OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Our college gave us free movies on the weekends (movies that had just finished their run in the theaters). And then the local movie theater had like $9 tickets and $6 large pop corns. At home it's $12ish per ticket and then I smuggle food in because I'm not playing around with $8 small popcorns.

Funny story: my best friend and I went to the theaters this summer and we split the large popcorn that came with free refills. After the movie she got it refilled again so she could bring popcorn home. Went to the movies again a week later and brought back the same bucket for popcorn and essentially got free popcorn. We got 4 refills out of that thing :p
:banghead:ughh wedding planning is so stressful !!!!!!! im trying to stick to the budget, but i clearly live in a very expensive town to be getting married.
I got married almost a year ago, and I couldn't agree more! Our parents thankfully payed for most of the wedding, and when we started planning my dad kept saying "find what you like and we will make it work." Which is the most frustrating thing ever! I looked at venues online to make a list of places I wanted to visit, and the first place we picked was $275 a plate with a 200 person minimum! We walked out and my husband just says "we aren't considering this place are we?" I had no idea how expensive it would be, or could get! We did not spend anywhere near that per plate thankfully, but my dad continued the whole "pick what you want" and when I went to look at wedding dresses, the first thing they ask aside from style is what is your budget? My dad quickly changed his tune when I found a dress that would have been around 10 thousand dollars after the changed I wanted to make! lol

One thing that saved me was that we booked our venue while it was being built. Which obviously can't happen for everyone, but we ended up having the wedding a little farther away from where we live then we would have liked, but got a great venue, and ended up saving a ton of money! I also shopped a lot on etsy, did some DIY printing, and purchased decorations and such that I would use again in my house that way I didn't feel totally bad for purchasing candle holders and frames. If you need any help finding some places for discounts (I also have some stuff I would love to get rid of- favor wise) send me a PM. I can send over pictures of some of the stuff I am looking to get rid of.

Good Luck planning!
Why sad face? That's super cheap!

I've heard that someone like Blockbuster is thinking of doing something like Netflix but for movie theaters? Has anyone else heard that? I would totally pay monthly to see all the movies I want!

There is a movie theater chain in Germany that already does that. It's 400 Euros to watch all the movies you want (3D, etc. included) for one year (or 250 Euros for 6 months).
There is a movie theater chain in Germany that already does that. It's 400 Euros to watch all the movies you want (3D, etc. included) for one year (or 250 Euros for 6 months).

I watched a news story of a theater near Boston who's starting to do that. If I had friends here I'd totally invest in that. Sounds awesome!
So I'm having (yet another) issue. I woke up to a rather rude email from my head coach. The basic idea is that his impression of me is not so good, and he told me I need to stop telling people I'm going to take their spots, giving corrections, or being mean. I really really don't think that's true, but oh well (especially telling people I'm taking their spot? Like what even).

Basically I'm at this point where I'm just done. My mom is going to Hawaii tomorrow and invited me to go with, but I'm supposed to go to Anaheim as an alternate this weekend. Im also trying to decide if I would be okay if I quit now and they got a bid to worlds. But then I'm not even sure I'd be back on the floor for worlds if I stayed. Ugh.

I miss being a kid and not having to make my own decisions.
So I'm having (yet another) issue. I woke up to a rather rude email from my head coach. The basic idea is that his impression of me is not so good, and he told me I need to stop telling people I'm going to take their spots, giving corrections, or being mean. I really really don't think that's true, but oh well (especially telling people I'm taking their spot? Like what even).

Basically I'm at this point where I'm just done. My mom is going to Hawaii tomorrow and invited me to go with, but I'm supposed to go to Anaheim as an alternate this weekend. Im also trying to decide if I would be okay if I quit now and they got a bid to worlds. But then I'm not even sure I'd be back on the floor for worlds if I stayed. Ugh.

I miss being a kid and not having to make my own decisions.
Go to Hawaii. I'd have left the gym when nobody let you stay on their floor for that comp way back when. You deserve a break!
So I'm having (yet another) issue. I woke up to a rather rude email from my head coach. The basic idea is that his impression of me is not so good, and he told me I need to stop telling people I'm going to take their spots, giving corrections, or being mean. I really really don't think that's true, but oh well (especially telling people I'm taking their spot? Like what even).

Basically I'm at this point where I'm just done. My mom is going to Hawaii tomorrow and invited me to go with, but I'm supposed to go to Anaheim as an alternate this weekend. Im also trying to decide if I would be okay if I quit now and they got a bid to worlds. But then I'm not even sure I'd be back on the floor for worlds if I stayed. Ugh.

