All-Star Nca Day 3 Updates (sunday)

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What I find hilarious is that NO ONE is addressing the actual issue with the scoring. AGAIN I does one team hit a perfect clean routine and get 0.8 on execution and then team 2 goes out almost drops stunts, has tumblers to their knees and yet scores the exact same 0.8 on execution for those areas?? Anyone? Because that is what I was seeing this weekend when score sheets were posted.
How do you have two teams whose breakdown scores are literally IDENTICAL yet team #1 scores 2 whole points higher than team #2?
I don't give rats booty about people thinking its a TX favoritism thing and that thinking is not old in the least. The fact everyone is getting their panties in a twist about it is laughable because it comes up EVERY YEAR!!
It's also funny that the people who are defending the scoring the most are the ones that benefited highly from it. A dance should not determine who is technically the best and if that's the case then they need to start sending jackets and rings to those choreographers along with the coaches of the team.
@12stepCheermom I completely agree on your point, some people on here appear to be untouchable...must be nice. If I had said half the stuff Kris has I would be racking up the negative ratings. Maybe I need to go against my usual rule ands start hitting the button?

You must not have been here for the "negative-rating-palooza" she had a week or two ago. Girlfriend has plenty of folks who challenge her. I just personally find that she backs her stuff up, whether or not you agree with "her stuff."
I think the fact both teams are from extremely successful large programs affects the perception too. People forget that they are a brand new gym just because they have a big name on their uniforms.
As for SMOED, although I don't agree with the bashing and there are many innocent athletes taking the brunt for past behavior, you get what you give. Social media has done to SMOED what SMOED has done to social media - and all of it is wrong.

I agree with that last statement to a point. The flyer who so many have made fun of deserves NONE of it. She has not been on social media saying one thing about anybody to anybody. She's new to the team. One of the sweetest kids you will ever meet. She just wants to work hard and cheer, no matter what team she's on. And that she's the one bearing the brunt of the team's bad turn at NCA just really pisses me off.

I know you weren't saying it's ok. My rant is general and not directed at you.

I agree with that last statement to a point. The flyer who so many have made fun of deserves NONE of it. She has not been on social media saying one thing about anybody to anybody. She's new to the team. One of the sweetest kids you will ever meet. She just wants to work hard and cheer, no matter what team she's on. And that she's the one bearing the brunt of the team's bad turn at NCA just really pisses me off.

I know you weren't saying it's ok. My rant is general and not directed at you.


Nope. And I kind of resent that. I say the Cali team looks great so therefore I must be a parent of an athlete on that team? Whatever. I asked for other divisions to throw into this discussion but alas this one seems to be the one that keeps coming up.

I'm sure there are a ton of people who could throw out divisions where the scoring didn't make sense. But it typically just makes the person look like a sore loser, or that they have an agenda. And it also insults the winning team. So more often than not people don't do it. When it was brought up using LAG several people broke it down and it then made sense to most people afterwards. But that's a division where it's very common to hash out and discuss. Throwing out random divisions, especially on non senior teams, would be a little classless IMHO. Even if you ARE complaining about the judging there are kids hearing you say they don't deserve to win.
I agree with that last statement to a point. The flyer who so many have made fun of deserves NONE of it. She has not been on social media saying one thing about anybody to anybody. She's new to the team. One of the sweetest kids you will ever meet. She just wants to work hard and cheer, no matter what team she's on. And that she's the one bearing the brunt of the team's bad turn at NCA just really pisses me off.

I know you weren't saying it's ok. My rant is general and not directed at you.

I fully agree it is not her fault at all and my heart breaks for her to have to deal with all of the B.S. that has taken place.
So seriously.. using this division as an example.. please explain to me why all three teams that hit perfect ( I would really like to know and learn) had such a variation in their raw score increase from day 1 to 2 when they were so close on day 1 and why did Prodigy's go down?? I don't understand really. Can someone post a link to a varsity page explaining all of this?

