All-Star Why Did Angel Leave Smoed?

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I come on here to ask a serious question and I get nothing but BS in return. I've been absent because i no longer like it on here. If I come on here asking a serious question without the attempt of starting drama, especially with how long I've been gone, I expect a legit response back. Not people being childish. I got a notification a while back on a very old thread, I find it very unethical for you (who ever it was) to post my physical home address on here where it does not belong. Yes, I did mark the majority of your comments bullying. Because like it or not, that's what you're doing.
Please, you've been around long enough to know that any talk about where specific people go to cheer either gets a) locked, b) pounced on or c) derailed by animals or food.
@4D3CHEER! I wish I could agree with you on the not discussing athletes' personal business prohibition thing.
That rule seems to only apply when 1. The athlete is talented and well-liked, and/or 2. Nobody has enough credible info or knows the athlete personally enough to actually speak, with any truth, about the situation.
Bottom line, with AR, one could speculate that it makes more sense for her family to be close to a gym they're opening, not in CA. Simple answer.

Now, back to Roscoe's.
Has anyone heard of 2 Fat 2 Fly? It's a food truck from Columbia and the owners had their own show on the OWN network.

They sell stuffed wings. Wings stuffed with things like macaroni, collard greens, jambalaya. Etc

The plain wings are really good, granted I've never tried to stuffed wings because the idea terrifies me

Any time their food truck pulls up they end up getting a line with hours long waits.

Oh and when will the powers that be finally block Fierce_Elite. Like her foolishness has gone on long enough. Her antics aren't even amusing anymore. Grow up, little girl. Next time stay gone.
This is an accurate description of my life

I don't know how to rate this; so I'm gonna shimmy. I've never flown in my life; tall girl problems. If AS cheer was my thing, I could have been a beast of a backspot though.

Has anyone heard of 2 Fat 2 Fly? It's a food truck from Columbia and the owners had their own show on the OWN network.

They sell stuffed wings. Wings stuffed with things like macaroni, collard greens, jambalaya. Etc

The plain wings are really good, granted I've never tried to stuffed wings because the idea terrifies me

Any time their food truck pulls up they end up getting a line with hours long waits.

Oh and when will the powers that be finally block Fierce_Elite. Like her foolishness has gone on long enough. Her antics aren't even amusing anymore. Grow up, little girl. Next time stay gone.

I've heard of something that sounds like that, and now I need to figure out when I can get to Columbia.

After the summer is over, perhaps? She's far too valuable right now.
Reading through this thread and I'm all like :jawdrop:. Not at the question. But the answers. How many fried foods can the states come up with?! :eek: The only fried things in Sweden is probably nuggets and fries, none of which are Swedish. Oh and fried fish, that's probably as Swedish as you get, served at least once a week in Swedish schools. Yuk. :(
At the Fryeburg Fair, Maine's largest fair, a booth was serving deep-fried whoopie pies:

A whoopie pie is similar to an Oreo cakester, but huge. They're the official state treat of Maine. (There was a tense legislative battle against blueberry pie, which was named the state dessert. Ah, government.)
Reading through this thread and I'm all like :jawdrop:. Not at the question. But the answers. How many fried foods can the states come up with?! :eek: The only fried things in Sweden is probably nuggets and fries, none of which are Swedish. Oh and fried fish, that's probably as Swedish as you get, served at least once a week in Swedish schools. Yuk. :(

If you can eat it, we can fry it...they even do deep fried butter on a stick.

Deep Fried Cereal

Deep Fried mac n Cheese is out of this world good! Especially with ranch dressing

The Doughnut Burger for good measure
After going to bed feeling uncool because we only had bacon and maple syrup I woke up realizing we do have a major contribution to the gastronomy economy and downfall of arteries.....I give you poutine! Can't get anymore Canadian then that!



Just for you my Canadian friend

What is on those? I prefer steak fries with bacon, melted cheese, chives, and spicy ranch dressing.

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