All-Star Gabi's New Gym And Team Announcement 7/6/15

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Bwahahahahahahaha! I'll shameless admit I was into Twilight, but I was a weird half-way fan. I had a friend push me to read the books while we were stationed in Germany but I ignored her---vampires were so not my thing. Then my husband called me about a month before he got home and said he had just watched a movie he thought I would like---it was Twilight. So I ordered it and we watched it when he got home. I kinda had a thing for Robert Pattinson (that thing is now over) and since all of the books were already out and I wanted to know how it ended, I binge read from NM to the end then read Twilight---then wondered why they screwed the movies up so bad; then a children's clothing board had a Twi fanfiction section so I got into that, then I found out people actually wrote stories to fix what was published and it kinda exploded from there. I left the fandom ages ago and I'll rip Twilight & Co to shreds in a second, but I do appreciate those who did re-writes to fix it.

A friend of mine gives me heck though---I've read all of the Twi books, but have never touched anything HP.
I liked Twilight when I read it. No shame. Did I think it was stellar literature? Of course not. But I enjoyed the series.
I've never read any HP or seen any of the movies. Just not my thing.
Any talking about bad Twilight fanfics hasn't read some of the HP fanfics... some are well written, others are disturbing.

Like the Sorting Hat fanfic. Don't read it if you are under 18.


Harry Potter is da shiz. I'll agree that the first three aren't as "adult" but after that, it's just so involved and amazing. But you have to get through the first three to understand the next 4 so I think that's where we lose the older people.

At the thrift store, the twilight saga books take up an entire shelf all by themselves. No one wants them in their house, no one what's to take them home. It's pretttttyyyyyyyyyy humorous.
Harry Potter is da shiz. I'll agree that the first three aren't as "adult" but after that, it's just so involved and amazing. But you have to get through the first three to understand the next 4 so I think that's where we lose the older people.

At the thrift store, the twilight saga books take up an entire shelf all by themselves. No one wants them in their house, no one what's to take them home. It's pretttttyyyyyyyyyy humorous.

that's where 8 year old me got lost. I just couldn't get through the first 3 books as much as I tried to force myself. I wish I did. I absolutely love the movies and I think I'd enjoy the books in the long run, but I just can't get into them.
I got the first book for my 7th birthday and it just sat on the shelf until I was 14. But then I got on a reading kick and read all of the books in 2 weeks..suffice to say I'm a total Harry Potter nerd now. I've read the books probably twice each but I've seen the movies too many times to count. Whenever I'm in a bad mood I watch them because the magic let's me put my mind elsewhere. Yep, I'm a nerd[emoji23]
that's where 8 year old me got lost. I just couldn't get through the first 3 books as much as I tried to force myself. I wish I did. I absolutely love the movies and I think I'd enjoy the books in the long run, but I just can't get into them.

I actually hated Harry Potter up until I was 11. But it was because my little brother liked it and read it with my mom and I was jealous that he got to spend a lot more one on one time with her than I did... So Harry Potter was on my sh!t list for a while. ("A while" meaning 2-3 years because that it a long time for an 9 year old.)

Anyways, when I was 11 or 12 a HP book was my summer reading book for school ("ughhh!!!!!"- 12 year old me) and I reluctantly read the 2nd book since I had already seen the first movie. I really enjoyed it, grabbed the third book out of my brother's room and that's when I really fell in love. It wasn't until a couple years ago I finally went back to read the first book, because I wanted to reread them all starting from the first one, and I was like "yeah.... this is not an adult reading level. I can see why older people get turned off by that alone." The writing gets a lot more elaborate in the 4th book as does the story line. That's where you really start to get into the back stories of the characters and the history and all the fun stuff in the movies/not in the movies. By the end, every little loose end is tied up and it's really just astounding how many intricate, overlapping story lines JK Rowling had created and how she managed to converge them at the end. The writing of HP reminds me a lot of Breaking Bad's writing and how "complete" of a story that is. I think that's what I'm most amazed at with HP.

