All-Star Question About What Gym To Tryout For. Please Help!!!

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Jan 2, 2014
Ok so I have a little situation... So back in december I had skills right... Like round off bhs back tuck, practically stand back tuck (now I can do that) and multi standing back handsprings oh and a punch front. Well then I stress fractured my arm and the last time I full on tumbled was January. Anyways now I'm ok to tumble again but it has to be in moderation and I have to work my way back up. So I can't tumble too much, but I also need to get my skills back... my tumbling was super powerful to my surprise! My coach told me I did a round off bhs back tuck on my first try but idk if that will be consistent. I also need to work back on getting standing tumbling... thats the bigger issue. Well here's the biggest situation: so tryouts are coming up for Cheer Athletics Austin on May 3rd. Thats not really enough time for me to get everything solid!! My plan had been to shoot for level 4 if i had still been tumbling since January, but I've been at a disadvantage:( Now I'd be lucky if I made level 3... but I really want to make level 4! My friend has been working on her tumbling while I was out and not allowed to tumble and she's gotten way better... she doesn't have all the level 4 requirements, but I think she could get them or would at least be good enough because she also has worked on partner stunting and seems pretty good at it, but I've never gotten to try it. What do i do?! We wanted to be on the same team! Should I still go ahead and tryout even if my skills aren't up or should I tryout late (they told me I could). In a way I just want to tryout when I for sure have my skills so that I know I could get on the team I want to but what if its full! I also don't want to push it since the tryouts are so close and literally this past week I was allowed to start tumbling again. Its been really stressing me out because I feel like I'm not good enough for Cheer Athletics but its always been my dream gym!!! There is also this gym in Austin called The Elite Cheer Company. They're smaller so they are not as picky about you have to have the best of the best tumbling like CA. They still have good performances and such so I'm considering trying out for them because then I could have a shot at a higher level even if my skills are not quite there. But at the same time its not CA and I LOVE Cheer Athletics. Like seriously. A lot. I've just been stressing so much and I honestly don't know if I could even make CA but I want to so badly but I know I don't have enough time to get my skills up, but my friend will probably make it and I just ahhhh I don't even know how to describe my thought process. And also my mom sometimes get irritated about me talking about with her, but I know thats because she wants to give me answer but doesn't know what! I just don't know what to do!!!! HELP PLEASE!!! :'(
Are you currently tumbling at CA? Where you on a team last year and are you familiar with the coaches, are they familiar with you? I go to CA Plano and was a few skills short last year for try outs, but because I was so familiar with the coaches and they knew how I worked and how close I was to the skills I needed, they let me on my higher level team. (This was All-star prep but from all my time at CA I know they treat us pretty similar to our regular All-star teams) I'm not saying that's whats gonna happen for you but its certainly possible. Also, its not ALL tumbling, tumbling IS a huge part of cheer but there's so many other components to cheer. For example if you're a base and they really don't need any more bases on their level 3 team but they could certainly use one on a level 4 team and your a strong stunter you could get pushed up to level 4. Honestly I would just ask a coach at both gyms, even if you're not very familiar with them just talk to a coach about where you dream to be on a team and the realistic aspect of you being injured and losing skills. Also I know it would be awesome to be on a higher level team and with your friend, but that's definitely not what matters the most. Gyms are putting together teams to be successful and they might not care at all to take into consideration that you want to be with your friends and I know as an athlete that can suck but its true. And of course you want to be successful and be on a higher level team and push yourself, but being on a level 3 team is far from bad, You hurt yourself and where out of tumbling and then came back into the gym and threw a powerful ROBHT, thats awesome! But I'm also very confused what skills you have right now and what skills you HAD, if you have to skills listed it sounds more likely to be level 3. Just don't stress, if CA is your dream gym would you still want to go there if they put you on a level 2 or 3 team? If being level 4 is very important and you really think the smaller gym would put you higher up, maybe consider The Elite Cheer Company? I would highly suggest going on Youtube and searching "Cheer Athletics Skills" theres 2 videos, ones called Skills Technique Video and the other is called Skills Sequence Demo. Watch them and try to evaluate yourself what team you think you might get placed on. If you have any question or more worrys you can send me a message so you don't have to bug your mom lol.
What is your biggest priority: being on level 4, being on a strong team, being at a specific gym or being on the same team as your friend?

