OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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The internet is a crazy place, isn't it? I feel like Uncle Ben's famous quote is needed when it comes to the internet - "With great power comes great responsibility."

Even if it was an inside joke, I think it was bad judgement in posting it with that caption. Sometimes the internet isn't the place for inside jokes. They are inside jokes for a reason meaning that they aren't shared with the world. If we didn't have that back story and explanation from msteal, this definitely would've snowballed into something bigger.

In a way this is somewhat of a parallel with the Chola news article thread. Both pictures were taken out of context and thrust into the limelight with little to no background information. Both had aspects of a picture of a team that could be misconstrued as "racist" without that background story. The difference is in this situation we had an explanation from a person involved afterward.

I think the tumblr account instigated a lot of unnecessary drama around it. But like I said, as an outsider, I think the caption was a bit unnecessary, too. But that doesn't mean I think MsT's kid is a bad kid or a racist. Good people make bad decisions all the time. She just made a bad decision (IMO) that was brought to light in a not so nice way. I'm sure we've all made bad decisions that we are glad the world never saw. I know I have.

Unfortunately something like this happened to me when I was cheering - Back when Myspace was a thing I made a comment on someones picture that was.... looking back it was not in good taste. It was a comment to a former coach at the gym I was at (Gym A) who had switched to the gym next door (Gym B - literally right next door). The comment expressed how unhappy I was at Gym A and some of the questionable things that had been happening and how much I was hoping to switch to Gym B the next season. My coach at Gym A printed the comment off and at the end of practice that night, two weeks before our last competition, read part of it to the entire team. He left my name off of it but I felt he brought it up in such an immature way and thought it was unfair because it was taken out of context. Both of my parents coached there and I had been at that gym the longest out of everyone there - even some coaches (8 years). I knew kids looked up to me and I had a reputation of being a kind, thoughtful, responsible kid - I was held to a higher standard than all of the other kids because of my seniority and as the "coaches kid". My mom was also in that practice and heard the whole thing. Not knowing it was me, she commented on it and said how disappointed she was that someone on the team would say those things about their team. The team walked away from practice that night speculating who would've done that. Like many other kids, cheerleading was my entire life and I loved every second of it and how much I loved my teams but because of the parts of the comment that were omitted when read, the coach made it sound like I hated my team and everyone on it when I was frustrated with how the gym was ran. I can't tell you how much I cried and cried and cried and cried afterwards in private. It was a horrible feeling. I am already very hard on myself and what happened made it so much worse. The hardest part was owning up to it to my parents and then sitting in the coaches office apologizing to them the next day. (My happy ending was I got to go to Gym B the next season and was happy as a clam there!)

@mstealtoyou - I can imagine how your girl is feeling. After it all settled down I was able to relfect on what happened. It gave me a little more insight on how the internet works and how what I say can be misconstrued and used against me. I know people like to jump to conclusions on the internet without a care in the world of the real story. You cannot control what people do with the things YOU put on the internet but you can control what you put there. I also realized that everyone can see EVERYTHING you post on the internet. I learned to be a LOT more careful about what I posted. Even though the whole situation hurt a lot and caused a lot of frustration and grief, I walked away learning so much. Hopefully your daughter will be able to do the same and will try her best not to let it happen again. I don't think what she posted reflects anything negative about her - she sounds like a good kid who might've made a mistake. It's a tough learning experience. The fact that she is so upset about it speaks volumes to me. Its obvious she cares deeply about what has happened and isn't one of those types who post something that could've hurt peoples feelings and not care about the consequences. I have so much more respect for people like that. Sometimes people's reactions to their actions are more important than their original actions. How she handles it and what she walks away with shows more about her character than the original IG post or how it has been portrayed. Tell her to keep her head up. It will be ok.

As for tumblr - some tumblr's are there simply to cause drama. Just like some twitters are there to cause drama. When you're on tumblr you just roll your eyes, ignore them, and keep scrolling. I feel like tumblr is getting a bad rap because of a couple of bad seeds. Just ignore them and pity them knowing they have nothing better to do than help cause drama. I don't know about others but I want to do more with my life than that. Tumblr isn't all drama, sometimes it can be a great resource.

