OT Kids say the darndest things!

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These are all hilarious! I remember one of my faves from my now 7 year old: I think she was about 3 at the time. She was telling me about how they had been learning about different holidays that people celebrate. She said, "We celebrate Christmas, and the Jibberish people celebrate Hannukah." Classic!
Bumping this thread back up... lol. I coach a minis level 1 team and the other day we were stretching and we were doing butterflies and i asked everyone where they wanted to fly to (their around 7) and this one little girl said 'Justin Beaver!' and I said, 'Addison, don't you mean Justin Beiber?' and she goes, 'No, because he looks like a beaver...' lol i diiiied! :p love this thread!!
i helped out with our tiny team this past season so i have A LOT of these!

one of the girls decided not to stretch & was hiding behind the cheese mat. i went over & asked her if she wanted to come stretch with the rest of the team & she told me "i don't have to stretch i'm king of the jungle!"

another time we told the girls we were doing tumbling circuits & a girl said "but i don't want to be in the circus!"

when figuring out tumbling spots we had them try different "passes" & asked 1 girl to do 2 cartwheels if she could. we got cartwheel stop shimmy cartwheel stop shimmy cartwheel stop shimmy hairflip snap. she's 3 & it was the cutest thing ever.

we were in butterfly stretches & asked "where are you flying to?" some girls said disney world, some said to grandmas house, & one girl said "to spiderland! .. they have COOKIES!" no idea what that means.

i loved listening to the tinys do their cheer.. it was supposed to be xtreme cheer allstars the best in the nation blue silver black xxx domination twinkles! & they would say uhstream cheer allstars the best in a nayson blue silver black xxx dombination tinkles!

at my own practice i threw my full & my coaches daughter was there watching & said "OMG hannah that was just so awesome!" i said thanks & told her she was awesome. she said "i know right!" & skipped away.

at one of my practices 2 seasons ago our coaches daughter was supposed to be sitting watching but wanted to go on the trampoline even though our coaches said not to unless the bigger girls were there watching her. one of my teammates saw her running over to the trampoline & told our coach & she yelled "no i'm not! don't worry i got it don't look over here guys!" as she was climbing onto the trampoline.

i love little kids:)
Ok I coach Tiny's, privates, and summer camp so I spend a lot of time with kids.
I have two girls Gracie and Audrey (2 years older) who are sisters. I was talking to them after practice one night and Gracie was telling me about her boyfriend. According to her, they are going to get married, but she wants to wait until at least kindergarten. Her older sister is having a thing with his older brother but "it's not that serious yet." She says she's just not ready for that kind of commitment.

During camp last summer, back when that Ke$ha song Take it Off was popular, the kids were having an argument about whether there was glitter, or litter on the floor. (The actual lyric is: There's a place I know if you're looking for a show, where they go hard core and there's glitter on the floor, and they turn me on when they take it off....) I told them there was glitter on the floor. "But Miss Lauren, why is there glitter on the floor? Where are they?" I had to tell them the song was about New Year's Eve and the glitter was like confetti.

Our last comp was at the beach and one little girl ran up and told me she was staying at a hotel with a pool...AND and ocean! The same kid once had to miss practice for an out of town wedding. Me:Who's getting married? Lila: My Auntie Kate. Me: Oh, where does she live? Lila: At Auntie Kate's house...Duh

One night I bought my boyfriend to the gym. Some older elementary aged tumble kids had some important questions: Is that your husband? (Im in HS) No we're just dating. Oh my god, do you love him? Yes I do, very much. OH MY GOD HAVE YOU KISSED HIM?!?! Yes. This was just too much for these girls. Love pshh, kissing was the be all end all

But by far my favorite. We were in butterfly one day and flapping our arms pretending to fly. I asked one girl Ella where she wanted to fly to and she told me she was going to church. I asked her if she liked going to church. She told me yes, but that her parents didn't go to church, so she only got to go with her grandma.
Ella: Sometimes these people come to our door and they try to give us papers ad say that we should go to church. But my mommy doesn't like them, so now when they come...we hide.
My daughter when she was 3 went to Wal mart with me and begged for a barbie jeep power wheel and I said no you already have the 3 wheeler. So she said tell Santa I want it and I said it was too early for Santa to answer the phone(it was April). She thought for a minute and said just text him then! lol
I shared this in a different thread, but thought it might also fit in with this thread. Sometimes kids do the darnest things:
When my son was 5 I signed him up for pee wee flag football. My son is constantly surrounded by cheer due to his 2 sisters & all of their friends. The Coach told them to do 10 jumping jacks. Blaze raised his hand, said mine are high, & then did 10 toe touches. My poor guy got really upset when everyone laughed.​
When i have my minis practice our cheer with motions they always seem to make me laugh soo hard! Our words are: 'The pride of a champion, it's all in the name, United Elite, proud to procaim, yeah!' and they always say: 'The prize of a champion, it's all in vein, united a-lite, proud to propane, yeah!' haha it's sooo funny!!! And this little girl who is 7 asked me if i had a baby, uh no im only 17 lol. and whenever we play simon says at the end of practice and if they get out they just come latch onto my leg, and say: 'i'm a winner!' lol :p i love little kids!
Today when i rwent ro rent movies i saw a little girl who was probably about 4 looking at movies with her mom. this is what i heard:
Mom: Sweetie, how bout this movie? it has michelle from full house!
Girl: I love michelle!
Mom: Did you know michelle is actually 2 girls?
Girl: WHAT?!?!?!
she sounded so devistated and confused haha. it made me laugh.
I've been teaching theater camp with at my old HS, and I normally have the 8-12 year olds. They STILL ask me the craziest things, particularly the young ones. I used to go to college in NYC, and they always asked me how long it took to fly there (from CT?), and if I lived next to *insert celebrity here*, or if I was famous (always say yes lol). When I used to be a counselor at a day camp, I usually ended up with the 5-6 or 7-9 year olds.. My favorite was this little boy Aidan.

One day, Aidan comes up to me and stands really close next to me. Out of nowhere he turns to me, hugs me really quick, then lets go. As I turn, he goes 'Sorry. I just really felt like hugging you.' Or he would just sit next to me wherever I was and start singing one of the Fanta commercial songs and dance around. Plus, with the young ones I always got 'Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you kiss? How old is he? How old are you? How many kids do you have? Don't you like children?' I think one of them told me I was 37..I was 16-18 at the time. :confused: This summer when I go back to theater camp, I'll bring some of the gems I get from the day. They're usually crazy ones..
So my sister is a student teacher this year (in her last year of an elementary education degree) for a first grade class and she posted this as her status on facebook today:
"One of my students at writing time: 'Miss Z I wanna write about this place I went to one time but forgeet what it's called. It's by like Japan or China I think???' (5 minutes of thinking) 'Oh yeah! Ocean City, Maryland!'"

haha little kids are so cute! :)
When my daughter was 5 and on her first rec team, they had a cheer that said I-N-D-I-A-N-S, Chippewa Indians are the best! And they would say it I-N-I-D-I-N-A-I-S or anything other than Indians. It was so cute because they couldn't spell it.

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