OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Any advice or ideas from moms/parents is welcomed--

My 3 week old has recently started vomiting after probably 50% of her feedings. At first I thought it was a case of over eating because she would literally eat all. the. time. So I started pumping and feeding her with a bottle so it was easier to monitor how many ounces she was eating in a day. I've since realized that my supply is hit or miss and I've had to supplement with formula on the days where I'm not making enough. I'm trying to make sure I'm eating the foods to help production and avoiding things that could be irritants to her. However she has started vomiting more frequently. It's random as to whether it's after eating breastmilk or formula so I can't narrow down if it's something I'm eating or needing to change the formula. She gets hiccups after almost every feeding as well. I'm trying gripe water to ease the gas, but she spits almost the entire syringe worth out. She doesn't have anywhere near a fever, and other than the vomiting she's just fussy and likes to be held--which I'm starting to think is because of the vomiting because the times she's really fussy are right before she's throwing up.

I am going to go get a soy based formula to try but I don't know if that's the problem--at this point I just want to rule things out. My other thought is that she's eating too fast but I don't really know how to slow her down other than just pulling the bottle out of her mouth every few minutes to make her breathe? We have a doctor appointment Wednesday but I just feel so bad.

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FCS had the same symptoms 10 years ago as soon as I had to supplement formula for him. I think it is more traumatic for us moms vs the babies. Is she crying? If not, it is probably a very light case of reflux...I have come to the conclusion that all babies "cook" at different times and sometimes even when they think they are ready to arrive, their insides aren't necessarily ready and can be easily irritated. Per our doctor, we switched to Soy for about 12 hours when the "spitting up" became "projectile vomiting" with the soy. I decided quite quickly that the spitting up was definitely preferable to the vomiting LOL. Since he did not cry during all of this, I realized it was just his body reacting to the formula and he would outgrow it with time. Once he was old enough to take a tiny bit of rice cereal, I put that in his bottle and the spitting up stopped. I am thinking that by adding a little "weight" to the formula, it was harder for his body to expel it. I hope you are able to get this worked out for both you and your baby. This kind of stuff can be so stressful on new parents...trust yourself and know you can do this!
FCS had the same symptoms 10 years ago as soon as I had to supplement formula for him. I think it is more traumatic for us moms vs the babies. Is she crying? If not, it is probably a very light case of reflux...I have come to the conclusion that all babies "cook" at different times and sometimes even when they think they are ready to arrive, their insides aren't necessarily ready and can be easily irritated. Per our doctor, we switched to Soy for about 12 hours when the "spitting up" became "projectile vomiting" with the soy. I decided quite quickly that the spitting up was definitely preferable to the vomiting LOL. Since he did not cry during all of this, I realized it was just his body reacting to the formula and he would outgrow it with time. Once he was old enough to take a tiny bit of rice cereal, I put that in his bottle and the spitting up stopped. I am thinking that by adding a little "weight" to the formula, it was harder for his body to expel it. I hope you are able to get this worked out for both you and your baby. This kind of stuff can be so stressful on new parents...trust yourself and know you can do this!

She only cried the first time it happened. She was laying down and projectile vomited and I think choked a little on it. It definitely scared her dad and I more than it did her! Lol now it doesn't seem to phase her so this definitely makes me feel a little better. Did you try different brands of formula? I'm not sure if I should try some other ones and see if they seem to settle a little better for her. But once she's old enough I'll definitely try the cereal mixed in to weigh it down. Thank you! [emoji5]️

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BABIES. Auntie Kristen needs to be ready- I've got two friends due in the next 6 months so I'm prepping knitting patterns. So pumped.

PS- @ErinS if you're up my way and need anything give me a shout. I'll be actually in the city the next two days.
@Twinklestars I did see a bunch of things talking about reflux which seemed like a good possibility. I usually put her in her swing after she eats but maybe that's too reclined. Guess princess is getting the bouncy chair I found at target (that coincidentally matches her play gym!! ;) ) today.

