All-Star Summit Bid Winners 2015

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Right, but you could (except for what Dani is saying) change your team throughout the year to fit that requirement.

Eta: could get a S3 small bid this weekend. Add kids and try to get a large...then remove kids for the summit. Or even also get a large bid, bring the large team, have them compete TWICE at the Summit (subtracting kids for small).
Yes that is the problem with Summit, unlike Worlds where u can only change roster by 5, u can bring a whole new team to Summit!
Don't compete in the competition if u can't go. We did Ocean City 2 years ago first week in April and went to Worlds a few weeks later. We knew it would be quick and prepared the best we could .

It's just not that simple really. We have very few bid opportunities in this area. Deferring IS within the rules, so...
Never said it wasn't

Around here, many teams are going to take every opportunity to try to win a bid. I WISH our gym would defer (if they even got a bid!). Even without the bid opportunities (Worlds, too), most gyms will attend because there are few chances to attend "larger" comps.
It's just not that simple really. We have very few bid opportunities in this area. Deferring IS within the rules, so...
So when u defer do u still have to follow the athlete roster change of only 5 athletes for Worlds? If so that must be difficult sometimes!
So when u defer do u still have to follow the athlete roster change of only 5 athletes for Worlds? If so that must be difficult sometimes!

Yes. There are only four bids offered. I'm not positive, but I think only one or two teams have attended The Summit on a deferred bid.

And I really don't think there's any advantage. If anything, it's a frustration. You'll have athletes age out and others who move on.
Yes. There are only four bids offered. I'm not positive, but I think only one or two teams have attended The Summit on a deferred bid.

And I really don't think there's any advantage. If anything, it's a frustration. You'll have athletes age out and others who move on.
True when ANY team can change a roster of who they bring to Summit and I am sure many teams do this!
True when ANY team can change a roster of who they bring to Summit and I am sure many teams do this!

I'd love to see actual numbers. I doubt it happens that often. There will probably always be kids who can't attend and I'm sure gyms will try to fill those spots with the most talented athletes possible, but parents aren't going to tolerate kids who earned bids losing their chance to compete (at least not on a grand scale). We've had athletes moved around between Summit teams, empty spots filled, and athletes who couldn't attend replaced. Also, we earned one bid where an athlete who helped earn the bid was filling in for an injured athlete and the injured girl got her spot back when she recovered. For the most part, the team that won the bid was the same team that competed in Orlando. I really don't think it's a widespread issue.
Having been to both, I liked that the Summit had a Worlds feel to it, and that there was an actual overall winner at the end of the weekend. I actually am probably the exact opposite of you in that I hated US Finals....and I had a team walk away with a jacket.
I feel the Summit has many teams that are "stacked" with higher level athletes
Yes that is the problem with Summit, unlike Worlds where u can only change roster by 5, u can bring a whole new team to Summit!
And this is a good reason why I don't like Summit. You can bring a whole new team AND defer a year. Not good.
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I was looking on the Varsity website for some information about the pay bids but couldn't find any, my CPs team will only attend the summit if they receive a paid bid with that being said I'm confused how comps give out paid bids, say the competition we attend are giving out 3 paid bids, how do they decide what levels and what teams received the paid bids?
I feel the Summit has many teams that are "stacked" with higher level athletes
And this is a good reason why I don't like Summit. You can bring a whole new team AND defer a year. Not good.

Only four teams out of hundreds can defer.

I can't figure out how to multi-quote, but for the last post, the EPs decide how to award bids. Check their bid declaration page, if they have one available.
You definitely can change the number. You can't go from small to large but you can go from 29 on your large to 32.

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Interesting. At least in years past, for US Finals, if you received a paid bid, the bid was only for the number of athletes competing at the competition at which the bid was won. If you added athletes, you had to pay for them (I don't remember the rate, but I remember that it wasn't cheap). It seems like a system like this could help this situation... maybe?
I was looking on the Varsity website for some information about the pay bids but couldn't find any, my CPs team will only attend the summit if they receive a paid bid with that being said I'm confused how comps give out paid bids, say the competition we attend are giving out 3 paid bids, how do they decide what levels and what teams received the paid bids?
Each comp will choose their own way on how they will disperse them. Some do it by level some do it by division aged group like junior senior. Some just give it to the highest no matter what.

Check each individual comps declaration.

For instance ACA Had 3 paids to give out last year
They said they will give it to the highest scoring level 3
The highest scoring level 4
And the highest scoring level 5

So for instance our j2 could have outscored our j3 that got it or our j4 that got the paid but since ACA didn't want to give a paid to a level 2 we didn't get one :(

Then for instance the recent comp we went to a few weeks ago said
They will give the Wildcard bids to the highest scoring junior team and the highest scoring senior team (the highest of the teams actually willing to accept a wildcard not the actual highest scoring) so it ended up going to a junior 4 and then a senior 2.

So it really just depends on what the declaration says and then if they don't want to go by the declaration at the comp they just give it to whoever they want lol

Last year UCA said only teams who get first place will be offered bids but then a 3rd place team in a stacked division was offered a bid over a first place team in another division.

So you just never know!

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I feel the Summit has many teams that are "stacked" with higher level athletes
And this is a good reason why I don't like Summit. You can bring a whole new team AND defer a year. Not good.
The gym I was at many moons ago took their entire senior 4 and crossed it down to their senior 2 and won US Finals in Virginia Beach, and then the overall senior 2. It's going to happen everywhere.

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