Eek sorry for the novel y'all. Back to job searching I go!

1. Yes, you're so right!

2.. We see that now....never happen again

3. Agreed and good advice thank you.

4. Thank you..........I really appreciate it!!

Also thank you for sharing your story!!!
Oh... So, this is still going on. :rolleyes: I hadn't posted this, because I thought we were done talking about this.

But I wanted to clarify that I didn't think msteal's daughter did anything wrong. I think my posts made it sound like I was saying we should be more mad at her. Actually all I was saying was that I didn't think it was ok that no one cared about it until now (either care when "bgc" was first started, or don't care).

I think the whole thing (BGC, the comment, etc) shows poor judgment from a lot of people, but I don't know that I'd consider any of it that big a deal - certainly not enough for all this. Msteal said it was taken care of, and I believe that.

I don't have Tumblr (I'm middle aged and creepy, so I don't really have time for Tumblr when I'm busy living through my kids), so I'm only privy to what I got from this thread. Is this really still a thing, even days later?

where else to put this but the random thread?

My mom texted me asking me to prepare a marinade and put tonights london broil in it and put it in the fridge since it needed to marinate for a few hours and she wouldnt be home. I read the marinade recipe and threw all the ingredients to a food processor but when it called for 4 Garlic cloves, I ended up putting 4 garlic BULBS in it... needless to say, vampires and mosquitos will not bother my family for a while.

There's a famous recipe from a restaurant in San Francisco that uses 40 cloves of garlic for chicken. Maybe you came up with a similar one for London broil and could make yours famous! Probably was delicious... As long as you're not planning to kiss anyone soon!
Oh... So, this is still going on. :rolleyes: I hadn't posted this, because I thought we were done talking about this.

But I wanted to clarify that I didn't think msteal's daughter did anything wrong. I think my posts made it sound like I was saying we should be more mad at her. Actually all I was saying was that I didn't think it was ok that no one cared about it until now (either care when "bgc" was first started, or don't care).

I think the whole thing (BGC, the comment, etc) shows poor judgment from a lot of people, but I don't know that I'd consider any of it that big a deal - certainly not enough for all this. Msteal said it was taken care of, and I believe that.

I don't have Tumblr (I'm middle aged and creepy, so I don't really have time for Tumblr when I'm busy living through my kids), so I'm only privy to what I got from this thread. Is this really still a thing, even days later?

I think it was dying and then popped back up....

Anyway.... I think something else that popped up this morning will soon cause a distraction and allow this to die completely....

Not that I want the other thing to become a thing (againx2)... I just know how things roll.
I wish gyms were more strict on social media. I'm not taking it out on WC because I know this is an immature teen with no affiliation to the gym, but if I was at WC I would be furious that someone with that maturity, vulgarity and classlessness would even ATTEMPT to say these things with a screen name that could even remotely reflect my gym.
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I'm really not getting into this, because quite frankly I don't have an entire day to go back and forth with people on Fierce Board about what types of racism are OK or not. My shimmying was not about you receiving preferential treatment. It was about hypocrisy. Period.

It is not OK to have groups called "black girls club" - even if white girls are in it - because they can dance better. It is not OK to have groups called black fource because they can tumble better. Even if they've had it for years.

Would it be OK to have a "white girls club" because they have pretty, shiny hair? Or good credit? (yes, I'm intentionally being ridiculous and using typical racist stereotypes to make a point; no, I don't think white girls have prettier hair or better credit. Those were just the two I could come up with quickly)

No, it would not be ok. It is not OK - EVER - to divide people into groups by race (or even groups named by race). No matter how funny it is.

The point was the hypocrisy of what people deem offensive. It's either offensive to stereotype people based on race, or its not. Choose.

