All-Star Mystery Back Pain, Not In Spine

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Cheer Parent
Dec 12, 2012
My cp has 2 knots in her lower back, each about 2 inches from her spine on either side. The left one came first, the right a few months later. She goes through periods of time when it hurts really bad (can't tumble, walks with a limp) and then sometimes it's just bothersome. Physical therapist thought they were muscle spasms but pediatrician and orthopedic doc say they aren't. X-ray didn't show anything but they won't do an MRI since it's not affecting her "daily life." I'm lost.

I read through a bunch of threads with lower back pain and it seems to always be in the spine so I'm kind of sure it's not a stress fracture. Anyone who could share experience or give insight I would be so grateful!
Downward dog. Some yoga stretching. This is my completely lay, non medical opinion, but Oh, my it helped me so much. Look up piriformis syndrome and sciatica. "Limps" Oh, my when I am having a flare-up I feel like I am dragging my foot. Anyway, I had made an appointment with my doctor to come in the next morning and try injections, could not deal with the pain, complete agony. Walked like I was 100 years old. Posted to Facebook, Help! anyone, anything? a friend of mind who teaches Yoga said try sun salutations, warrior, downward dog. I was better by next morning enough to cancel shots. In the past some of the piriformis stretches have kept it from getting bad, but this last time nothing was helping but that did. They can generally feel the knots you are describing when I'm bad. I have no movement in my right ankle due to a car accident and mess my back up from the way I compensate for it.
I am not sure where you are located but in our area several gymnasts and cheerleaders have been successfully treated by Airrosti therapy, including my oldest CP. Airrosti Rehab Centers
I also have back problems and when I have a flare-up I go to my chiropractor.
I am not sure where you are located but in our area several gymnasts and cheerleaders have been successfully treated by Airrosti therapy, including my oldest CP. Airrosti Rehab Centers
I also have back problems and when I have a flare-up I go to my chiropractor.

Curious - If Airrosti therapy worked for your CP, have you tried it for your own back problems too? If not, why not? (asking because I'm a mom with back problems too)

notyourcheermom: Thanks! I will definitely start googling those stretches. Her pediatrician did recommend more exercise but she is at the cheer gym 8 hrs a week plus takes 6 dance classes so she does get a good workout everyday. Did anyone ever tell you a name for those knots?
gymcatmomx2: Unfortunately there is not one near me. Boo.

Anyone ever used a tens unit on a child? (She's 10) PT recommended one but ortho doc doesn't want her to have one for fear she will get dependent on it.
My daughter has had a similar issue with the knots in her lower back, they were so bad that you could see and feel where they were when she lifted her shirt. She did not drag her leg because of them but she was unable to tumble. We took her to our chiropractor for some treatment and also took her for a massage and both helped. She does still get these knots from time to time and they are painful so when they happen we take her back to the chiropractor. With the amount of torque the kids put on their backs with the tumbling and twisting it is no surprise that they experience back problems. I hope this helps, best of luck to you.
My daughter has had a similar issue with the knots in her lower back, they were so bad that you could see and feel where they were when she lifted her shirt. She did not drag her leg because of them but she was unable to tumble. We took her to our chiropractor for some treatment and also took her for a massage and both helped. She does still get these knots from time to time and they are painful so when they happen we take her back to the chiropractor. With the amount of torque the kids put on their backs with the tumbling and twisting it is no surprise that they experience back problems. I hope this helps, best of luck to you.

Thanks!! The physical therapist was unable to rub the knots out. They never go away. My cp has been dancing since she was 4 and cheering since 6 but the doc assured me that is not the cause of the knots. (?) I will ask about a chiropractor at her next appointment. I hope it gets better for your daughter. I know it hurts to see them not able to do what they love because they are in pain :(
I am surprised the orthaped didnt want to do the MRI...did you go to one that is specific for sports medicine? How old is your daughter? My now 16 year old had similar issues at 14 - went to the ortho...they didnt see anything in standard xrays, and she did have several knotted areas...they did the MRI and it showed a "near" stress in a weak area that was not quite a stress fracture, but likely resulted from the twisting motion of the fulls and double fulls she did regularly...dr saw lots of gymnasts and said that the repetition of the same move was what she though was the cause - they were concerned because a fall would likely make it worse. So we had 6 weeks off, twice weekly physical therapy for the muscle spasms and she was cleared after the MRI indicated the weakness had built up bone tissue. One year later, same thing,...- turns out that this will continue as long as she is twisting but Dr put her on a stretching regamine and evaluated video of her twistsing and gave her advice on how to change a few things...we also worked with the tumble trainer at our gym to adjust and to ensure she was not doing the twisting 20-30 times a practice - but rather mixed it up with other tumbling etc...had to drop our privates too. Overall she is a stronger, better tumbler now and we take precautionary advil before practice and competitons to aviod swelling which causes the pain and spasms. When she is in spasms they are worsened by her impending periods (that is why I asked the age)
Is there a chance that these are caused by a technique issue in their tumbling? In addition to the doctors you might want to have a strong tumbling coach watch technique and see if something is off. Doesn't take much in terms of technique being off just a little to add to or aggravate somethings. Wish all of your CP's luck with it.
I will also curious if she was doing something to cause it. You say the Dr. recommended stretches but sounds like she doesn't do them. Being in Cheer and Dance for hours a week does not replace stretching a certain part of your body.
Cheerforme No, not specifically a sports doctor. She's 10. Her only tumbling is walkovers and handsprings. The physical therapist that said they were spasms thinks they were caused in part by her bone structure changing due to impending puberty and her hips spreading which contributed to her pelvis tilting out of alignment and causing the spasms. It made sense to me at the time but the doctor thought that was nuts and definitely not it. She has a follow up in 2 months and I think I will request an MRI.

Cheer Dad, I've talked to her many times about lifting with her legs when she bases but never thought about technique in tumbling. I will talk to her coach tmrw. Thank you!

CoachKelly, Early January when her back was really hurting she started doing Gabi Butler's stretch video. The pain has not returned since but the knots are still there. The doc gave us stretching exercises yesterday and tonight I will add the ones notyourcheermom suggested. Thanks.
They're not her sacroiliac joints are they? They're a couple inches on either side of the spine and part of the pelvis and feel like a knot. I had the same pain and it could be so excruciating that I couldn't turn over in bed, walk, or lift my foot from the peddle when driving. Maybe looking around about it a little bit, couldn't hurt? But that's what your post reminded me of!
They're not her sacroiliac joints are they? They're a couple inches on either side of the spine and part of the pelvis and feel like a knot. I had the same pain and it could be so excruciating that I couldn't turn over in bed, walk, or lift my foot from the peddle when driving. Maybe looking around about it a little bit, couldn't hurt? But that's what your post reminded me of!

I'm still googling, but yes! This is definitely a possibility. That's exactly where her knots are and the pain described in the wiki page is on par. Thanks! Can I ask if your pain was caused by bad technique or a weakness in your core? And how do you treat it? I'm still holding on to maybe it's nothing and will work itself out with strengthening and proper technique (I worry about everything way to much) but now I have something I can bring to her appointment to discuss.
I was going to post that it sounded like me when I had back pain and it was my SI joints.

I went to a chiropractor who specialized in sports injuries and he said it was partially due to the fact that I have very little hamstring flexibility. My pain went into my glutes and upper hamstrings as well.
And his general attitude was "motion is lotion" for this...obviously to stop strenuous exercising but not to sit around either. I also used Ben gay / Tiger Balm on it.

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