All-Star What About Coaches Gym Hopping?

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We would need a coach-credentialing system, like the athlete one for it to really work though.

This has already existed for several years. I originally got credentialed in 2005.
It's a tough call--because on one hand I'm looking at these kids that I've seen be so devastated by their coaches "abandoning" them...and on the other I'm looking at how unhappy my sister was in her job and how hard it was for her to leave it--like I said she had to leave the country to get away from it! However, my sister's non-compete was forever--so she had no choice but to find a way out of it, or work at this company forever. At least with a coach it would just be until season end (April-ish)
lordy women do some work!!! hahah but i think that if you choose to leave a gym(as a coach) you shouldnt go to your competitor that just seems obvious to me.

In my view, all gyms are competitors of one another because of how they go to competitions nationwide. A Non-Compete has to meet certain standards. One is "Reasonability" and another is that of Distance [amongst other]. The Distance standard is an interesting one with cheerleading, because a distance of "Nationwide" would seem not only unreasonable but also too broad of a consideration.

You can go here and read more about the standards that are considered:
cheerdaddy said:
Towards the end of the season the gym owner and program director stepped up and coached the team but by than the damage was pretty much done.

They shouldve stepped in immediately what was the hold up? Was it a revolving door of coaches?
My old allstar team try to make it so a coach can not teach at another gym or open another gym withing 100 miles or they will be sued for 1 million dollars. I am sorry but everyone has rights and if gym that you are working for screws you over then you should be allowed to leave. Yes it is unfair to the kids but sometimes people have to make themselves happy instead of worrying about any body else. And no I do not think that if a coach is just leaving to start their own gym and they try to steal a whole bunch of kids from that team that they are leaving. That is one thing I will never agree with.
ACEDAD said:
This has already existed for several years. I originally got credentialed in 2005.

I've been saying since 2005 that ALL coaches for ALL levels should be required to be credentialed to compete teams at usasf events. It would be a huge step forward for this industry.
I've been saying since 2005 that ALL coaches for ALL levels should be required to be credentialed to compete teams at usasf events. It would be a huge step forward for this industry.

I agree and think we will be there in only a year or two. But it just would have been very difficult back then because USASF was so tenuous.
I would rather a coach leave than stay by force. If a coach stays because of an agreement but wants to coach elsewhere their heart is not going to be in it. If the coach's heart isn't in it they are not worth having anyway. I do think owners should take into consideration how many gyms a person has worked at in the last 5 years before hiring them and that would help reduce this kind of problem. If someone comes in for a coaching job and has had 5 different coaching jobs in the last 5 years they probably are not a good choice for the gym.
This has already existed for several years. I originally got credentialed in 2005.

I've been saying since 2005 that ALL coaches for ALL levels should be required to be credentialed to compete teams at usasf events. It would be a huge step forward for this industry.

This is more what I was thinking. A coach, at any level, would be tied to the gym they are registered with for the year.
I would rather a coach leave than stay by force. If a coach stays because of an agreement but wants to coach elsewhere their heart is not going to be in it. If the coach's heart isn't in it they are not worth having anyway. I do think owners should take into consideration how many gyms a person has worked at in the last 5 years before hiring them and that would help reduce this kind of problem. If someone comes in for a coaching job and has had 5 different coaching jobs in the last 5 years they probably are not a good choice for the gym.

I'm all for not making someone stay, they can leave, sure, but they can't coach anywhere else that year.
I'm all for not making someone stay, they can leave, sure, but they can't coach anywhere else that year.

But the thing is if the coach can't go elsewhere because of a contract but needs the money they will stay but be unhappy. Unhappy coaches are not going to be productive.
titaniummom said:
But the thing is if the coach can't go elsewhere because of a contract but needs the money they will stay but be unhappy. Unhappy coaches are not going to be productive.

Then they'll be fired. These are adults we're talking about. Do your research when you apply for a job. Talk to parents and other coaches. Go to competitions. Then, make a decision and stick with it. We're coaches and we have young children looking up to us-we need to set good examples. If you can't tough out part of a year, or find that you are moving gyms frequently, perhaps the problem isn't the gym.... Be responsible, do your job, and then move on if you must after the season is over. The other gym you are going to should respect you more for that. I would be leery to hire any coach that would leave a gym mid-year. Who says they won't do it to you too?
I agree and think we will be there in only a year or two. But it just would have been very difficult back then because USASF was so tenuous.

I remember going to meetings in New Orleans when the idea of the USASF and NACCC governing bodies were being shopped to the coaches. Those were exciting times for the industry. I'm so glad that is actually going to happen!
This is a interesting thread !

I think you have to look at who is hiring the coaches who are leaving ni the middle of a season ! If they left that gym for a "better deal" who says they wont leave you at one point.

I think it says alot about the characteristics of a person by the way they conduct themselves. If they are unhappy, there are ways to fix that, and if the choice is "quit" b/c you are unhappy and you have done EVERYTHING in your power to change the situation (some gym owners can be unreasonable i'm sure). Then perhaps you might be hired at a different gym if you explained to them what really went on.

In the sense of "gym" hopping, we are lucky around here people are VERY loyal to their programs. But peoples lives change, and for many this is a SECOND job. So when my coaching job for fun, is impacting my quality of life b/c i spend 40 hours at a desk, and no time for myself, it's time to re-evaluate the situation, perhaps a gym change to something closer might be that only solution.

Sorta speaking about myself there ! For many coaches it can be a VERY hard decision to leave a program. I have a good friend who is pondering it, and she has been there for 5 years. It breaks her heart to leave, but at the same time she wants to grow as a coach.
This is a interesting thread !

I think you have to look at who is hiring the coaches who are leaving ni the middle of a season ! If they left that gym for a "better deal" who says they wont leave you at one point.

I think it says alot about the characteristics of a person by the way they conduct themselves. If they are unhappy, there are ways to fix that, and if the choice is "quit" b/c you are unhappy and you have done EVERYTHING in your power to change the situation (some gym owners can be unreasonable i'm sure). Then perhaps you might be hired at a different gym if you explained to them what really went on.

In the sense of "gym" hopping, we are lucky around here people are VERY loyal to their programs. But peoples lives change, and for many this is a SECOND job. So when my coaching job for fun, is impacting my quality of life b/c i spend 40 hours at a desk, and no time for myself, it's time to re-evaluate the situation, perhaps a gym change to something closer might be that only solution.

Sorta speaking about myself there ! For many coaches it can be a VERY hard decision to leave a program. I have a good friend who is pondering it, and she has been there for 5 years. It breaks her heart to leave, but at the same time she wants to grow as a coach.

I totally agree that coaches should do what is best for them. A Coach who is unhappy is not very productive. I just think they should wait until the end of season if at all possible.

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