High School Energy For Cheer?

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Jul 11, 2012
Cheer is my life. But I feel like my energy level for practice is 0. School wears me out. Then afterwards I go straight to practice. Feel exhausted during practice. Get home at 5. Do homework. Either have a basketball game or tumbling lesson. Then wake up 5am again to repeat it. I need energy. Any ideas?
Maybe try to go to bed earlier? It doesn't work for me, because our practices end at 9. We had a discussion when there was a lot of drama on our team and a few suggested to try to mentally prepare yourself for practice....weird but it helps! Also, I don't know how difficult it would be for you, but I get my homework done during school and nap before practice, but since you have it right after school, it might not work. But, if you have more sleep in general, maybe you'll feel more energized the next day? I sleep a lot, probably around 6-9 extra hours during the day per week and it helps a lot!

Sorry if I don't make any sense haha, but good luck!
Cheer is my life. But I feel like my energy level for practice is 0. School wears me out. Then afterwards I go straight to practice. Feel exhausted during practice. Get home at 5. Do homework. Either have a basketball game or tumbling lesson. Then wake up 5am again to repeat it. I need energy. Any ideas?
What are you eating? It could be in your diet? Make sure you eat often.
It's all about fueling and eating the right food, drinking lots of water, and getting good sleep! Make sure you are eating food with protein and complex not simple carbs before practice and games. And after make sure you replenish with more protein and always water. Be careful with sugary drinks and simple carbs because they mess up your glycemic levels.
I know how you feel... I'm usually super tired at the end of the day. But once I start doing something I'm fine, but that's just how I am all the time, if I'm just sitting, I'm going to say I'm super tired, but once I'm moving around I get some energy. Do you have a study hall?
For me, if I'm really tired, I'll take a super quick nap before tumbling, then do my hw when I get back (I usually do a little bit of it before though). Even though it's late, it motivates me to get it done efficiently (and not procrastinate on fierceboard like I am right now) and I feel like I'm going to be tired in the morning anyway, so staying up for an hour isn't going to change it that much.
i definitely sympathize with you. my days used to consist of waking up at 6, going to school until 2, practice til 6, coach til 8, come home and shower, eat and do homework, and then finally go to sleep around 11-12 and this was monday-friday. by the time the weekend came around i was ready to sleep in and rest but couldn't because we had practice at 9 on saturdays and tumbling at 8 on sundays. it was a never ending cycle from august to march every year. i was a big brat sometimes and would crack at the drop of a dime for those 7 months because i was not getting enough rest. my senior year i finally realized i had to change something so people could tap me on the shoulder without being scared i was going to chew them out for no reason haha. i started eating right and it really made a huge difference. i also started to do my homework during school and during any free time i had so i could go to bed earlier. it really did work, i noticed a change in the amount of energy i had and i was in a better mood a lot of the time. :)

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