Have you been at both gyms (tumbling classes, privates, cheer) and observed their coaching styles? Does one motivate you more than the other?
Are you currently tumbling at CA? Where you on a team last year and are you familiar with the coaches, are they familiar with you? I go to CA Plano and was a few skills short last year for try outs, but because I was so familiar with the coaches and they knew how I worked and how close I was to the skills I needed, they let me on my higher level team. (This was All-star prep but from all my time at CA I know they treat us pretty similar to our regular All-star teams) I'm not saying that's whats gonna happen for you but its certainly possible. Also, its not ALL tumbling, tumbling IS a huge part of cheer but there's so many other components to cheer. For example if you're a base and they really don't need any more bases on their level 3 team but they could certainly use one on a level 4 team and your a strong stunter you could get pushed up to level 4. Honestly I would just ask a coach at both gyms, even if you're not very familiar with them just talk to a coach about where you dream to be on a team and the realistic aspect of you being injured and losing skills. Also I know it would be awesome to be on a higher level team and with your friend, but that's definitely not what matters the most. Gyms are putting together teams to be successful and they might not care at all to take into consideration that you want to be with your friends and I know as an athlete that can suck but its true. And of course you want to be successful and be on a higher level team and push yourself, but being on a level 3 team is far from bad, You hurt yourself and where out of tumbling and then came back into the gym and threw a powerful ROBHT, thats awesome! But I'm also very confused what skills you have right now and what skills you HAD, if you have to skills listed it sounds more likely to be level 3. Just don't stress, if CA is your dream gym would you still want to go there if they put you on a level 2 or 3 team? If being level 4 is very important and you really think the smaller gym would put you higher up, maybe consider The Elite Cheer Company? I would highly suggest going on Youtube and searching "Cheer Athletics Skills" theres 2 videos, ones called Skills Technique Video and the other is called Skills Sequence Demo. Watch them and try to evaluate yourself what team you think you might get placed on. If you have any question or more worrys you can send me a message so you don't have to bug your mom lol.

I haven't been on a team with CA but I joined the gym in January... but then my arm got injured so i had to just work on standing tucks and jumps and other things. I'm actually a flyer but I would not be as good as the girls there... I fly at my school and I'm good at what I can do I hold myself tight but I've never tried those more advanced skills so I feel like I'm at a bit disadvantage. Also I really want to be on CA regardless of team, but I'm concerned a lower level won't challenge me enougn. Also my friend and I have been wanted to be on CA together forever. She used to live here and then moved out of state but is now coming back so its just kind of important to us, but I do understand they don't work teams around who's friends. I honestly don't know what team she would be put on... I feel like for sure she could make level 3 and she almost has all the level 4 skills, but not quite and I know CA is a little more particular. I know its not all about tumbling, but that seems to be the biggest make or break deal you know. And yeah I've watched those videos before! Its just hard to know what decision to make... I kinda want to tryout late for CA when I'm fully recovered so I don't push myself too hard for tryouts (it has already stressed me a lot!) but I'd be worried there wouldn't be space!!!!
I haven't been on a team with CA but I joined the gym in January... but then my arm got injured so i had to just work on standing tucks and jumps and other things. I'm actually a flyer but I would not be as good as the girls there... I fly at my school and I'm good at what I can do I hold myself tight but I've never tried those more advanced skills so I feel like I'm at a bit disadvantage. Also I really want to be on CA regardless of team, but I'm concerned a lower level won't challenge me enougn. Also my friend and I have been wanted to be on CA together forever. She used to live here and then moved out of state but is now coming back so its just kind of important to us, but I do understand they don't work teams around who's friends. I honestly don't know what team she would be put on... I feel like for sure she could make level 3 and she almost has all the level 4 skills, but not quite and I know CA is a little more particular. I know its not all about tumbling, but that seems to be the biggest make or break deal you know. And yeah I've watched those videos before! Its just hard to know what decision to make... I kinda want to tryout late for CA when I'm fully recovered so I don't push myself too hard for tryouts (it has already stressed me a lot!) but I'd be worried there wouldn't be space!!!!

