teams or whatever she is doing. It was DJ that made me think of this in a different light that Jenee might be taking someone elses spot on a team with his comment of not putting pressure on other kids who might lose a spot to her. Up till then I just assumed done for the season.

I wish her luck and well being where ever she may land and I wish the same to anyone whose spot may be in danger.
I don't see why it's harmful to wonder?¿?¿
I don't think anyone was acting/thinks they're entitled to the answer. Nobody is repeatedly tagging them, tweeting rudely at them, etc. people were just wondering. And then people decided to freak out on them for questioning. asking =/= prying, feeling entitled, or living through cheerlebrities

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Continuously asking after it is clear that you are not going to get the response you want/expect is pushing it past wondering why a girl quit cheer into concerning yourself far too much with someone's life that doesn't effect yours.
A gym hopper, at least in my opinion, would be someone who changes gyms. I think enough little hints and things have been thrown around to show J will at least be staying within California Allstars. If an athlete moved from Janktastic Allstars Maryland to Janktastic Allstars Florida there would likely be no "gym-hopping" comments, regardless of how unknown said cheerleader is.

I'm sensing that "changing gyms" is viewed as a negative thing by a lot of people on here and for the life of me I'm not sure why. (I'm not talking about changing gyms or teams the week before NCA of course, but what is wrong with a cheerleader going to a different gym?)
I'm sensing that "changing gyms" is viewed as a negative thing by a lot of people on here and for the life of me I'm not sure why. (I'm not talking about changing gyms or teams the week before NCA of course, but what is wrong with a cheerleader going to a different gym?)
I am not sure why during the off season (as short as it is) it is a huge issue but seems to be a combination on things in my opinion.
1. Gyms sometimes feel like athletes are theirs for life.
2. jealousy
3. Feelings of betrayal
4. Brainwashed that other gyms are evil.

Many different perspectives and thoughts but that is just a few that seem to arise.

Cheer Dad = broke dad
I am not sure why during the off season (as short as it is) it is a huge issue but seems to be a combination on things in my opinion.
1. Gyms sometimes feel like athletes are theirs for life.
2. jealousy
3. Feelings of betrayal
4. Brainwashed that other gyms are evil.

Many different perspectives and thoughts but that is just a few that seem to arise.

Cheer Dad = broke dad

Thank you! In my opinion if an athlete leaves in the correct manner (fulfills commitment made to team) it shouldn't be a problem. Not every gym is a perfect fit for every cheerleader and versa. Just like every cheerleader is replaceable, so are most gyms. IMHO

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I'm sensing that "changing gyms" is viewed as a negative thing by a lot of people on here and for the life of me I'm not sure why. (I'm not talking about changing gyms or teams the week before NCA of course, but what is wrong with a cheerleader going to a different gym?)
Personally, I think it's only wrong when people do it to chase rings and notoriety. I know someone from my gym that went to a different gym to go to worlds, then went to a different gym the next season after one of their teams won worlds the year before :confused: didn't move because of family or school, wasn't escaping a bad gym situation, skills didn't outgrow the team, most likely just wanted a ring or more jackets and backpacks.
Personally, I think it's only wrong when people do it to chase rings and notoriety. I know someone from my gym that went to a different gym to go to worlds, then went to a different gym the next season after one of their teams won worlds the year before :confused: didn't move because of family or school, wasn't escaping a bad gym situation, skills didn't outgrow the team, most likely just wanted a ring or more jackets and backpacks.

I hear what you're saying, just don't understand why that's a bad thing. As a cheer parent paying thousands of dollars for my child to do this sport (any sport really), I would want them to go where they would have the best chance of succeeding, just like a lot of Olympians do. Again, as long as it's done in the proper manner, there's nothing wrong with this, IMO.
I hear what you're saying, just don't understand why that's a bad thing. As a cheer parent paying thousands of dollars for my child to do this sport (any sport really), I would want them to go where they would have the best chance of succeeding, just like a lot of Olympians do. Again, as long as it's done in the proper manner, there's nothing wrong with this, IMO.
Right, nothing wrong if it's done in a proper manner but in some cases, it's not. Personally, I think there's a fine line between succeeding and then being greedy for rings and opportunities to sell stuff with your name on it because now you're Susie from Super Famous Gym XYZ not Susie from Semi-Famous Gym ABC anymore and then it's just like really girl, come onnn. If you're gym hopping to pimp yourself/your kid out for endorsements then it's wrong, IMO. Not that it happens a lot, those cases are just out there.
Let me preface this by saying, regardless of anyone's interpretation or someone "reading between the lines", I have no secret insight into this matter whatsoever.

Having said that, I think that when you choose to be in the limelight you inherently subject your actions to the scrutiny of the public at large. You may not have intended for that to be the case but with the popularity achieved by Cheerleaders, it is.

Fame is a double edged sword. It will open doors for you but it also has it's drawbacks. And with one you get the other.

I feel that speculation is to be expected. If the parties involved felt that a brief tweet from Jenee would satisfactorily squelch speculation, that was naive of them. People are curious by nature and cheerleaders are tenacious. Yes, there are always some drama mongers who thrive on this stuff but for the most part I think people's interest in this subject stems from their interest in cheer, SMOED, and Jenee in particular.

Jenee should be flattered that so many people take an interest in her life and her happiness. Yes, all this may seem overwhelming and intrusive because it's unwanted attention. And it's made worse since the news came as a surprise to everyone. But, nobody is being mean spirited or hateful.....just curious.

However, everyone needs to pause and take a deep breath because the bottom line is this, you can speculate all you want, and that's all it is....speculation. But, you won't have your answers until the parties involved want you to. There's no teasing the answers out of these people. I can assure you of that. And, although there is nothing wrong with speculation, we also need to respect the wishes of the involved parties, and treat people as we would like to be treated.

The parties involved in this matter have been honest and acted with integrity. And, although they may not have been as forthcoming as you would have liked, I'm sure that you've been more inquisitive than they've liked. You have the questions, they have the answers.

One more consideration. The gym involved has a significant competition looming in the very near future. And there are many teams at this gym. To push this issue and cause a distraction within the gym affects all of the teams. All of these teams work hard to be their best. Do you really want to take anything from their effort and their desire to be champions ?

Just a thought.....

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