All-Star Coaches Favoritism

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Of course every coach has a favorite or two. Its only human to naturally bond with some more than others. Its not okay to play favorites though! I for one can think of 3 girls this year who I would consider my favorites for various reasons, however if you asked my team or their parents to pick them out I would bet they would all guess wrong. Last year everyone seemed to think that I was playing favorites with one girl, when in fact she was one of my least favorites, so talking with a coach can help clear up confusion. When people ask if I have a favorite, I tell them yes.. whoever is doing what they are supposed to, how they are supposed to is my favorite at that moment and it usually changes a few times a day! If you aren't happy where you are at though and have addressed issues that remain unresolved then you will probably be happier somewhere else.

agreed if you have addressed your issues to the proper people and nothing has been resolved than unfortunately it probably never will be and you may just have to move on most likely if you dont move on then things will only get worse for you and you will continue to just be unhappy and this industry is a business if you arent happy with the product being provided than you have the right to shop around until you find one that makes you happy
As a coach the one thing I never do is favor an athlete. I am a very straight forward person I tell you how I see it and thats just it. You can either love me or hate me but I will NEVER favor someone even if I think they are the best thing since sliced bread! I look at it as everyone is replaceable you can have a double and be one of the best flyers in the world but if you have a bad attitude....see ya!!! But unfortunatly its not always the kid that people feel get favored it sometimes is the parent thats being catered to! Im not an owner just a coach but IMO there are many more fabulous fish in the sea, catch a better one and throw back the other!!
Of course every coach has a favorite or two. Its only human to naturally bond with some more than others. Its not okay to play favorites though! I for one can think of 3 girls this year who I would consider my favorites for various reasons, however if you asked my team or their parents to pick them out I would bet they would all guess wrong. Last year everyone seemed to think that I was playing favorites with one girl, when in fact she was one of my least favorites, so talking with a coach can help clear up confusion. When people ask if I have a favorite, I tell them yes.. whoever is doing what they are supposed to, how they are supposed to is my favorite at that moment and it usually changes a few times a day! If you aren't happy where you are at though and have addressed issues that remain unresolved then you will probably be happier somewhere else.

I said I think all gyms have their favorites. I didn't say I thought it was ok to play favorites. Idk if your comment was directed towards me, but I don't have any problems w/ my gym, especially since I don't cheer anymore:) Anyway, most coaches do play favorites and may not even notice it. You may think other parents wouldn't be able to point out your favorites, but I think most could. It is always pretty obvious who the favs are. Like I said earlier, I don't mind favorites being the people who work their butts off, but when it's the people who are just buddy buddy w/ the coach, that's a problem.
It is a small gym and the coaches are very young. We've mentioned to them that some girls feel like there are favorites and they just don't see it. At almost every comp there is a picture of the girl in the coaches lap. She is 9, none of the other girls act like that. Just getting old when my child is called out on everything and this girl can cry and get the bases she wants.

that is really unfair but eventually your child will become the better flyer(im assuming she flys) then the other girl because she is working with everybody and that other girl has those same people that she is only able to work with and no one else
I think if coaches have favorites, they shouldn't let it be known. Yes, they're going to like some more than others, but they shouldn't let the kids know that. The kids shouldn't feel that they like them less than someone else.
I said I think all gyms have their favorites. I didn't say I thought it was ok to play favorites. Idk if your comment was directed towards me, but I don't have any problems w/ my gym, especially since I don't cheer anymore:) Anyway, most coaches do play favorites and may not even notice it. You may think other parents wouldn't be able to point out your favorites, but I think most could. It is always pretty obvious who the favs are. Like I said earlier, I don't mind favorites being the people who work their butts off, but when it's the people who are just buddy buddy w/ the coach, that's a problem.
I wasn't directing it at you at all. I was just saying in general that playing favorites wasn't ok, nothing about you or your gym/old gym. Sorry if you took it the wrong way. And I still disagree with being able to tell favorites, I'm sure in some gyms you can probably tell, but I would think that in a lot you can't. Most coaches I know are able to act professional and not favor kids who they like.

I wasn't directing it at you at all. I was just saying in general that playing favorites wasn't ok, nothing about you or your gym/old gym. Sorry if you took it the wrong way. And I still disagree with being able to tell favorites, I'm sure in some gyms you can probably tell, but I would think that in a lot you can't. Most coaches I know are able to act professional and not favor kids who they like.

Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
I think all gyms have favorites! I am so glad that I know my daughter gets what she gets based on her ability only!
that is really unfair but eventually your child will become the better flyer(im assuming she flys) then the other girl because she is working with everybody and that other girl has those same people that she is only able to work with and no one else
Nope my daughter is not a flyer, she is a side base.
I sometimes feel like my coach has favorites. The same girl is front and center for the ENTIRE routine. Don't get me wrong the girl is a really good cheerleader and deserves alot of her spots but I don't think its fair no one else gets to have the spotlight. It especially annoys me because we were working on express-ups and my group hit 10 out of 10. (we are 2nd row on side) but the favorite, who is center flyer, couldnt hit it so we took it out. My flyer hits everything in our stunts and the favorite front and center falls alot. Im convinced she just has that spot because shes like the coaches baby. But its ok, the season is almost over.
Another thing I hate is when gyms play favorites on "teams" not people. Like how the higher level teams get such better treatment than the lower. Just because you are on a level 2 doesnt mean you don't work hard. They'd be willing to bend over backwards for our 4s and 5s. But don't care enough to change our routine, make it harder, etc for the level 2s, 4.2s, etc.
There isn't really any favoritism on my team. When you're the best, you get the best spots in the routine and that's it! I mean, of course some kids the coaches are friendly with get to goof off a little bit more but it doesn't really bother anyone. They also put in the same effort for all teams for an all-together good gym, which I appreciate.

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