High School Do Hs Cheer, Or Not?

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Apr 18, 2010
I'm trying to decide whether or not I should cheer at my school next year... the high school I would be cheering at stunts and tumbles, but not well. I do all stars, and I'm on two teams, and I probably will be again next year. Anyone who does both, will it be too much and will it be worth it?
Are you going to be a freshman next year? If your coaches don't have rules against it, and it wouldn't conflict I would try to do both! But I think it would be really difficult for you to do 2 all star teams. It would get pretty stressful at times. If you are going to be a freshman, you really need to make sure it won't take up all your time. Whenever I look at my GPA I hate myself for doing not as well as I could have freshman year. So now, I have to try EXTRA hard to do well to get it back up, and it's really difficult haha.

So make sure you take everything into consideration! Think about when you'll have school practices, games, competitions, then all star practices, competitions, etc. THEN you also have to factor in time to do homework and projects. Personally in your situation I'd focus on one (which would probs be allstars since you'll probably learn and progress more) most definitely if it's freshman year. However, if you are a sophomore/junior and you think you can handle both, it's worth a shot!

Sorry if that was really repetitive, I'm so tired haha
Make sure you have a lot of time and make sure the school coach is supportive of girls who do all stars. There are a lot of school coaches that don't want their girls to do all stars at all and they make it really difficult for them.
i tell people all the time dont do hs and all stars just dont do it. there are so much conflicts. dont do it at all. allstars is better hate to tell you!
Some things to look into for your high school team:
-Do they compete/are you requried to compete? If so that = lots more practices and conflicts with Allstars
- What teams can you make as a freshmen? Fish & JV football games are usually every Thursday
-What sports does each team cheer for? Ftball/home BB is do-able. Cheering every home sport is not.
-Are other girls on the team also doing allstars? scheduling with the coach = easier in larger numbers

Note: It will be very different from your allstar team. Its typically a more relaxed environment and is more about being involved in your school rather than skills. The athlete dedication level is less, but the experiences you can get out of it are worth it imo. Being a HS cheerleader is something that will give you the opportunity to branch out.

Things to think about for your allstar team:
-Do I really need to be on 2 teams? You could sub high school cheer with the time slot of your 2nd team
-Do I plan on just doing 2 allstar teams for another 4 years? Change can be a good thing.
-Will my coaches work with me on scheduling at the beginning of the year if I do have conflicts?

I'm not going to lie, it will be a lot. Add high school homework into that mix of 3 teams and you will have very little time to do things outside of cheer. Personally I would say do 1 allstar team and 1 year of high school cheer to experience both. That doesnt mean you have to do that year of Hs cheer your freshmen year (though its easiest to start out in it and make lots of friends), but definately at least try 1 year eventually (if not now then when you can make Varsity!). While allstars is amazing, I couldn't imagine just only doing that for the rest of my life!
You may also consider your personality and the personalities of the other HS cheerleaders. My daughter did not do HS because the girls on the team and trying out were basically concerned with being a cheerleader to be popular. They unfortunately didn't do anything to break the cheerleader stereotype. When she was trying to decide, I told her, "yes, some of those things sound like fun; but, those are the girls you will be doing it with." She just decided it wasn't for her.
My junior year of high school I did 2 allstar teams was on my high school team and was in a quad stunt group on the side. It was a lot but definitely doable. Things that worked in my favor to make this possible - 1. I had transferred from a private school to public so school wise I was so far advance I never had homework or to study so that never interfered. 2. My school was just a game squad, the coach was fine with allstars, & there were about 5 of us doing both. Practices were always after school and games were on Friday nights. Allstars was always weekends and week nights. I think as long as your high school team isn't very demanding then you will be good. I will say that cheer is your life when you do that much and my biggest advice is to know your limits. I got injured that year because there was one day I was just too tired - don't be afraid to tell your coach when you have hit your limit. Better to have one night a little watered down then to be out for months.
I do both and it is totally worth it. I use cheering at might HS to get my tumbling stronger since we tumble on a non spring cheer mat and the basketball court and it has made my tumbling more solid. Also when HS cheer is over you still have allstar cheer so you won't miss and plus their are a lot of perks being a HS cheerleader anyways....my favorite is not getting dress for school because we wear are uniform or warm ups to school so you get to save an outfit lls
Thank you guys so much for all the feedback! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do but I will definitely take all of this into account when I decide.
im a freshman now and i do both.
i tried to do 2 all stars teams along with high school varsity, but it was too much and i ended up quitting one of my all star teams.
just try it freshman year, and see what happens. if its too much you could always talk to your coaches about turroting or something like that. high school coaches are usually pretty flexible about grades and homework and stuff.
My sister is on a Sr Coed 5 allstar team, and she did HS cheer along with it, and absolutely hated it. It was very time-consuming, and her practices sometimes interfered with her allstar practices. If you have alot of time then go for it, but she just wasn't a fan after being an allstar cheerleader her whole life.
im not saying i love high school cheerleading ( definatly not more than all stars) but it does have its upsides to it.

1) if youre an all star cheerleader you'll most likely make varsity. if youre on varsity you can meet older people ( older boys too! )
2) football season is pretty funn, you get to meet a lot of the football players.
3) youre involved with something in high school.
4) at my school, everyone really knows who the cheerleaders are

so maybe try it for a year? its never like all stars but doing both is really fun!
Thank you guys so much for all the feedback! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do but I will definitely take all of this into account when I decide.

I did HS and All Stars all 4 years of High School. I was on more than 1 team at my all star gym 3 out of the four years and at my high school we did football cheer, girls and boys basket ball and competed. I also went to a rather rigorous high school where we were required to have homework in each class and were required to be involved in an academic extra curricular activity (Model UN, Mock Trial, Math Team, Science Olympiad something like that). It was difficult some times but I would not have changed it for anything. I say go for it; however, that is just me!!

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