OT 25 Facts

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1. My name is Sydney Renee!
2. I hate when people call me Syd...like the sloth from Ice Age.
3. I've been a proud memeber of the Bob Squad for three years now. #shorthairforlife
4. I idolize Katie Holmes and Audrey Hepburn. I've been told I look like Katie Holmes before but I don't see it!
5. I'll be 19 in 17 days...I feel so old.
6. I get my braces off in 14 days, I've had them for 6 years and 7 months.
7. I'm on NCA Missouri and Kansas staff and I love every minute of it.
8. I've only cheered for four years and I finally found my "gym home" my senior year of cheer!
9. But now I'm cheering in college!
10. I have severe OCD and I am the biggest perfectionist I've ever met.
11. I eat at Buffalo Wild Wings at least twice a week. It's a problem.
12. I'm 5'7" and my little sister is 4'11". It's weird.
13. I am obsessed with bright pink blush. Blush>>>>>bronzer.
14. I have slowly come into my own since summer started.
15. I've changed a lot since my 9th grade year!
16. I'm majoring in Elementary Education and getting my masters in Special Education.
17. I'm getting a tattoo in 21 days.
18. I want to be a trophy wife when I grow up.
19. I was online shopping yesterday and asked my sister's boyfriend what he thought of something and he told me I was totally going to be a trophy wife when I grew up. I hugged him.
20. My parents have been divorced since I was 9. They have actually been married to each other and divorced from each other twice.
21. I have been told I look like the American Girl Doll named Kit with brown hair. And that's fine.
22. I am always overdressed. Always.
23. I'm pretty sure I'm dyslexic, even though I've always had a every high reading level.
24. My favorite color is teal.
25. And I'm going to the lake in three days:)

Thank god i'm not the only one!:)
1. I'm Nika from Slovenia
2. I am obssesed with cheerleading and fierceboard.
3. Reading this theard makes me miss some of people that used to be there.
4. I collect cheer shirts ( just got 50th shirt yesterday)
5. If I wouldn't know for fierceboard I would probably have 5 shirts. Because I tradeed almost all my shirts with fierceboarders.
6. Pinterest is seriously best website ever!
7. I loooove Hary Potter! I read HP 1 at least 10 times. No kidding
8. I like bows
9. I watched Woodlans elite videos yesterday all day and I fell in love with this gym
10. I just got kik today and I like it :) (nikahorvat if you would like to talk)
11. Matt Smith is hottest guy on this planet.
12. I graduated high school 2 days ago. yaaay me :)
13. I love dance moms and toddlers and tiaras
14. I looooove traveling. I've been in London, Germany (9 times and going to Berlin in September), Italy (I actually live near Italy so I am there at least once a week), Hungary, Austria, Paris...
15. I am saving my money to got to worlds next year!
16. I have bucketlist with over 200 things
17. It'ts my biggest wish to go to worlds
18. Kelsey Rule and Hope E. Bravo are my favorite. they are amazing.
19. My boyfriend watched one of my practices, he liked it and than he started cheering too. And now he is better than me. He even collect cheer shirts lol
20. My life goal is to travel to all US states (and visit gyms)...I wonder how much money I would need.
21.All Star One is my favorite gym ever. They are like my second family.
22. I work at h&m
23. I love watching what's in my purse videos at youtube
24. If you ever come to Italy or Slovenia please tell me. I'd love to meet you!
25. I coach youth 2 (now they're junior 4) and I won't be coaching them this season because I am going to college.
1. I'm Nika from Slovenia
22. I work at h&m

And with that statement you have become my favorite fierceboard person in life. Theres no H&M near where I live...theres no shop online in America (until this "Fall" when originally they said Winter '12)...its the only store that sells clothes remotely close to my size.... lets arrange some kind of cheer shirts/h&m clothes swap lol. Jk...but no really
And with that statement you have become my favorite fierceboard person in life. Theres no H&M near where I live...theres no shop online in America (until this "Fall" when originally they said Winter '12)...its the only store that sells clothes remotely close to my size.... lets arrange some kind of cheer shirts/h&m clothes swap lol. Jk...but no really