I miss being a kid and not having to make my own decisions.
I would go to Hawaii. It seems from previous post that your so called team seems to be not team friendly for you. They were not willing for you to stay with them at one comp. You had plenty of people on here more concerned than your own 'teammates' about you getting a room. Wow and now they're telling on you to your coach? I'm only assuming since where else would he have got that info. Run run away. You have an exciting new adventure ahead of you (military I believe) so why not focus on that instead of that team situation. You shouldn't be so stressed about that. Would it be cool/fun to compete at worlds, yes. But is this stress worth it? Plus you can spend so time with your mom and baby brother before basic training starts. Anyway it's up to you just do what will make you happy :).

Eta: I hope you didn't think I meant that you were actually telling your teammates you're going to take their spots or whatever the coach said. Lol
I got married almost a year ago, and I couldn't agree more! Our parents thankfully payed for most of the wedding, and when we started planning my dad kept saying "find what you like and we will make it work." Which is the most frustrating thing ever! I looked at venues online to make a list of places I wanted to visit, and the first place we picked was $275 a plate with a 200 person minimum! We walked out and my husband just says "we aren't considering this place are we?" I had no idea how expensive it would be, or could get! We did not spend anywhere near that per plate thankfully, but my dad continued the whole "pick what you want" and when I went to look at wedding dresses, the first thing they ask aside from style is what is your budget? My dad quickly changed his tune when I found a dress that would have been around 10 thousand dollars after the changed I wanted to make! lol

One thing that saved me was that we booked our venue while it was being built. Which obviously can't happen for everyone, but we ended up having the wedding a little farther away from where we live then we would have liked, but got a great venue, and ended up saving a ton of money! I also shopped a lot on etsy, did some DIY printing, and purchased decorations and such that I would use again in my house that way I didn't feel totally bad for purchasing candle holders and frames. If you need any help finding some places for discounts (I also have some stuff I would love to get rid of- favor wise) send me a PM. I can send over pictures of some of the stuff I am looking to get rid of.

Good Luck planning!

my budget in my head is under 25 grand (between what my parents are willing to give, and what me and my fiance are willing to shell out) , i live north of downtown orlando, and ive come to find anything past downtown and closer to the attractions is un affordable for our wedding budget. so it has limited the venue choices down quite a bit. i havent even begun to figure out decorations, right now we are in the venue hunting and comparing wedding packages phase.
Any advice on anything wedding related would be great though, im already big on looking through wedding wire and wedding bee for advice and what not.
So I'm having (yet another) issue. I woke up to a rather rude email from my head coach. The basic idea is that his impression of me is not so good, and he told me I need to stop telling people I'm going to take their spots, giving corrections, or being mean. I really really don't think that's true, but oh well (especially telling people I'm taking their spot? Like what even).

Basically I'm at this point where I'm just done. My mom is going to Hawaii tomorrow and invited me to go with, but I'm supposed to go to Anaheim as an alternate this weekend. Im also trying to decide if I would be okay if I quit now and they got a bid to worlds. But then I'm not even sure I'd be back on the floor for worlds if I stayed. Ugh.

I miss being a kid and not having to make my own decisions.
Aloha, enjoy the trip

You can easily blame your departure on the coaches email making to sound like you are just not wanted there which is what it really sounds like.

**Show of hands, who thinks their vague booking about changing gyms is so clever we don't understand it?**
I'm having roommate struggles right now. I applied to be in a triple dorm and have been talking to a few people about potentially being roommates. One of the girl's I've talked to a lot and I have decided that we definitely want the two of us to room together but we can't decide on the third person. There's a girl she's been talking to a lot in her same major, but I haven't spoken to her yet. Then there's a girl I've been talking to a lot who is also majoring in the same thing as the definite roommate and who is trying out for cheer, so we each have something in common with her. Same problem though, those two have never spoken. Then there's the only other girl in my major...I really wanted to room with someone in my major but she and I haven't spoken as much as I have with the other two girls. We don't have much time to decide before the school starts randomly assigning roommates and we're stressing out!

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I'm having roommate struggles right now. I applied to be in a triple dorm and have been talking to a few people about potentially being roommates. One of the girl's I've talked to a lot and I have decided that we definitely want the two of us to room together but we can't decide on the third person. There's a girl she's been talking to a lot in her same major, but I haven't spoken to her yet. Then there's a girl I've been talking to a lot who is also majoring in the same thing as the definite roommate and who is trying out for cheer, so we each have something in common with her. Same problem though, those two have never spoken. Then there's the only other girl in my major...I really wanted to room with someone in my major but she and I haven't spoken as much as I have with the other two girls. We don't have much time to decide before the school starts randomly assigning roommates and we're stressing out!

