OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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I bet there will be a new TLC special on lottery winners since this Powerball has been so intense. I do find the lottery interesting. I just hope the money goes to good use and not to a private jet... or a whole hangar of them. There are so many non profits out there that could use help.

If the Florida winner is smart, he/she is with an attorney right now opening up an LLC or Trust and won't ever publish his/her name. No clue about the laws in CA or TN.

In other news, apparently I should have driven 20-25 minutes away from my house to buy the ticket (I was so excited for this story to die down---until I woke up and realized it was bought so close to me. Now the news really won't shut up).

My bet is on someone who is older and/or a snowbird.

Alan Rickman passed away. :(

Has anyone seen the Twitter/Instagram that is supposedly the guy who won the powerball in CA? He has pictures of himself with the ticket and stuff but idk if it's actually him. He's like doing this thing where if you follow and retweet him within 24 hours of his first post he'll give you $1,000. I did it just because you never know haha. The Twitter is @thepowerballguy

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This is one of the saddest days of me life. Alan Rickman was my favorite actor. I think I'm finally going to learn what it feels like to have a celebrity's death cause me grief. :'(

And he lost his dad at 8 to cancer, so it must run in his family. Poor Rima :( I've always loved the fact that they were a couple because she's a redhead. ;) I am the huge Snily shipper.

How in the heck did we lose David Bowie and Alan Rickman in the span of two days? My heart can't take it. I honestly thought this was a joke when I first heard it because of the similarities in their deaths. :(

Any other Potterheads feel like the Snape's death prepared them for this?

Anyway, I know they're both in a better place.

Has anyone seen the Twitter/Instagram that is supposedly the guy who won the powerball in CA? He has pictures of himself with the ticket and stuff but idk if it's actually him. He's like doing this thing where if you follow and retweet him within 24 hours of his first post he'll give you $1,000. I did it just because you never know haha. The Twitter is @thepowerballguy

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If he is indeed the winner, my predictions are broke & bankrupt within 5 years or dead. After taxes and the split, he isn't going to be walking way with anything near what he would have had it not been split and people have lost more than what he'll have in shorter time periods.
Has anyone seen the Twitter/Instagram that is supposedly the guy who won the powerball in CA? He has pictures of himself with the ticket and stuff but idk if it's actually him. He's like doing this thing where if you follow and retweet him within 24 hours of his first post he'll give you $1,000. I did it just because you never know haha. The Twitter is @thepowerballguy

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it looks photoshopped. he shouldnt have abcde running down the left side if he only picked one row of numbers
ETA: sorry it's such a long post!

So, I didn't put this in the brag thread because it isn't cheer related and I'm not really sure how many people are even going to understand the significance of this to me, but I feel like I just need to talk about it to people other than family and close friends. I have Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) and Dermatillomania (skin picking disorder). I pull out the hair on my head and eyelashes and pick at my lips. In addition to that I also have fairly severe anxiety. Last spring my anxiety and my Trichotillomania got so out of control that I was barely able to function at college (wasn't eating or sleeping, couldn't focus in class, was pulling out hair for hours each day...) and finish out the term. I went home in the summer and started therapy and though I made a lot of progress, I just was not ready to begin my junior year in the fall. I spent the fall focusing on recovery still.
So onto the good part,
I have not pulled out any hair on my head since November 6th, which was 68 days ago!! It has been a HUGE struggle still and I often find myself playing with the hairs on my head, but it's taking less and less effort to resist each day! I still have a small baldish patch on the left side of my head, but the little hairs are growing back and it is becoming less noticeable! My next goal is to work on the lip picking but I haven't made any progress with that yet.
Also, I started my junior year (I've been at school for a week and a half now) and so far so good! I am so thankful for the fantastic therapist I have back home who helped me to be able to use the tools she taught me whenever I feel the anxiety starting to get in the way. Additionally she helped me get to a point where I can finally believe in myself again.
Feeling proud of myself for the first time in years!

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A little shimmy just isn't enough - you get Justin shimmies!

Has anyone seen the Twitter/Instagram that is supposedly the guy who won the powerball in CA? He has pictures of himself with the ticket and stuff but idk if it's actually him. He's like doing this thing where if you follow and retweet him within 24 hours of his first post he'll give you $1,000. I did it just because you never know haha. The Twitter is @thepowerballguy

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There's been about 30 different accounts of people tweeting that same picture, claiming to be him. I'm going to go ahead and guess it's not real.
If he is indeed the winner, my predictions are broke & bankrupt within 5 years or dead. After taxes and the split, he isn't going to be walking way with anything near what he would have had it not been split and people have lost more than what he'll have in shorter time periods.
Your comment is reminding me of that show (I forgot the name of it) that talked about ill-fated lottery winners.

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