sure :) tell me what you want :)
1. I'm 19 years old.
2. I'm a HUGE hockey fan, stats, history, players, etc. I know it all. Buffalo Sabres are my team of choice!
3. I also like the Boston Red Sox and have a shrine to Fenway in my room.
4. And since we're on the topic of sports, I'm a member of #BillsMafia aka the biggest FAMbase in the NFL hahaha well that's what we like to pretend here in Western NY.
5. I go to college at the University of Pittsburgh and absolutely love it minus the part that my best friends live all over the country in the summer.
6. I want to be a Sports Contract Lawyer some day.
7. My favorite color is hot pink.
8. I love country music... like it's past the point of obsession. It drives my friends nuts.
9. Chicken wings are my favorite food and you haven't had actual good wings until you eat them in Buffalo, NY.
10. I have a huge, very loud family. It can be overwhelming to anyone we bring to functions (boyfriends tend to get harassed the most).
11. My cat's name is Princess Bella. I named it when I was 12.
12. I tweet like it's my job. Actually it partly is my job... I do social networking for a marketing company. But my own personal account is full of tweets too. (@kenziee_baker)
13. My friends love my closet and all my clothes... I'm content in yogas and t-shirts so a lot of my clothes rarely get worn.
14. A majority of my friends are boys but that's because girls are catty and I HATED getting involved in more drama (since cheerleading was more than enough for me).
15. My Senior personality was "Class Flirt"... my mom was oh so proud.
16. I have a little sister named Mikaela but she goes by Kaela and I go by Kenzie and all the girls except one on our one side of the family have "k or c" names. Kenzie, Kaela, Kelly, Kimmy, Clare, Catie.
17. My nails are always painted with weird funky colors and patterns.
18. I love the minions from Despicable Me and sleep with a stuffed one. If I could have a real one... I so would.
19. I drive a 2009 Mazda 6.
20. I love Blake Lively. No other words needed, she's flawless.
21. I may be coming out of cheer retirement this year... we'll see what happens.
22. I have lots of hats. I have no idea why since I rarely wear them, I just really like hats.
23. My best friends all call me "your royal higness" or "princess" cuz they think I'm spoiled. I'm not... I promise you.
24. I collect post cards from all over and have been trying to get all the states (if anyone wants to help me out, I'd appreciate it).
25. I'm really good at cross word puzzles. It freaks people out sometimes the amount of random facts I know.
1.)The last time I did this, it wasn't me.
2.)My friend and I initially shared the account (but rarely posted, we were lame), and that was her. She's a much better cheerleader then I was lol.
3.)I just graduated HS, and am in limbo between that and college.
4.) Everyday I teeter between being so excited for college, and having a nervous breakdown thinking about it. That's normal, right? *cue eye twitch*
5.) I've been on fierceboard by myself since winter of '09, and have loved every second of it!
6.) However, I've only been nominated for FBA's three times in 4 years. Haterz gonana hate, I guess.
7.) I sometimes talk in my mind as a ghetto black woman, a la Madea. This makes no sense..I'm short, white and blonde. :rolleyes:
8.) I wuff my dog <3 (See what I did there?)
9.) I collect soaps from all over. Any where I go, I try to get some.
10.) For a girl, I'm strangely obsessed with football. I have more Alabama football shirts than I have HS shirts. Roll Tide y'all!
11.) Vegetarian since I was 6. Veggies unite!
12.) I am the worst procrastinator ever. Procrastinator Unite!....some other time.
13.) Patriot Nation
14.) My mom is my best friend.
15.) I'm friends with 2 fierceboarders on facebook, and have never met any. This makes me sound like a hermit, but I swear I'm not.
16.) My cheer love lies within Cheer Athletics (number one Fanther, back off!) and World Cup. Large senior this year will give me an ulcer, mark my words.
17.) I love love love coming on here to shimmys. It makes me feel like someone actually apreciates anything I say, unlike in real life. That's not supposed to be as angsty as it sounds :shaka:
18.) I work at a coffee shop. Don't ever piss off your barista, because she will give you decaf.
19.) If I could get a direct IV of sweet tea into my veins, I'd do it. Yum.
20.) I've been pitching this idea of a frozen yogurt place with unlimited toppings called FroYolo for like a year. No one thinks it's funny but me. YOLO.
21.) I love teal (the color). However, I don't love Cheer Extreme. I'm a walking contradiction.
22.) I am terrified of birds. I got attacked at Disney once, I can't even talk/think about it without feeling sick.
23.) My brother pushed me into a wall, and I had to get stitches on my forhead. Now I have a little HP scar. I guess it's a win.
24.) I insist on commentating everything. See every other fact above, and my post count. Haha.
25.) I prefer the radio to an iPod any day.
1. My boyfriend is coming over soon, so I'll probably end up exing out before I finish. So I'm probably just talking to myself right now. woo.
2. I wish i cheered for orange. for realz.
3. my dogs name is brooke, shes such a pretty girl <3
