All-Star Gabi's New Gym And Team Announcement 7/6/15

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It has taken me 3 days to get through this thread as I wanted to read all the posts, but the subject matter makes me so sad/angry.
I have a daughter the same age as she as well known? No, but as a parent of a 17 year old, I am saddened by the fact that because Gabi is a "cheerlebrity" (HATE THE TERM) some think she should be tougher/deal with the foul-mouthed attack by a MUCH OLDER ADULT. This whole event started because an "adult" decided to state his personal opinion of an athlete who was underage and starting a business that he clearly did not think she was capable of. In the "guise" of concern, he questioned the legality/safety of said business. He tried to "cloak" his comments with "concern for the industry" but unfortunately, those "concerns" lost credibility with me when he called this young athlete several unacceptable names. Does JP have some valid points? Yes. Did I think about those things when I first heard of this? Yes. Her dad is speaking up here because he (like me) is saddened/appalled/surprised by the amount of people who aren't bothered by the fact that an a MUCH OLDER ADULT is acting like (or younger) a 17 year old. And yes, I have seen comments from both sides on Facebook, Twitter, etc, but none of this would have started if a MUCH OLDER ADULT would have kept his PERSONAL opinions of the athlete to himself and just stated the facts. Again, he lost all credibility with me when he attacked her personally. Her popularity should not enter into this. She did not do anything except announce a new business and try to promote it. It was NEVER personal on her end. It was made personal by a MUCH OLDER ADULT. I will always think it is wrong for a MUCH OLDER ADULT to attack a 17 year old no matter what the circumstances. Maturity has to play into this at some point. I don't care what the child does/says etc.....but that's just me.
It is refreshing to hear someone else with morals and understanding! Wrong is wrong and it's disgusting how may people have argued with Mr Butler, myself and others who believe no child, anytime should have an adult "role model" talk to her like this. I dont care if she is the wealthiest person on earth, who tweets her daily inspirations and encouragement to billions! She shouldn't be insulted & torn apart for her accomplishments. I want to have faith in society, but all the people defending this topic & stating she got what she deserved for putting herself out there? nuts!
On a cheer-related note:

Has anyone seen this team perform yet (in a showcase or otherwise?)
See... that's the thing, with the exception of maybe those couple of Instagram posts, I haven't heard or seen much about Lionheart in awhile. Also, it seems as if a member or two are no longer part of the team as they are now committed to other teams (at least on their Instagram and Twitter bios).
sorry but this is hilarious, oh but no wait, it's not
I dont even know him and actually also dont care to
Also , if you had read all i have said throughout this entire you would know that i have never even come close to defending his behavior or even Directly said anything about him at all. That's why right now, i am pretty angry, because you come on here basically yelling at everyone you can find, quoting stuff out of context and trying to make it look like we are all lunatics who think teenagers dont committ suicide and support every adult out there who assaults children. That is just not cool sorry

