All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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but, what happens when all your closest friends who you cheered with have aged out and moved on? Maybe she took that as the opportunity to move on and try something different. She has the rings. I don't have issues with her moving on to explore whether she can do it with other teams, cheer with friends, or stay closer to home. She moved within the time frame. She found another place to cheer . I think it will be interesting what the effect of two world champions moving to an up and coming gym might have.

As for the new show, she might have more control over it than she did with Cheerleaders.

I wouldn't necessarily call GymTyme an up and coming gym :p they are one of the leaders in Worlds Titles. (And in just world titles. As in at one point they only had multiple gold medals from worlds, no 2nd or 3rds.) but I think your theory holds some ground. Gabi always struck me as a free spirit and someone who just kind of goes with the flow of life even if she changes her mind halfway through. Those people are hard to pin down somewhere for a long time. Sometimes those people don't have motives for the things they do, they do it because it simply "feels right" to them.

Regardless of what is happening I wish them the best. It's doubtful that this show they are doing would be televised but I think Gabi would be one of the few "cheerlebrities" I would pick who could really put all star in a positive light for the rest of the world. Sort of like CJA's show but instead of focusing on a team they focus on the individual and the individual sacrifices some children make for cheer and how the sport is growing. So maybe more like the CNN special but made into a 10 episode mini series just about her. She has enough experience and an interesting "backstory" to be interesting to others outside the cheer world. And I'm sure other children who are exceptional in what they do and make sacrifices like she did could watch and relate.

To be honest I wasn't always a fan of Gabi but she's proven herself to be smart and mature and not one of the cheerlebrities who constantly try to draw attention to themselves. The attention is just kind of placed on her because of her talents and she handles it well whether she likes it or not. She's very real and she does a great job balancing all of this world class cheerleader pressure on top of trying to be a normal kid. She also seems like a huge perfectionist and is very hard on herself at times but I think that adds to the "realness" of her. She knows she's not absolutely perfect even when the whole world is telling her she is which is super refreshing to see. (Do you know how sick I am of seeing well known people acting like they are gods gift to this earth?) I know people will disagree with me on these things but that's what I see from her.

I respect Gabi very much and am excited to see how GymTyme works out for her. When I heard she was going to GT I said to myself, "yeah, I could definitely see her cheering there. Something about her makes her fit so well with them. This will be very cool to watch unfold."
is it possible that she or her family are not footing the bill for flights to Louisville every weekend? Someone (whatever network/you tuber) is paying to follow around an elite and well known cheerleader. If that cheerleader is no longer cheering, there goes your show. That's some motive to keep her on a team if the network will lose $ or she will lose the show.

Just a random thought.
No worries! I always forget GymTyme is as decorated as they are because I feel like I rarely hear their name in everyday cheer happenings :p

I am glad that you corrected me...and I know what I will be doing later tonight. Going thru old Worlds videos and seeing what all the fuss is about :) because I am cheer geeky like that.
I am glad that you corrected me...and I know what I will be doing later tonight. Going thru old Worlds videos and seeing what all the fuss is about :) because I am cheer geeky like that.
GT = Louisville....many of the Louisville cheerleaders super senior on the senior divisions, and the aged out kids fill their International teams.
Every time we talk about moving for cheerleading, people bring up all these other sports to point out that people move for them too. Hockey, soccer, gymnastics... Yes, people move for all of these. But those sports have Olympic and professional options! If you are the best, there is the possibility of becoming extreeeeeemely successful in those sports - and extremely well paid. The chances are small, but the possibility is still there.
Cheerleading does not have this. THIS is what confuses me. What is the end goal of all this moving? I keep seeing people say it's to be on their "dream team" - which I get, I guess, but I really only get it if you DON'T live somewhere that already has that caliber of team.

Just my 2 cents - if this were anyone other than a cheerlebrity, on their FOURTH gym in THREE seasons, no one would be saying, "Well, I'm sure she's just looking for the right fit!" You would all be saying, "4 gyms in 3 years? The common factor here is YOU... Maybe you're the problem." I don't know gabi, nor do I really know anything about her - she seems like a nice enough kid. This is more to say that maybe some other "gym hoppers" you may know locally are also nice kids. Maybe we should be less quick to judge - maybe other people are also looking for "the right fit," just on a smaller stage. Cheerlebrities are not the only "nice kids" looking for the right gym.
is it possible that she or her family are not footing the bill for flights to Louisville every weekend? Someone (whatever network/you tuber) is paying to follow around an elite and well known cheerleader. If that cheerleader is no longer cheering, there goes your show. That's some motive to keep her on a team if the network will lose $ or she will lose the show.

Just a random thought.
Or if they're really savvy, and good about earning miles, most of those trips can be paid that way (and if you're footing the right bills with the right cards, you can EASILY rack up points that way). I've just gotten into that, and you can easily get domestic trips for just basic fees.
Tricker = Hardcore Parkour :shaka:
Gabby Douglas won the Olympic Gold Medal and switched gyms afterwards, why don't you ask her?

....I thought Gabby racked up a huge bill at Chows and didn't pay it. Also her family wanted to go to LA and live off Gabby's dime and be "actors"

She eventually paid it. Eventually came back and now she's gone again

Neither here nor there though.

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