From A Newbies Pov

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Mar 14, 2011
Is it just me or do a lot of people on here think that being a member of Fierce Board for a longer time, receiving more shimmys, having more posts makes them entitled?

Couldnt help but LOL @ all the "uggghhh newbiiiessss" comments and remarks about how so many new people are registering and posting senseless information. "LOL WHATS A CP!?!?!!?!?" and "ugh stay in the newbie section..." "NEWBIES GOT OUT TOO SOON" "ohhh you newbies, poor things, you know nothing!!!" "OMG HA HA HA they'll probably make a new thread such as ....(insert some heinous crime of a post here)"

Everyone was a newbie at one point (I know, *sound corny patriotic music here*) but really... Having 500 shimmies on an online forum and existing in the Fierce Board world for longer shouldn't be that life changing or that much of an ego booster. Reality check. At the price of a full bid please.

Appreciate the fact that more people are registering / discussing / getting involved..doesnt that contribute to the growth of the sport...which is what any sport wants, right? (Wont go into my last growth of the sport rant) Obviously there are people who post ridiculous things (couldnt help but read the Brandon Steel or whoever nonsense) but making fun of newbies, making them feel unwelcome, dedicating an entire thread to mocking posts/hypothetical posts... (really?? come on..) only adds to newbies feeling the need to get sassy right back atcha : )
I don't think that us "older" posters hate on all newbies, but every couple days/weeks/months some one new says something that just annoys the people who have been on the board for so long. Or doesn't take the time to use the search box for the answers to their questions. When you are new to the board just try and take some time to look over threads and features on the board that are there to help you. Once you get the hang of things around here, it can be fun and informative. Just don't go crazy on anyone and you should be good! :)
You're right and like I said I got some entertainment from that particular one too. Which is why Ive "stayed" in the newbie section as far as posting... but some people just seem a littttle carried away by their longevity on here
I understand why you may think this. Once you are on the board for a little more time, you'll realize that people come on here just to stir the pot. They'll start this huge argument over why Team XYZ is going to fall on their faces and why team ABC is completely better with absolutely no reason, or information backing up why they said this. This obviously upsets a LOT of people and everyone loses a lot of respect for that person.

Also, it's EXTREMELY frustrating when there are literally 18 threads on the EXACT same topic, it's boring and unnecessary. If a newbie (or ANYONE for that matter) is curious about something, or wants to discuss something, they should use the search bar and read the old threads on the topic. For example: Why can't Senior Open 5 and Juniors not go to Worlds? This topic has been discussed SO MANY times, so instead of asking over and over, read what the other people had to say. If you have a question, it's fine to post on a thread no matter how old it is so you can ask for clarification, or offer your opinion. I hope no newbies take the constant fooling around personally. Honestly, it's not one person. It's a large majority of new people on the board.
Just think of it like a family. When you're younger brother brings home a new girlfriend, you don't always like her at first because you don't want her messing with your family. But eventually, after time, she proves to be someone who will fit in perfectly.
@cheerislove8 Glad you can atleast see why I think that. I definitely get everyones points about seeing threads repeated over and over or having people stir up drama.. Lately I just have read a lot of scolding of newbies. Maybe because as Kingston said "Worlds must be coming up.." but I just thought it was ironic to then contribute an entire thread to the situation and making fun of it, but complain when people get attitudes and take it personally
Well I've been reading a whole lot (I still can't post for another day in the regular section) and I haven't read much when they seemed to be downing the new people! Most people who have replied to me are actually really nice and have been around for a long time! I'm just waiting it out because I got a lot of stuff I'd love to reply to but can't! Also I understand about the search for the answer before asking because it reminds me of math (which is what I've always been good at) and one person asks a question on how we arrived at the answer then the very next person asks again so it's being re-explained and then meanwhile I want to scream!
Someone left the Newbie area too soon.. :rolleyes:
LOL, JK:) We're actually in the newbies section as of right now, so that doesn't make sense. But I agree with @cheerislove8 completely.:)
Lol I read the whole topic; I believe they were mostly doing that in good fun as it was very cute and funny! Also, most of it is true as you look around you see those questions so it's not like there lying! It's also not that they are referring to every new person just the ones who ask that stuff and the ones who come on here clearly to start stuff! So very understandable!
Try not to take it too personally. A lot of the posts on that thread are comments that have regularly been posted every couple of months. It's really just a way for a lot of us to blow off some steam. I can guarantee you, that in about a year, you'll be commenting on a similar thread the same way the rest of us are.
Most of the jokes in that other thread were from long before any of the people who are current newbies joined so don't take it personal.

Most people don't mind anyone making a mistake, but people will probably react differently to anyone who doesn't learn from their mistakes or acts negative/defensive when it is pointed out.

ETA (edited to add): didn't see NJCoach posted something very similar while I was typing.
ETA (edited to add): didn't see NJCoach posted something very similar while I was typing.

I can not speak for everyone else although I'd very much like to), but I have a RAGING sense of self-entitlement and a general dislike of everyone, so if you do something stupid, I will mock you. -__- (that is the non-existent sarcasm smiley)

But actually, I poke at people a lot- yet my first foray into the fierceboard world was a LOT harsher than any of you newbies will have to deal with. I stumbled on here to find out that my videos were being mocked publicly by all. And I was being made fun of and called names. I earned my stripes the good ol' fashioned way, with a z-snap, a fierce hair whip/shimmy and some hardcore K-Sass attitude involving lots of witty comebacks.

When we hand 'you' as in newbies a lot of guidelines which you ignore and complain about, then get burned by the 'board and THEN complain we're all mean (a fate which could have been avoided if people allowed the guidelines put in place to function as a 'getting to know the board/avoiding silly errors that annoy people' blockade), we get a lil' sassy/bring up old jokes that poke fun at you. When you've been here long enough and plenty of newbies start doing the SAME thing, you'll get a little peeved. Especially when you try to help and somebody bites the hand you offer..

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