I'm glad they came out when I was younger because I think kids my age at the time were growing as readers at the same rate JK Rowling was growing as a writer, if that makes sense. That's why I think they are great books for kids. They start out with simple language and a simple story line that kids can easily follow and it gradually evolves into some very complex. Kind of like the progression of levels in cheer :p
We read the first Harry Potter book as a class in second grade and I got the next two for Christmas from my grandparents, I finished them in four days. My mom always preordered the books for me and would take of the slip covers because I drug those books everywhere until I finished them and she was afraid I would ruin them haha. My friends and I always raced to finish whichever book had just come out. I haven't read them in a long time but this read makes me want to!

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I actually hated Harry Potter up until I was 11. But it was because my little brother liked it and read it with my mom and I was jealous that he got to spend a lot more one on one time with her than I did... So Harry Potter was on my sh!t list for a while. ("A while" meaning 2-3 years because that it a long time for an 9 year old.)

Anyways, when I was 11 or 12 a HP book was my summer reading book for school ("ughhh!!!!!"- 12 year old me) and I reluctantly read the 2nd book since I had already seen the first movie. I really enjoyed it, grabbed the third book out of my brother's room and that's when I really fell in love. It wasn't until a couple years ago I finally went back to read the first book, because I wanted to reread them all starting from the first one, and I was like "yeah.... this is not an adult reading level. I can see why older people get turned off by that alone." The writing gets a lot more elaborate in the 4th book as does the story line. That's where you really start to get into the back stories of the characters and the history and all the fun stuff in the movies/not in the movies. By the end, every little loose end is tied up and it's really just astounding how many intricate, overlapping story lines JK Rowling had created and how she managed to converge them at the end. The writing of HP reminds me a lot of Breaking Bad's writing and how "complete" of a story that is. I think that's what I'm most amazed at with HP.

I'm glad they came out when I was younger because I think kids my age at the time were growing as readers at the same rate JK Rowling was growing as a writer, if that makes sense. That's why I think they are great books for kids. They start out with simple language and a simple story line that kids can easily follow and it gradually evolves into some very complex. Kind of like the progression of levels in cheer :p

IDK. I was always at a crazy-advanced reading level for my age, especially during the 7-13 years. I read the entire works of Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and Mark Twain before I turned 8. I don't know that I thoroughly understood all the plot lines, but I read them anyway. (My family jokingly always called me Matilda. I even looked like her.) Which is why I find it so strange that I couldn't even finish the 3 HP books I had. I have never, ever been a sci-fi reader, and while I think HP is very tame compared to most true sci-fi genre books (and probably not even sci-fi, but I don't know how else to explain it) that may be a factor; I'm not good at imagining "other worlds" and alternate realities. If I ever have free time to read a non-school book again, it's something I'd revisit.. solely because how can I be a "book nerd" without ever reading the HP series?
Any talking about bad Twilight fanfics hasn't read some of the HP fanfics... some are well written, others are disturbing.

Like the Sorting Hat fanfic. Don't read it if you are under 18.

Oh I can find you some disturbing twilight fanfiction in seconds; I mean, we do boast 50 Shades of Grey cough Masters of the Universe. There is nothing out of HP that can top that.
that's where 8 year old me got lost. I just couldn't get through the first 3 books as much as I tried to force myself. I wish I did. I absolutely love the movies and I think I'd enjoy the books in the long run, but I just can't get into them.
When I was little I refused to read them. My parents started reading them to my sister and I when we were pretty young and I was scared of the dursleys after hearing the first chapter and wanted nothing to do with it. The summer after second grade I read all the books and have been a Harry Potter nerd ever since.
My issue with HP is that I watched the first few movies before I would have gotten around to the books; for works of nonfiction, I was really into like Jane Austen, but at the age they were coming out I was too busy with Holocaust survivor stories (outside of Anne Frank) and the Korean War refugee's. Along with child abuse first person stories like A Child Called It. As a young teen and older teen, those were my types of books.
Oh I can find you some disturbing twilight fanfiction in seconds; I mean, we do boast 50 Shades of Grey cough Masters of the Universe. There is nothing out of HP that can top that.

Can this be a thing? We'll see who has the most disturbing fanfiction.

My bets are on HP. Think of all those weird magical creatures and how many ways they can be... umm... "used."

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