Well if you only have standing tucks and jumps right now that's just a problem overall, obviously you got injured and they know that so they might not want to put you on a higher level team because of the risk of pushing yourself to much and hurting yourself again. Its certainly possible you just cant be on a team at all because of it. And if you're a flyer and worried about your flying skills you might consider taking some stunting privates, just because you fly at school doesn't mean they will let you fly level 3/4 all-star, they might ask you to learn how to bass or back spot anyways. I know what you mean by not being challenged enough on a lower level team, but because of your injury and set backs that might just be how it is for you this season. And I know its tough when you want to be with your friend, but maybe if you guys don't get put on a team together you can try and take a tumbling class together or go to open gym every week? You'll still go to the same competitions together and still be in the same gym and that might not be ideal but its defiantly a start! Also I agree tumbling is a huge part, id guess its 70% of your placement. Obviously you don't want to get hurt again! Don't push yourself more then you can and listen to your doctor about limited tumbling times. From what your saying it sounds like your set on CA, I would REALLY suggest talking to your privates coach or a tumbling coach or someone at the front desk, just anyone you know a little better about your situation and they can really help you decide when to try out! These coaches are the people placing you on teams and coaching these teams, they're gonna have the insite you need. If a coach encourages you to try out regularly anyways even if you get placed on a level 2/3, you can ask about being an alternate on level 4. Or if you're set on trying out late even if the level 4 teams are full you could be put on a waiting list for a level 4 team. I'm telling you talking to a coach is gonna help you a million! Write down some question you want to ask and any info you might want to know and ask a coach even if you don't know them to well. They might tell you some disappointing truths about where you could be placed, but you might hear some really great news that will help you. Good luck and I really hope you can over come this injury and get back to solid tumbling. Don't stress too much, cheer is suppose to be fun!
@ca_Rachel, I don't believe CA is in the habit of not making all team practices and routines challenging. It might not be the level you are looking for but you have the choice to make the best of any team you are on. The possibility also exists for you to be an alternate for the higher level team if you don't make it.

Having been working there before the tryout you have an advantage of the coaches knowing what you were capable of and if you have the right personality or work ethic for the team you may want.
@ca_Rachel, I don't believe CA is in the habit of not making all team practices and routines challenging. It might not be the level you are looking for but you have the choice to make the best of any team you are on. The possibility also exists for you to be an alternate for the higher level team if you don't make it.

Having been working there before the tryout you have an advantage of the coaches knowing what you were capable of and if you have the right personality or work ethic for the team you may want.
Do you really think they could be lenient b/c they know me? I work really hard b/c I am motivated and determined, but also at this point I can't work too hard haha since I'm in recovery. I also have a positive attitude. I know if I was placed on a higher level I would work super hard to get those skills up before competitions for sure and even choreography camp... I know I could get the skills I just need a little more time to recover and work hard. I just wonder if they understand that.
Do you really think they could be lenient b/c they know me? I work really hard b/c I am motivated and determined, but also at this point I can't work too hard haha since I'm in recovery. I also have a positive attitude. I know if I was placed on a higher level I would work super hard to get those skills up before competitions for sure and even choreography camp... I know I could get the skills I just need a little more time to recover and work hard. I just wonder if they understand that.
Yes I do. Sometimes 'potential' can be a huge factor for bubble kids and finding the right team balance.
Yes I do. Sometimes 'potential' can be a huge factor for bubble kids and finding the right team balance.

I think a lot of this depends on the talent pool as well. Ex: There are places where if you're "on the bubble" and fresh off of an injury and the talent pool at evals is deep, you're probably going to either not make that level or you'll be placed as an alternate. Smaller talent pool at a certain level may give you a little more leeway to make those decisions. Ex: If you are struggling to find good Y3 flyers, you may be willing to take the risk of adding "bubble girl" from L2, as opposed to if you are STACKED at Y3 and "bubble girl" wants a spot.
Do you really think they could be lenient b/c they know me? I work really hard b/c I am motivated and determined, but also at this point I can't work too hard haha since I'm in recovery. I also have a positive attitude. I know if I was placed on a higher level I would work super hard to get those skills up before competitions for sure and even choreography camp... I know I could get the skills I just need a little more time to recover and work hard. I just wonder if they understand that.
@ca_racheal....I'm not a coach, but I am a parent that has CP's in both HS and all star. I hope I can give you a little advice. My oldest cp did all star for 3 or so yrs and then her junior year decided to tryout for HS. She is a base, never a flyer. What I do know is that my CP's team requires a back tuck to make sideline and comp and their stunting level is comparable to about a level 2 in all star cheer.
Talking to any coach is extremely important. We made the decision to go to a different all star gym. My CP's were tumbling at the new gym after we left and I (with much regret) made the decision to take the season off and have her focus on cleaning skills up, and getting new ones. Now, the gym I am at is much smaller and my cp was able to do privates with the owner, ect....the owner felt my cp would fit in fine, but I still felt a season off would do her good. Bad mistake on my part. The one thing I can say is that my cp tumbled there all the time, did open gyms, privates, up til it became major comp time and the gym was closed. Consistent tumbling is very important and I was lucky for the fact that our gym has some tumbling coaches that are not traveling with them. But I'm stuck doing privates, which are expensive while the gym is not open. So since they received paid bids to the Summit and Worlds, my cp is turning out to be expensive! Plus I have a now 7 yr old cp.
My advice is basically communication. Coaches that are familiar with you generally have a good idea on how you are going to progress.

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I think you just need to go and talk with the coaches and let them know your situation. Communication is key. Like a previous poster said too, if you have been with CA since January they know your strengths and abilities and what kind of athlete you are which is good.

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