All-Star Teeth Whitening

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Jul 20, 2012
My CP wants to whiten her teeth. Is it safe for an 11 year old, and if so any recommendations? I know I should ask our dentist, but we don't go back to April!
Buy her the Crest whitening strips to start out. I wouldn't do the full on whitening with the dentist. Also heard it can be painful to those with gum sensitivity.
My CP wants to whiten her teeth. Is it safe for an 11 year old, and if so any recommendations? I know I should ask our dentist, but we don't go back to April!
I absolutely would not recommend it. I did it at the dentist and it was the worst pain of my life. After the treatment you can get aftershocks which feel like an electric shock in your mouth. I used white strips before but again I had that problem, and this was after using sensodyne for a few weeks like the dentist recommended. I've had great results just using Colgate total whitening toothpaste. I read about it online when I was looking for ways to relieve my pain from the white strips. Get the paste, not the gel, it says gel or paste in small print on the top corner of the box. Seriously, it has worked better than the strips and the dentist's stuff. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.

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I wouldn't on a child that young. Supposedly all whitening treatments (home and the dentist) damage the enamel and that damage cannot be undone. I would wait and ask the dentist - April is not that far away. Maybe I'm wrong and he'll say go for it, but she only gets one set of teeth. I wouldn't take any chances.

Sn: I've used the white strips myself and had a ton of sensitivity after. I still use them because I'm 40 and vanity has won out over sensibility. But for an 11 year old I'd wait. So I'm not saying it's a definite no, just that you should find out for sure if it's safe.

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Try whitening toothpaste as a maintenance. I started using Crest whitestrips when I was 14. Be very careful and slow to start out when using them. I use them once a day only a couple times a week (never back to back days). I have mildly sensative teeth and using them twice a day for the full amount made my teeth soooo sensative to temperature change for a couple days.
Does she need or has she already had braces? I definitely wouldn't do it before braces just because that can lead to some discoloring. I had mine done by a cosmetic dentist when I was 16 after my braces came off and now I touch up with custom trays and peroxide gel. I didn't have any problems with sensitivity from that, but I have very thick enamel on my teeth (which caused the yellowing in the first place). I have had problems in the past from the crest white strips. They didn't stay on my teeth at all, so then I left them on longer than recommended to overcompensate, and then had sensitivity issues. Completely my own fault, but you live and learn. I really don't need to use my trays too much anymore because I use the Crest + Scope whitening toothpaste twice a day and every other night I alternate between regular mouthwash and the Crest whitening mouthwash. I just whiten before events and holidays so I look extra white in pictures. At her age, I'd just try switching up some of her regular products and save the bigger whitening processes for when she is a bit older.

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Be VERY careful- I have fluoride spots, and therefore cannot use too much whitening product of any kind. If I ever want it to get over-the-top-tv-white, I'll need to get veneers because it won't work otherwise. If she's the same, it'll whiten the spots more than her teeth and it'll look uneven.

I'd wait for a dentist, especially for an 11-year-old. MAYBE try occasionally adding a bit of baking soda to her toothpaste and going from there. But I wouldn't go full-on just yet. Any damage is permanent, and she's really young for that! Also ease off on coke/pepsi if she drinks that- it'll take off the enamel and darken her teeth.
You could also try letting her swish with some hydrogen peroxide in water. Very important to spit it out after, but it is good for gums too. Do it at night after brushing at bedtime.
i use listerine vibrant white pre-brush mouthwash and crest 3d white toothpaste. i've definitely noticed a big difference since i started using these, especially with the pre-brush mouthwash.
I've been using Crest 3D white toothpaste and mouthwash for about two years with great results, and this past month I started using white strips everyday and my teeth are so white. I have had no sensitivity except for one tooth that has quite a big chip in it.

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Old remedy my grandmother taught me and it works like a charm and is the safest way to do it. Forget those whitening kits at the store. They usually have all kinds of chemicals that are bad for you. Here's what you do. Get some baking soda. Put it in a small container. Add several drops of hydrogen peroxide. Then add a small dab of your favorite toothpaste (I would recommend something without fluoride as fluoride is VERY bad for you. It's a poison and should never be ingested, even though they put it in our drinking water).

Mix it all together and brush with it a few times a week. Guaranteed to whiten your smile after just one try. Make sure the child knows not to swallow. Rinse well after. Good luck!
Be VERY careful- I have fluoride spots, and therefore cannot use too much whitening product of any kind. If I ever want it to get over-the-top-tv-white, I'll need to get veneers because it won't work otherwise. If she's the same, it'll whiten the spots more than her teeth and it'll look uneven.

I'd wait for a dentist, especially for an 11-year-old. MAYBE try occasionally adding a bit of baking soda to her toothpaste and going from there. But I wouldn't go full-on just yet. Any damage is permanent, and she's really young for that! Also ease off on coke/pepsi if she drinks that- it'll take off the enamel and darken her teeth.

i have the same problem, mainly due to years of orthodontics, my teeth have taken a beating. i would love to get them whitened but my dentist is completely against it.
im not trying to say anything mean or point anyone out but i just think that you would get better answers to your question if you posted this on a medical forum.
I absolutely would not recommend it. I did it at the dentist and it was the worst pain of my life. After the treatment you can get aftershocks which feel like an electric shock in your mouth. I used white strips before but again I had that problem, and this was after using sensodyne for a few weeks like the dentist recommended. I've had great results just using Colgate total whitening toothpaste. I read about it online when I was looking for ways to relieve my pain from the white strips. Get the paste, not the gel, it says gel or paste in small print on the top corner of the box. Seriously, it has worked better than the strips and the dentist's stuff. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.

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Haha, I just went through this myself! I used the 2 hour express Whitestrips, and OMG the pain! I still can't drink anything too cold!

Definitely would not recommend for a child. What's the kid eating that's causing stains? I thought whitening didn't do a lot to "lift" the natural color?

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