All-Star Cheerleaders With Bad Attitude.

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Oct 1, 2011
So what does everyone do when they catch an attitude ....any advice?!

I catch attitudes alot and i really wanna change it but its really hard to channel my anger!
cfboy2012 said:
I will sure admit i do !! and i hate the way it makes my coaches feel!

Tell them when you're calm how you're struggling with it. They should def want to help you. Working out a plan together will help you the most. You need to watch for triggers that set you off (idk what makes you the angriest), but identifying the causes will help you exorcise the demons
; )
When I see my athletes getting agitated, I try to immediately remove them from it, or stop whatever's happening, to diffuse the situation. Emotions in teens and young adults can be volatile so I try to always handle their feelings carefully in those moments.
Try to channel that energy in another direction. I constantly tell my kids to flip the switch and use the energy, emotion, nerves ect a different way.
Coaches how do you help the athletes with the attitude - I've tried
Every thing I can think of with one of my worst - she actually has a 'list' that got out of all the girls on the team she is gonna fight once the season is over (two in her stunt group) needless to say its a hot mess - suggestions?
Coaches how do you help the athletes with the attitude - I've tried
Every thing I can think of with one of my worst - she actually has a 'list' that got out of all the girls on the team she is gonna fight once the season is over (two in her stunt group) needless to say its a hot mess - suggestions?
ummm OMG!!!! I think you need to send her to a therapist! Who makes a list of people to fight on their cheer team when the season is over? I'd be very concerned, and do these parents of the future possible victims know? Do the parents of this girl who made the list know? This could be more than just a hot mess. This could get very ugly legally for your owner and organization if she does carry out the threat and the parents of the girls on the list find out ya'll knew of this threat/list prior to the incident.
Coaches how do you help the athletes with the attitude - I've tried
Every thing I can think of with one of my worst - she actually has a 'list' that got out of all the girls on the team she is gonna fight once the season is over (two in her stunt group) needless to say its a hot mess - suggestions?

lol - i feel sorry for her flyer
she actually has a 'list' that got out of all the girls on the team she is gonna fight once the season is over (two in her stunt group) needless to say its a hot mess - suggestions?

Dioes she own up to her list? If she did, sorry, but girlfriend has gotta go! I can only imagine how her teammates must feel about her, walking on eggshells around her and whatnot. That is just some bad, bad energy to have around your team!
Coaches how do you help the athletes with the attitude - I've tried
Every thing I can think of with one of my worst - she actually has a 'list' that got out of all the girls on the team she is gonna fight once the season is over (two in her stunt group) needless to say its a hot mess - suggestions?

Well for that, I'd remove her from the program immediately. Then I'd draft up an anti bullying policy that everyone had to sign. Next year that anti bullying policy would be a part of the code of conduct contract that each athlete and parent signs at the start of the season.
ttumble0819 said:
Coaches how do you help the athletes with the attitude - I've tried
Every thing I can think of with one of my worst - she actually has a 'list' that got out of all the girls on the team she is gonna fight once the season is over (two in her stunt group) needless to say its a hot mess - suggestions?

No way Jose! That one has got to go! I couldn't remove that athlete from the team fast enough. It's already done in my head.
I haven't seen the list - an ex friend on the team outted the girl - she says she has seen the list. I'm torn bc right now it's hearsay. I already know if I ask her she will deny it - it's the mo with her. But yes her actions at practices games etc are consistent with the list. Not all parents are aware of the list. I know some
Of the girls who are aware they are on the list have told their parents. Some do not know. I guess it's time to face the music with this one :-/
Ps- her flier is on the list and is having enormous difficulty functioning in the air right now - she randomly will get dropped its just not good

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