@Pebbles49 I actually had to do that with her a couple times because she was constipated. Worked like a charm and she felt so much better. And once I thought about it, I had eaten/drank a lot of dairy those days which is partially what led me to think maybe switching to soy is a good option. At that point can I no longer pump/breastfeed her, or is there something I can add to the milk? Or just be super careful about not eating dairy myself?

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You can still breastfeed!

You might wait until you see the doctor before you make the formula changes. But, cutting back on dairy for you might be a good start.

Oatmeal is helpful for your milk supply. Drink plenty of water and get lots of rest!
I'm a terrible person for laughing so hard at this. Kids getting scared by the new snapchat update
She only cried the first time it happened. She was laying down and projectile vomited and I think choked a little on it. It definitely scared her dad and I more than it did her! Lol now it doesn't seem to phase her so this definitely makes me feel a little better. Did you try different brands of formula? I'm not sure if I should try some other ones and see if they seem to settle a little better for her. But once she's old enough I'll definitely try the cereal mixed in to weigh it down. Thank you! [emoji5]️

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The choking would have definitely scared me too. I tried a couple of them, but they were all pretty much the same, except for the soy LOL. You could certainly try others, but I would still speak with your doctor just to be sure. I am glad I could help!
alright work vent, so i apologize in advance....... i cant stand this new job ive been at for only about two weeks now, the training is complete crap, all of two days that we've had, and now were expected to perform at the highest level...... like really i only got to make one of each dish out of the two days i had to supposably train and now you expect me to be able to do it times 100x perfectly.....
i have a trainer who keeps throwing me under the bus for the smallest crap imaginable, plus she kinda sucks at being a trainer in general, considering she has no people communication skills at all. I have a very thick skin, but the quickest way to piss me off is to have to put up with someone who thinks their crap don't stink, and that is disrespectful on all levels, like please get some manners and get over yourself already dang....
ive decided that im just gonna ask to transfer back to my old location tomorrow and tell em that i dont think this is going to wrok out for me, i normally NEVER quit at anything, but my happiness at this point is more important to me and if that means i have to swallow my pride to get myself out of this mess then so be it. ughhhhh

i mean has anyone else here had a job they hated after only the first week??
Michaels already has Christmas decorations out. Thanksgiving isn't until October 12th.

Only when we stop stopping our lives can we begin to start starting them.

Christmas sweets are already in the stores over here for a month.
Any advice or ideas from moms/parents is welcomed--

My 3 week old has recently started vomiting after probably 50% of her feedings. At first I thought it was a case of over eating because she would literally eat all. the. time. So I started pumping and feeding her with a bottle so it was easier to monitor how many ounces she was eating in a day. I've since realized that my supply is hit or miss and I've had to supplement with formula on the days where I'm not making enough. I'm trying to make sure I'm eating the foods to help production and avoiding things that could be irritants to her. However she has started vomiting more frequently. It's random as to whether it's after eating breastmilk or formula so I can't narrow down if it's something I'm eating or needing to change the formula. She gets hiccups after almost every feeding as well. I'm trying gripe water to ease the gas, but she spits almost the entire syringe worth out. She doesn't have anywhere near a fever, and other than the vomiting she's just fussy and likes to be held--which I'm starting to think is because of the vomiting because the times she's really fussy are right before she's throwing up.

I am going to go get a soy based formula to try but I don't know if that's the problem--at this point I just want to rule things out. My other thought is that she's eating too fast but I don't really know how to slow her down other than just pulling the bottle out of her mouth every few minutes to make her breathe? We have a doctor appointment Wednesday but I just feel so bad.

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I have a new baby as well, he's 4 weeks old today. If you want to keep your milk supply up, the worst thing you can do is supplement. Babies have frequent growth spurts at the beginning of life that require frequent feedings. Usually at 7-10 days, 3-4 weeks, 6 weeks. My son will eat every two hours for a week and then start wanting to eat every hour for a few days. This is completely normal. They feed more to increase your milk supply to meet their demand as they grow.

KellyMom.com : Growth spurts

Also, it's very rare for a baby to react to things the mom is eating and it's more likely that your baby has some reflux which will get better as she grows. Burp her frequently during feeds and sit her upright when you're done. If you have anymore questions let me know. Good luck!

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