"while you can never look into ones Head and 100 % know what they are feeling, i think it goes a little far to bring up suicide here. Gabi seems like a very grown up, stable and supported Person Who Has been in the public eye since she was a Child. This is most probably not the First time someone has said something mean to her and she obviously knows how to handle it. Someone who commits suicide because of bullying can't really be compared to this Situation. I'm sorry if this is an unpopular opinion. "
First off I did not quote anything out of context, own what you say. And secondly, I'm sorry you see educating as yelling? Lastly, I don't recall stating you support "all adults who assaults children", I simply tried to explain to you the situation is similar, very similar to many of the teen suicides. The difference; this child had family support and a great support system and she didn't take her life. Others may not be so lucky. Introduce yourself to anyone who has lost a child r/t bullying. I bet they would beg the bully to stop namecalling and stop the cruelty so NO child suffers. It doesn't matter if that child is in the public eye as many have said she deserves whatever is tossed to her?
When you live a little (I mean no disrespect by this) and see what I have seen, as sad as it is, you will not condone , accept, or negate this behavior because you believe that not every child kills themselves over this. Thank God, that most do not, but why lose one precious life and why act as if the topic should not be discussed, when it may save one man/child from harshly treating another child who then takes their life?? The big defense, ( I believe you also made this statement) is that kids don't do it after 1 episode of mal treatment? How do you and the many other naysayers know how many episodes have occurred? We dont. We also dont know what psychological space these children live in, as you your self admitted too. Maybe cheer is their only outlet , like the young girl on my daughters team. One event pushed her over the edge, on one sad day ,and now her family suffers without her. The suicide stunned the kids in the gym, espeially the younger ones who dont even understand why someone would do this?? You can try and validate your opinion as you are very well entitiled to, you can say this situation isn't the same, but it is the preceptor to many suicides and it should not be tolerated and excused because "it's not the same" Tell that to the parents and families whose loved ones are left behind. Maybe just maybe, if one young, prettygirl like yourself ,stood against ALL of it, versus saying it "can't be compared to this situation" where a grown man harshly called a child a punk as# as well as other uglies. God only knows what he has said to her face or what he has said to other children? God only knows when the next child will take his/her life because he pushes them over the edge? Cheer is like a second family to my Cp and I could see how easy it is to break down if that family cuts you down. What is "not cool" is that you can't sit back and take this to heart and listen with an open mind, as the original message was intended. It is a problem and it does happen in all situations. I pray for you and I pray you NEVER see a single suicide or loss in your young life and I hope you have children who have strong hearts so you never feel an ounce of the pain these families feel. It's is something you can never erase from your mind, I promise you that.
"while you can never look into ones Head and 100 % know what they are feeling, i think it goes a little far to bring up suicide here. Gabi seems like a very grown up, stable and supported Person Who Has been in the public eye since she was a Child. This is most probably not the First time someone has said something mean to her and she obviously knows how to handle it. Someone who commits suicide because of bullying can't really be compared to this Situation. I'm sorry if this is an unpopular opinion. "
First off I did not quote anything out of context, own what you say. And secondly, I'm sorry you see educating as yelling? Lastly, I don't recall stating you support "all adults who assaults children", I simply tried to explain to you the situation is similar, very similar to many of the teen suicides. The difference; this child had family support and a great support system and she didn't take her life. Others may not be so lucky. Introduce yourself to anyone who has lost a child r/t bullying. I bet they would beg the bully to stop namecalling and stop the cruelty so NO child suffers. It doesn't matter if that child is in the public eye as many have said she deserves whatever is tossed to her?
When you live a little (I mean no disrespect by this) and see what I have seen, as sad as it is, you will not condone , accept, or negate this behavior because you believe that not every child kills themselves over this. Thank God, that most do not, but why lose one precious life and why act as if the topic should not be discussed, when it may save one man/child from harshly treating another child who then takes their life?? The big defense, ( I believe you also made this statement) is that kids don't do it after 1 episode of mal treatment? How do you and the many other naysayers know how many episodes have occurred? We dont. We also dont know what psychological space these children live in, as you your self admitted too. Maybe cheer is their only outlet , like the young girl on my daughters team. One event pushed her over the edge, on one sad day ,and now her family suffers without her. The suicide stunned the kids in the gym, espeially the younger ones who dont even understand why someone would do this?? You can try and validate your opinion as you are very well entitiled to, you can say this situation isn't the same, but it is the preceptor to many suicides and it should not be tolerated and excused because "it's not the same" Tell that to the parents and families whose loved ones are left behind. Maybe just maybe, if one young, prettygirl like yourself ,stood against ALL of it, versus saying it "can't be compared to this situation" where a grown man harshly called a child a punk as# as well as other uglies. God only knows what he has said to her face or what he has said to other children? God only knows when the next child will take his/her life because he pushes them over the edge? Cheer is like a second family to my Cp and I could see how easy it is to break down if that family cuts you down. What is "not cool" is that you can't sit back and take this to heart and listen with an open mind, as the original message was intended. It is a problem and it does happen in all situations. I pray for you and I pray you NEVER see a single suicide or loss in your young life and I hope you have children who have strong hearts so you never feel an ounce of the pain these families feel. It's is something you can never erase from your mind, I promise you that.

You know i could actually sit back and listen to you if you did not write every single thing you say in that very condescending and just aggravating tone. Saying we don't have morals. Who are you to say such things? I do own what i say. Because what i said is nothing horrible, it is the truth, I have said from the beginning that gabi is a whole different case because she HAS that support system, she knows how to stick up for herself, she is in in the spotlight and knows how to handle it very well, she has displayed it on various occasions.

Do you comment on all the youtube videos of kids putting themselves out there by doing make up tutorials , or music videos of kid stars? Or Videos of the Dance Moms children? Do you stick up for them too like you do here? Because these kids hear a lot of terrible things day in day out, they are called way worse things than what gabi was (not saying it was not bad, but being wished death upon is clearly worse than that) . Yes , its true, it's horrible, no one should say rude things to anyone . That's what makes this world a horrible place, but to jump on peoples throats because they do not express the exact same opinion you do is just beyond reason to me.

