All-Star Higher Level Vs Beginning Competitive

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Would you rather be on/coach a higher level team or a team that would be competitive?

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I would rather be a competetive sr2. If your a higher level without the skills it will be waaay more embarrasing than being a sr2. Plus you would never win.
What I think is sad is that for so many kids "Senior 2" or "Junior 3" or whatever level is embarrassing. And I'm not talking about anyone who has posted here... just in general the kids I know. I wish the kids could be proud of every level but the reality is that the focus is so much on "how amazing" the 5s are (or whatever the top level team is at a given gym) it becomes hard for the kids to enjoy the "journey"
Competitive with out a doubt. Last year I coached a Senior 1 team and they were my favorite team to coach. At the beginning of the year I think some of the girls were kinda bummed about being on Senior 1 but once we got into competition season they loved it. They won all but one competition and even some of the level 5 girls asked to be on the team because these kids had fun and wanted to learn.
Maybe the kids are feeling that way because when Teams were made to begin with the higher level was dangled in front of them but now they are being dropped down so they have a feeling of being "tricked". Not that this is the case just trying to see it through children's eye's.
Had a similar situation recently. I think competitive. I think everyone has to remember that every cheerleader starts at level 1, some just move up faster than others. All the girls regardless of the level work hard at what they do.
We had this situation at the beginning of the year with Minis. Beast 1 or struggling 2? We decided on one. Some of the girls were disappointed because they had worked hard to get back handsprings and were sad they weren't going to be able to do them. But I know those same kids are gonna cry when their level 2 team got last place. It sounds like this team needs 3 things:
1.) A reality check. Senior 3 is a super competitive division. It's no longer acceptable to do a one leg straight cradle and call it a day. It's hard stuff. Half ups, 360 to prep, power press... The list goes on. Not to mention that there's virtually no tumbling. Here's what I would tell my kids: "Do you want to lose? Because if you are ready to walk out there and get killed, let's be a level 3. If you want to be competitive and have a shot at titles, then we're going level 2" (Note: this is not actually a poll, never poll the public.) Tell them to go watch some videos of a really great senior 3 team and really evaluate how their team compares.
2.) A fire lit under their butts. Make being a level 3 (or a 4.2) a goal. Make a list with a personal tumbling goal for each child. Each practice go through the list and check up on them to see if they have it yet or ask how it's coming. Knowing that they have to talk to you about it every practice will make them want to get it and be accountable. A little shame works some times. Make positive examples out of those who do practice hard and come to tumbling class by rewarding them with valued positions. "Girls, Katie got point for jumps because she's been in this gym working her butt off to get a beautiful BHS." A little competition also goes a long way.
3.) Some confidence. You need to reassure this team that being a level 2 is nothing to be ashamed some, especially if they are really good. Tell them that because they're seniors they really have the opportunity to do the hardest level 2 stunts they can. Make sure that the rest of their routine is very fast paced and flashy just like the Senior 5. They'll be glad you did it when they win.
Its silly if they feel embarrassed being Sr.2 if that is their skill level. I sometimes see teams that only have a few CPs that have the appropriate skills for the level that they are competing and that is hard to watch and hard to compete. It is better to be competitive then to not belong.
Level 2 can be just as flashy as level 5. They are basically doing level 5 stunts just at a modified, prep level. Besides, I'd rather watch level 2 over level 5 any day!

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