4. i bought a trampoline in hopes of getting some sort of tumbling skill, yeah I haven't even jumped on it yet. :oops:
5. i just watched dance moms for the first time last night. it was...interesting.
6. i left work early sick yesterday, and called in today.
7. i hate being sick.
8. i work at a grocery store and despise it.
9. my dogs licking the coffee table.. shes weird.
10. if i had as much skill as i did passion for cheering, id be sooo good :)
11. that being said, i pretty much suck at cheering and ive come to accept that haha
12. i hardly ever brush my hair. it goes down to my lower back.
13. when i do decide to brush it, its like dred locks. not fun.
14. the amount of girls that come into buds (grocery store) that have coach bags and iphones that pay with foodstamps..... makes me want to kill society.
15. hersheys drops are AMAZING.
16. only white chocolate ones though, milk choco is yuck.
17. i so badly want to go to worlds this year.
18. I cant wait to move out of Maine! snow is just not my style.
19. however, i love the summers here and the fall :)
20. my boyfriend is the best athlete ive ever met.
21. seriously if he picked up cheering hed have a standing full in a month.
22. fish are disgusting.
23. i only have one true friend.
24. high school really changes people.
25. Im jelly of everyone thats involved in allstar cheering!
1. I turn 17 in 29 days :)
2. I live in Florida.
3. Everyone that doesn't know me on a personal level thinks I never eat.
4. I eat like an obese pig...
5. I've been cheering for 13 years but this is my first year as a full year all-star.
6. I coached a rec team last year and it helped me decide what I want to do in the future :)
7. I lived in Hawaii for four years.
8. I broke both of my arms when I was six.
9. I have 3 sisters and a brother.
10. One of my sisters has Rett Syndrome
11. I wish to attend Florida Atlantic University or University of Central Florida, after two years of community college.
12. My brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and several cousins are in the air force
13. During freshman year, my iPod and phone were stolen out of gym locker and 9 months later I got my iPod back and the three girls that stole it all dropped out and have kids now. (Karma)
14. My dad was just diagnosed with cancer.
15. I work at a clothing store in the mall called Tillys.
16. Today my friend & I stopped at every 7/11 on the way home for free slurpies (we pass three)
17. My boyfriend & I have been together for over a year.
18. I cheer for the varsity football team at my school.
19. My grandpa is the pilot for the president/leader of Nicaragua.
20. My dad is also a pilot, but for JetBlue.
21. I want to visit Australia and London more than anything and possibly stay for a year and cheer!
22. I LIVE off of starbucks and actually had a little petition going on to get one built inside the school (jokingly of course) But hey, I got 170 signatures in two days, some even including office staff and teachers ;)
23. I hate cheese.
24. My boyfriend thinks he can can make up for mistakes by buying me food, especially big macs (with no cheese) or a bow.
25. I graduate high school June 5th, 2013 and I really don't want it to come quite yet. :/
1. I turn 17 in 29 days :)
2. I live in Florida.
3. Everyone that doesn't know me on a personal level thinks I never eat.
4. I eat like an obese pig...
5. I've been cheering for 13 years but this is my first year as a full year all-star.
6. I coached a rec team last year and it helped me decide what I want to do in the future :)
7. I lived in Hawaii for four years.
8. I broke both of my arms when I was six.
9. I have 3 sisters and a brother.
10. One of my sisters has Rett Syndrome
11. I wish to attend Florida Atlantic University or University of Central Florida, after two years of community college.
12. My brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and several cousins are in the air force
13. During freshman year, my iPod and phone were stolen out of gym locker and 9 months later I got my iPod back and the three girls that stole it all dropped out and have kids now. (Karma)
14. My dad was just diagnosed with cancer.
15. I work at a clothing store in the mall called Tillys.
16. Today my friend & I stopped at every 7/11 on the way home for free slurpies (we pass three)
17. My boyfriend & I have been together for over a year.
18. I cheer for the varsity football team at my school.
19. My grandpa is the pilot for the president/leader of Nicaragua.
20. My dad is also a pilot, but for JetBlue.
21. I want to visit Australia and London more than anything and possibly stay for a year and cheer!
22. I LIVE off of starbucks and actually had a little petition going on to get one built inside the school (jokingly of course) But hey, I got 170 signatures in two days, some even including office staff and teachers ;)
23. I hate cheese.
24. My boyfriend thinks he can can make up for mistakes by buying me food, especially big macs (with no cheese) or a bow.
25. I graduate high school June 5th, 2013 and I really don't want it to come quite yet. :/

Omg that is so sad! Prayers to your whole family especially your dad. I hope he gets better.:(

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