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Breathe. Roommate selection for freshman year will not make or break your college experience. The internet is also typically a poor judge of a person's true self. I've had several experiences in regards to this between college and internships & trust me.....The people that you may seem to click with online can be totally different in person once actually living with them. ALSO, what major a person starts out with does not equal what they will actually major in. By senior year, you will have made friends within your major, so it will not matter who you start out with.

Some legitimate questions to discuss with yourself, the "definite" roomie, & the other potential girls:
1) What is your sleep schedule? (early riser vs night owl) / What time do you go to bed?
2) Are you a light or heavy sleeper?
3) Do you snore/have any sleep habits we should know about? (do you sleep with light on, tv on?
4)What is your view on having friends over? (whether that be female or a boyfriend,etc)
5) Do you plan on having "friends" sleep over? (some may have a lot of "friends" over, others may be strongly against it)
6) Are you someone that prefers an organized room, semi-organized room, or someone that is "self organized" (they know where they put something, even when no one else does)?
7) Do you have any food/smell dislikes/allergies (such as tuna or fish)?
8)Have you cleaned dishes before? Have you taken out trash before? i.e. do you know how to pick up after yourself...
9)Does it bother you if music is played aloud?
10) How do you study? (do you need complete quiet? )
11) Do you get hot or cold easily? (air conditioning)
12) Do you smoke or drink? (also, do either of those things bother them if you plan on doing either of those)
13) What are your pet peeves?
14) Would you consider yourself:
Introverted or Extroverted
Type A (always has a plan) or Type B (go with the flow)
15) What do you like to do on weekends?
16) Anything else you should know

Note: People do NOT always answer truthfully, and also their answer could change once they are out of mommy's house and into college
Breathe. Roommate selection for freshman year will not make or break your college experience. The internet is also typically a poor judge of a person's true self. I've had several experiences in regards to this between college and internships & trust me.....The people that you may seem to click with online can be totally different in person once actually living with them. ALSO, what major a person starts out with does not equal what they will actually major in. By senior year, you will have made friends within your major, so it will not matter who you start out with.

Some legitimate questions to discuss with yourself, the "definite" roomie, & the other potential girls:
1) What is your sleep schedule? (early riser vs night owl) / What time do you go to bed?
2) Are you a light or heavy sleeper?
3) Do you snore/have any sleep habits we should know about? (do you sleep with light on, tv on?
4)What is your view on having friends over? (whether that be female or a boyfriend,etc)
5) Do you plan on having "friends" sleep over? (some may have a lot of "friends" over, others may be strongly against it)
6) Are you someone that prefers an organized room, semi-organized room, or someone that is "self organized" (they know where they put something, even when no one else does)?
7) Do you have any food/smell dislikes/allergies (such as tuna or fish)?
8)Have you cleaned dishes before? Have you taken out trash before? i.e. do you know how to pick up after yourself...
9)Does it bother you if music is played aloud?
10) How do you study? (do you need complete quiet? )
11) Do you get hot or cold easily? (air conditioning)
12) Do you smoke or drink? (also, do either of those things bother them if you plan on doing either of those)
13) What are your pet peeves?
14) Would you consider yourself:
Introverted or Extroverted
Type A (always has a plan) or Type B (go with the flow)
15) What do you like to do on weekends?
16) Anything else you should know

Note: People do NOT always answer truthfully, and also their answer could change once they are out of mommy's house and into college
Thanks for the suggestions! We've discussed most of these questions but I'll definitely bring up the ones we haven't.

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Dashboard Confessional went on "hiatus" that I thought would be for forever, but I'll be seeing them in June (!!!!) so things change.
is it bad my first thought reading this article was "we're using gofundme for prom dresses nowadays?" :confused:
Teen Bullied Over Her Prom Dress Has the Last Laugh
I know a girl trying to use gofundme for her "Dream trip back to Russia"...but she's actually already in Russia. She wants to secretly use the money to pay for her rent while she's away because she didn't budget for it apparently.

On another note- really Indiana?
Dashboard Confessional went on "hiatus" that I thought would be for forever, but I'll be seeing them in June (!!!!) so things change.
is it bad my first thought reading this article was "we're using gofundme for prom dresses nowadays?" :confused:
Teen Bullied Over Her Prom Dress Has the Last Laugh
see this is where i question myself when it comes to gofundme. i get that she was bullied and i know how brutal high school can be, but ehh i dont get the fact that someone feels like they should get or try and get a free prom dress just because they were bullied by people. sorry.

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