Team Bonding Ideas For Ages 11-18????????

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My team wants to do team bonding any good ideas?????????

Some things I've done in the past are having a pool party, beach day or dinner/ice cream after a practice. Also, sleepovers are a good idea. I don't recommend them to every team since a bunch of girls staying up late and running on little sleep can lead to drama (so maybe once the end of the year is near). When I coached a rec team, I had the girls come early to one of their games and do a scavenger hunt. It was pretty fun since I included some of the items to involve like, taking pictures with a cheerleader from the opposing team, a fun fact about their group, pom poms (our girls didn't use them) and other things they could find at the fields.
Also, for my school team, for homecoming week each year we "tag" the senior football players.

I'm drawing a blank on what all I've done in the past but hopefully later I can come up with more ideas :)
A few years ago we had a bonfire at someone's house, and then spent the night. It was pretty fun, but hard to contain 35 girls in one house no matter the size. I honestly wouldn't recommend that unless it's like at the gym or something.
Last year we spent an hour or so at the gym. We made motivational signs to hang up in the gym and ate dinner. It was also my birthday so we had a cake for me. We then got put into groups by our coaches and went to the local mall for a scavenger hunt. It wasn't any normal scavenger hunt though. Everything had to be red- our gym's main color. It was pretty fun! and my team won ;)
Scavenger hunts are fun...but make sure you clear it with wherever you're going. I did one for my birthday one year and we got thrown out of the mall...:mad:

I personally love some laser quest. The place near me even has a team building thing where you spend the night and do all sorts of challenges. Bowling is also fun, as is roller skating
For rec, our team is bonding at the lake with the football players.
But you might be talking about all star so...
Take a trip to Cedar Point if we get a break from this intense blazing heat! It's actually supposed to be nice on Friday and early next week.
I think it's hard because you have such a wide range of ages of girls. What might be appropriate for the younger ones might not be for the older ones, and vice versa. I would defintiely keep it more on neutral ground - an amusement park, laser tag, something at the gym - than at someone's house. And whatever you wind up doing, have matching t-shirts or shorts made they can then wear to practice in the future which will remind them of their fun team bonding experience.
A WATERPARK (save you from the heat!!), amusement park, gym sleepover.

I would recommend doing a gym sleepover. At the gym sleepover you can get plan white shirts (or whatever color) and buy some felt markers/puffy paint and have them design their own shirts, get bow making supplies and have them make their own bows, get pizza and ice cream, have them do funny stunt group things and weird tumbling passes and funny dance moves, contest who can hold a scorpion the longest, have the coach sit down and say something nice about each of the girls, have them try to copy a routine from a favorite worlds team, etc.
If you do any type of scavenger hunt, as INeverStopCheering said make sure you talk to or find out the restrictions of certain stores...we got kicked out of claire's jewelry store for taking pictures. what's wrong with taking pictures in claires, I have no clue...but make sure you check
I agree with those who said sleepovers - some of the best memories I have are from cheer lock ins. We also did big sis/little sis, and that worked well, too. The way we did it is that everyone filled out a little sheet with basic info (favorite color, tv show, candy, food, etc...just little bits of random information). The coach matched up the older girls with younger girls, and once a month we would bring each other a gift...less than five dollars, usually hand made. At the end of the season we would give a nicer gift. It was a great way to get to know someone, and you knew for sure that you at least had one person on the team to go to!
For high school we put everyone in halves and then the rest of the team stands behind them ready to catch and our coach pushes the temporary flyer back into the teammates. it gains trust, and everyone has to go up. I think it also helps with having respect for flyers
Fun throughs. You do the routine as if it were a joke. You dance badly, you fall on your face. Small senior X made a video of a fun through that they did. I'll go digging for it.

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