If you did not understand what i was trying to say by reading what i said i'm sorry. I do believe you and your experiences in that area and everything, but you don't have to come on here and act like this. It's uncalled for sorry.

And i will say this because you specifically quoted me, i do not let anyone talk to me like that. I am not 15 years old and i usually try to word my opinions very carefully to not hurt anyones feelings or come across rude. Also, don't jump to conclusions, i have lost people in my life, more than one. I know how it feels, i have close friends who have lost people due to suicide. I know how it is. This discussion right here is just crazy.

I suggest we leave it at that, you do your thing and i do mine. I think we both agree that adults should not call children names or mistreat them in any way, at least we have that in common.
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What about the part that we teach our children to deal with negative instead of overprotecting? Yes what he said is not acceptable, I totally agree. It's not acceptable no matter how old the other person is, child or not.

But what about the part that the child actually learns from it? As if nobody is going to call you out someday. As if nobody is going to try and tear you apart? What kind of pink glasses are you wearing if you think that it will never happen? Do you really think that, even if you stand up, bullying will someday totally disapear? As if. How naive.

Instead of calling people out and playing mad mother, make sure your child is prepared and knows how to get back on her feet. Teach her to be able to point out what doesn't make her feel good and to defend herself. Help her be respected.

Because in human behavior, you just can't expect a miracle from others.
It's a British and American phenomenon, where if a person is in the spotlight, people feel like they get a pass for being brutal jerks in media. IMO, it falls into line with the whole, "if you dress a certain way, you deserved to be raped" line of thinking. Do I believe for a moment this thread is about constructive criticism? No, the dang gym isn't even open yet. Perhaps it is our right to discuss what ever we want and voice our opinion but, at what point does it cross the line from being "constructive criticism" to "just being a jerk behind a screen"? IMO, if you wouldn't say it directly to them, then you're "just a jerk behind a screen".
thank you, thank you , thank you! & no most of these players would probably cowardly walk away versus saying it to someones face. The computer has made this behavior more widespread & as you see on this post, more acceptable if the person is accomplished!
thank you, thank you , thank you! & no most of these players would probably cowardly walk away versus saying it to someones face. The computer has made this behavior more widespread & as you see on this post, more acceptable if the person is accomplished!
Why did you seek out an old thread? I feel for your daughter but no reason to hash up old threads.
Right now, she has clinics at various gyms and I could understand if this was a thread about her clinics and comments about how they are run and if they are safe, that's fair game IMO. But, this is about a gym that hasn't opened yet, and most of the comments here and on Twitter are geared at her ability, or in most cases , inability to run it.

My neighbor just announced she is 8 weeks pregnant and she's 41. Should I put it in the neighborhood blog and start a discussion on how I think she's too old and take bets on her baby being special needs? Same thought process, I just upped the insensitivity level several notches.

@Tator tots I've seen a lot of thought processes and laws change throughout the years. Some things should not be accepted for "reality" just because they have always been that way. Social media is still fairly new and laws haven't caught up but, just because people can get away with being malicious on social media, doesn't mean we shouldn't call them out for being the A$$e$ they truly are.
Amen to you! I am apparently mean spirited because I have the same belief you do? Hmmmm, mean spirited because I want to put a stop to bad behavior like this and I wan to educate people on suicide. Wow!
Amen to you! I am apparently mean spirited because I have the same belief you do? Hmmmm, mean spirited because I want to put a stop to bad behavior like this and I wan to educate people on suicide. Wow!
And how exactly are you doing it? I mean, you want to... but what actions are you taking? And, yeah, a lot of people here don't need education on suicide.
I hope any comments that I have made have not come across as questioning Gabi or anyone else's ability to run clinics, etc. She along with many of these athletes are perfectly capable of doing so I was only just commenting like you said on the possibility of finding a way to "qualify" these athletes in order to ensure that the clinics they run are not met with any insurance or safety problems that could put them into difficulties. I did not intend to make it look like I was questioning their ability and it is honestly fair game to these athletes whether they open gyms or not as they have a lot more knowledge and experience than I surely have. However if athletes like Gabi were to switch to coaching under the age of 18, they would only be able to do level 1 and 2 qualifications for the moment due to various guidelines set out by credential giving companies. I may sound like another boring safety freak but I'm only trying to advocate the view of making the sport as safe as it can be, while keeping it in a manner that everyone can benefit from. Sorry again if I have come across in a manner that I did not intend.
nothing boring about safety, I wouldn't condemn yourself for that.

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