ETA this:

Because people (NOT msteal) are using "They've been doing it for years! They have a black girls club" as an answer to why it's ok. So yes, actually, people are making excuses. Again, not msteal, but others are. I don't know how that's better than the thug theme. Not sure how that got turned into the Chola thing - that thread was most assuredly NOT about Cholas. It was about a "thug" theme, which people took to be a slight at a particular race. I thought we already covered this, but "thug" is not a race. "Black girls club" does actually define a race - so I'm not clear on how this is more acceptable. Because it's not a dress up day, but it's an ongoing thing? Oh...

Thank you for replying. I appreciate it. Believe me, I do get it.
Oh... So, this is still going on. :rolleyes: I hadn't posted this, because I thought we were done talking about this.

But I wanted to clarify that I didn't think msteal's daughter did anything wrong. I think my posts made it sound like I was saying we should be more mad at her. Actually all I was saying was that I didn't think it was ok that no one cared about it until now (either care when "bgc" was first started, or don't care).

I think the whole thing (BGC, the comment, etc) shows poor judgment from a lot of people, but I don't know that I'd consider any of it that big a deal - certainly not enough for all this. Msteal said it was taken care of, and I believe that.

I don't have Tumblr (I'm middle aged and creepy, so I don't really have time for Tumblr when I'm busy living through my kids), so I'm only privy to what I got from this thread. Is this really still a thing, even days later?

There's a famous recipe from a restaurant in San Francisco that uses 40 cloves of garlic for chicken. Maybe you came up with a similar one for London broil and could make yours famous! Probably was delicious... As long as you're not planning to kiss anyone soon!

Thank you for saying it. I think it was lost until I got back on this morning. LOL Which, I read and replied to a few posts.

I do want to thank everyone who shared your thoughts on this. Those who sent me a text of support or PMed me hugs. Those who know Little Bit and know who she is in real life. (Not just the girl who's on a popular team) I see the BGC and the white girls comment are both wrong. I appreciate everyone here who shared a story with me. As stupid as it makes me sound....I didn't get it. I do now and so does she. I grew as a person in the last 2 days and I grew as a parent as well. Just wanted y'all to know I appreciate you all!!
I wish gyms were more strict on social media. I'm not taking it out on WC because I know this is an immature teen with no affiliation to the gym, but if I was at WC I would be furious that someone with that maturity, vulgarity and classlessness would even ATTEMPT to say these things with a screen name that could even remotely reflect my gym.
I'm an alum on WC and I'm furious...such immaturity attached to the gym name gives it a bad rep even if the girl isn't associated with World Cup.
Since you quoted me I went to her blog again..

She added some more things and said a bunch of middle aged women on FB are up in arms over her blog.

I'm 26 @B Luss that is not middle aged [emoji57]
I never realized how close in age we are. Learn something new every day!!

I think some people miss the old days of fierceboard where you were kinda allowed to trash talk whomever/wherever/whenever. Those days are long past and to be honest, I don't miss it.

If I was a gym owner, you'd best BELIEVE I'd be angry at some of the foolishness hiding behind my logo (I can only imagine seeing as I don't use it, tumblr is sooo like, 18 months ago *adjusts fake glasses*).
I think it was dying and then popped back up....

Anyway.... I think something else that popped up this morning will soon cause a distraction and allow this to die completely....

Not that I want the other thing to become a thing (againx2)... I just know how things roll.
Something else popped up today? I must have missed it.

*Negative ratings aren't bad, just means you can wear your hater shades mores often*
I forgot that today my roommate and I have different schedules and didn't bring my key to school today. So I'm now standing in our building lobby waiting for someone to come/leave.
I forgot that today my roommate and I have different schedules and didn't bring my key to school today. So I'm now standing in our building lobby waiting for someone to come/leave.
My poor roommate once had to wait at the 24hr coffee shop by our subway stop because she left her keys in the apt and I was in either work or Brooklyn or something at it takes FOREVER for me to get home when it's late-night (subways don't run as often). She was MISERABLE. Took me 2 hours.

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