Vipers went up .75 versus Rockstar that also hit perfect and only had a .30 increase?? Where as after Day 1 they were only .25 apart??

raw score is made up by difficulty, cleanliness, technique, timing, a NUMBER or things.
You can do the same routine two days in A row and have two very differnt raw scores based on a number of things.... For example: how your technique was one day vs the other. How your timing was one day vs the other and MORE!
Wow!! Someone just asks a question about scoring and it's attack/bully time by all the daily posters. I just saw the post as a question to see what was going on. She wasn't attacking anyone. Maybe this is the one time she wanted an answer to a question. How do any of you know a mistake wasn't made? Wouldn't you want it answered if it was you? And why is she posting cheer sport vs NCA they competed against some different teams?

We answered her questions about why and how teams could have such different raw scores day 1 and day 2.

Posters are upset about her comments that NCA favors Texas teams. Which is ridiculous.
We answered her questions about why and how teams could have such different raw scores day 1 and day 2.

Posters are upset about her comments that NCA favors Texas teams. Which is ridiculous.

It's something that's brought up every year. Not a new idea.
The point I was trying to establish has been missed. This conversation became about this division and it was never intended to. I'm very curious of other examples were something similar happened. The system is not going to change unless people speak up and point out the issues. I know that Varsity people read these boards ( howdy Varsity) and it's important they realize and see beyond angry people spouting off because they are sore losers. As I said 15 pages ago - my daughters team won but many of her friends teams did not and I encountered many many people with legitimate concerns about scoring and say what you will about CSP but hello.. she's a pretty big name and I think carries some weight. This is how change happens. I don't feel like these are situations that people should just suck up and move past. If the system is flawed, it's hurting kids and contributing to the illegitimacy of this sport. It must be changed. Our children deserve to be recognized by every school, sporting institution and the general population as the true athletes they are and all of these issues contribute to not making that happen. I think every single poster on every fierce board would agree that All Star Cheer is a sport, in every sense of that word and trumps what many define to be sports in other areas (badminton is at the olympics for petes sake but not cheer) and deserves that recognition once and for all. A fair, accurate, concise scoring system is an essential component for making that a reality. @12stepCheermom
I think if you do some searching on the boards you'll find threads upon threads where we've done this. We've created entire new scoring grids, codes of points, used statistical regression to prove mathematically that early teams in comparative divisions are at a disadvantage. We've built credentialing systems, standards for judges training, background checks for coaching staffs, started petitions and put out new venues for worlds and we've done it consistently, for the fours years I've been here. I can assure you if Varsity is reading....they're showing negligible interest.

In all honesty, outside of Madea threatening people with a gun (classic!), some cats, and few catfish that pretty much IS what the board talks about.

And personally, I haven't said a word about CSP. She coached all three of my CPs (I include God-CP here if you're confused) directly on Coed Elite, Medium Coed, Youth Elite and J5 last year. I have a lot of respect for her and I also guarantee there's nothing we can say here she hasn't already thought of. The woman is scary smart. (Waves at CSP, your teams were great this weekend and I love the new uniforms by the way!) She's also tenacious and doesn't need us to back her up. She'll walk into that fight on her own (and likely already has).

So I say all that to say this: take a look around the boards at the discussions we've already had. Feel free to contribute to those discussions productively. Bring ideas to the table. But do it without waving your fists or melting down over the injustice of it all.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find any one of us that thinks the system isn't broken. We've established that. So be productive in bringing forth creative ideas (in a diplomatic way) for how to fix it and you'll come off far more credible than the manner you're presenting yourself here. Because right now you're just jumping around screaming that it's not fair. We know that. We've spend hundreds of pages discussing it and offering up ideas. Those are interesting and informative threads. I suggest reading them.

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Is there a rule to have songs from musical in R5? Haha either way, I love it! I would have killed to have Vipers' dance with that song.
I must admit I'm all about some Cell Block Tango. There is nothing quite like belting that one out in the car on your evening drive!

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