All-Star Opinions On Wearing Gym Clothes...?

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Wear it you earned, you dont go there anymore, I cant see a gym telling what you can and cant wear after you've left, unless it was something you borrowed.

Kids at our High School dont even know what allstar cheer is, only the few that actually are in cheer know what it is and no one cares what anyone wears or does, thats just silly
But you PAID for it! I understand if you are in a rental agreement, but if you are buying the uniform in full, I simply don't get it at all. It's yours, and for the money you pay, you should keep it as long as you can.
A parent that came to us from that gym told them she cut it up into pieces for a scrapbook, and unless they wanted a piece from the corner, they weren't getting it back. She's feisty and I love it. Haha
I totally agree! And I would do the same thing!! I would never give in to those tactics and would even get more nasty myself, just for the principal of it! It's funny the stories that we hear from someone just asking if we feel it's acceptable to wear her old gym's clothes to school after she left the gym to NOT cheer, not even to cheer with someone else!!!
And I feel that ANYTHING that you have won is absolutely yours for good:you paid entrance fees and competed, therefore you have earned them fair and square!!
DOUBLE POST, my bad... :oops:
That sounds crazy, especially the part about where you have to return jackets from competitions...
Do you know if that gym only has that policy for people who leave the gym or quit or do they do that with seniors who have aged out as well?

I'm not sure... This gym only had a youth team. I don't think they ever had to deal with seniors or any older girls leaving. You cannot do high school and all-star around this area, so it's rare we even get high school kids.

Here is the real kicker: The only jacket they won was at a local competition put on by the middle school. That middle school practiced at their gym and was coached by an owner, so they were told in advance they would win them. This was the only competition they won all season, so I guess they really valued those jackets... :banghead:
As someone said, if you left on good terms, then it shouldn't even need to be a problem. I left my previous gym after 7 years on good terms. I'm now in my 3rd season with the new gym, and wear my old stuff proudly. Everybody had to start somewhere!
Wear it! It's yours and you paid for it, especially if it's at school or something.

I will share this, because I find it so weird. The gym down the street requires you give back everything if you leave, meaning not only the uniform you bought, but warm ups, practice clothes, and jackets you've won. Things with your name on it, and things you've paid for. This blows my mind. Has anyone else heard of this??
Out of my CPs cold, dead pom poms.

When we left our original gym I didn't have to think about this because my child banished all clothes in that entire color from the house! I literally looked down the hall and saw all of her practice shirts from the last three years flying out of the door into the hall.

As for the uniform, I kept it, and the first one she had from that gym and shadow boxed it and put it on the wall with all their other team stuff and trophies. The owner called trying to get me to sell it back so she could give/comp/bribe them to new people she was trying to bring in but I said no. I paid for it, regardless of our decision to leave, that gym is a part of my CPs life and is part of the reason (good or bad) why she is where she is in life now.

Hence...we honor that with a spot for her first uniforms on the family "brag wall." I'd post a picture of just how awesome that wall is, but it would throw that other gym under the bus and that's not what I'd want to do.
I'm not sure... This gym only had a youth team. I don't think they ever had to deal with seniors or any older girls leaving. You cannot do high school and all-star around this area, so it's rare we even get high school kids.

Here is the real kicker: The only jacket they won was at a local competition put on by the middle school. That middle school practiced at their gym and was coached by an owner, so they were told in advance they would win them. This was the only competition they won all season, so I guess they really valued those jackets... :banghead:
Did they say "National Champions?" HAHAHAHA. This thread amuses me, I'll stop spamming now.
I am 99% sure I know what program you are talking about LOL...

I would ask you to PM me, but I live in fear you'll say my gym and I'll be super embarrassed. Hahahahaha.

Side note: I promise my teams all won multiple competitions last year.
I would ask you to PM me, but I live in fear you'll say my gym and I'll be super embarrassed. Hahahahaha.

Side note: I promise my teams all won multiple competitions last year.

Nope! I know your program and you have a lot to be proud of!! :)
If I pay for something in THIS economy, you will pry it from my cold, dead hands. And it will be threadbare, worn and frayed at the seams. If it's a solid item, it will have dents and cracks. And then you will have to be content with the ashes, because I'll have probably burned whatever is left to heat my teapot. :D
Um, I never played for any professional sports team but wearing their apparel is considered free advertising on my behalf! Not that I'm wearing any a Cowboys jersey but still...Wearing YOUR jacket to school is nobody's business but your own!
What about shirts or items from a gym you don't cheer at? Like just a huge fan of. Like a worlds shirt for a certain team,wearing it to school. What's your take on that?
What about shirts or items from a gym you don't cheer at? Like just a huge fan of. Like a worlds shirt for a certain team,wearing it to school. What's your take on that?
I don't think too many kids at my cp's school would even know who Brandon, Top Gun and World Cup are (mentally going through my cp's cheer t-shirt drawer). And her current gym certainly would not care; they ask her all the time where she got them.

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