All-Star How Competetive Are College Cheer Try Outs Getting?

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I have absolutely no clue who we're talking about in this thread, but since Texas Tech was mentioned, I'm thinking it would likely have to do with stunting. Last year that team had really good tumbling. Probably the best in their division, and that's including OSU and UofL. However, they could not really stunt up to par with UofL and OSU. It was definitely their weakest point. My best guess is tumbling (especially for the 6-7 select girls who will be main stunt flyers) might not have been the biggest selling point this year, as the team seemed to have needed better stunting. This is all basically just an observation and assumption based on last season.
Also consider the fact that it's in Texas. Your pool of talent there is already insane. Add in the out-of-state cheerleaders, and I sure as heck would not wanna be the ones making the decisions as to who makes it and who doesn't.
If you are comfortable sharing how tall are you? I am curious what Co Ed teams consider tiny. My youngest daughter dreams of being a flyer on college Co Ed team one day. Thanks!

I'm 5'3". I'm not really tiny height wise, but I was about 85 pounds at the time. Keep in mind too that I went to a college in Massachusetts. It's not like we were doing much recruiting. So it's not like we had all these amazing coed flyers coming to my school for cheer.

another stupid question, do athletes on college teams have to try out again every year ?

Depends on the school, but usually. You have to go through the process, but the coach usually knows if they're going to take you again or not. I was never nervous at tryouts after my first one.
If you are comfortable sharing how tall are you? I am curious what Co Ed teams consider tiny. My youngest daughter dreams of being a flyer on college Co Ed team one day. Thanks!

On the team I was on (coed 6, allstar) we had a few girls at 5 feet tall, but some of our boys could also easily stunt a 5'5-5'6 girl who knew what she was doing.
Obviously I am not a Coach or anything like that, but a RHBS to full on dead floor is impressive to me!
THanks! I am impressed too! I have no athletic ability at all! And my daughter is tall for a coed flyer, so she will prob be on small coed which is what she cheered her last year of All Star she is 5.5 but according to her coach "she is light as a feather". I think that helped also.
another stupid question, do athletes on college teams have to try out again every year ?

With any program I'm familiar with, yes.

But honestly, as long as your skills are up to par as a veteran, you're not going to get cut. It's more of a formality.

Don't get me wrong, I've seen kids not make their college teams as RETURNING members, but in my experience the athlete in question saw it coming. They've likely been pulled aside by coaches a few times during the season, etc. so they are well-aware that they are not performing up to par.

At times, the kid will be pulled aside on the last day and told in private to spare them the "looking at the list as a veteran and not seeing my name" embarrassment.
I don't see a huge problem with choosing a college for cheer when you're 18 and an elite athlete. I didn't know what I wanted to major in, let alone study at 18! I flunked out of college my first attempt, then worked full time internationally before deciding to go back to school. I still ended up changing programmes after a semester. Life doesn't happen in a linear fashion for everyone. And having been at CA where cheer means so much to these kids, it seems perfectly natural for them to pick a school that allows them to continue to pursue excellence in a sport that defines so much of who they are.

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THIS whole thread is what I have been discussing with my CP lately... All Stars are giving her GREAT skill training, but her HS coach has been teaching her about "game day performance" and crowd participation. She is a sophomore, but she is already looking into colleges that she can cheer at. Two of our CT girls made U of L all girl this weekend (YEA!!!!). I have tried to explain to her that just because a school is phenomenal at cheer doesn't necessarily make it phenomenal for her. She is a back spot, so luckily competition for her position might not be as tight as a flyer. Additionally, hopefully her grades (4.2 this year...again YEA!) will play into this whole picture. I am glad to see some coaches consider this as well! I will be sharing parts of this thread with her to show her all of the great info on here. :)
I've studied in Birmingham last year and i was thinking about doing Uni Cheer there but ended up only doing Allstar. Looking back i kinda regret it a little bit. I totally agree though, you should never choose cheer over education

At first I wasnt going to cheer as I have never done it before but Im glad I did. As my university breaks up end of may I joined an allstar team back at home just to continue training at easter I trained with them now learned their routine and competing with them. But becaise I got to a rural university I cant do allstar in term time until im a hogher level as one allstar team is a trainride away and trains monthly so that is my goal
This thread is making me nervous about what will happen with DD in a few years. She started in rec cheer, so she got a base in sideline, but she never really enjoyed it. Now that she's in HS, the school's coach does not allow kids to do both AS and school cheer, and CP is happy with just AS. She really has no interested in cheer LEADING. Her rec comp team did poms and signs, and she was glad to leave those in the past.

What will happen with college? The school I hear her talk most about doesn't have an official competitive squad, it's club only. And the club team we saw compete last year was level 3 at best. Any knowing how clubs can be, I can't see her being happy with that--she's very committed, and a hard worker. I think that's harder to cultivate on a club level. If her skills progress, A&T could be a possibility, but she hasn't shown much interest in that. Lately, I've heard a lot of talk of her staying local and super-senioring, which would work with her birthdate. And then after that, maybe an IO5/6 team? We shall see...
Love this thread. Glad to see that many athletes and parents are realizing that College Cheer is something that (for most people) takes more planning than a decision after worlds because the two (AS & College) are soo different.

The planning definitely helps college coaches recruit easier and grow their teams for the future
Love this thread. Glad to see that many athletes and parents are realizing that College Cheer is something that (for most people) takes more planning than a decision after worlds because the two (AS & College) are soo different.

The planning definitely helps college coaches recruit easier and grow their teams for the future

A recruiting fair at a large allstar competition would do a lot more! cough cough NCA or CHEERSPORt cough cough

Having recruitment clinics during the summer is a good way for colleges to see athletes. But college fairs at major allstar competitions are a good way for the athletes to find out a college exists.
A recruiting fair at a large allstar competition would do a lot more! cough cough NCA or CHEERSPORt cough cough

Having recruitment clinics during the summer is a good way for colleges to see athletes. But college fairs at major allstar competitions are a good way for the athletes to find out a college exists.
The biggest hurdle to this is the huge fees EPs charge for their booths. I'm sure colleges don't have thousands in their budgets for recruiting cheerleaders.
The biggest hurdle to this is the huge fees EPs charge for their booths. I'm sure colleges don't have thousands in their budgets for recruiting cheerleaders.

It is in NCA / CHEERSPORT's best interest to give this away for free. No one would be selling anything (or shouldn't be) so it shouldn't be a conflict of interest in that way. Colleges have to pay their own way. And in the end it would create a bigger market at the top (college) which creates more interest in allstar (at the bottom). NCA is at capacity but CHEERSPORT can get WAY bigger. Having a college fair in the place they used to have their coaches room (because that space sits unused) would be smart.

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