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So like a week ago I was hardcore celebrating in this thread because I got a 99 on my Organic chem final and it was worth 20% of our grades so I was super excited (still am, that wasn't easy) but I thought for sure that would bump me up to an A. Right before the final I had an 87.4 (thank you automatic 100 homework assignments) final's worth 20% and I got a 99. What's my final grade? 89.7. And it's clearly written in the syllabus no rounding. I know there are some people who would kill for that grade, so I sound like an obnoxious brat, but I'm so disappointed... Not at the professor for not rounding up but at myself. Like if I tried a little harder on something for an extra point. Ugh. Lame.

On the bright side, I officially, officially will be starting my doctor of chiropractic in January (my acceptance was conditional based on organic chem) and I will now be getting an academic scholarship, so yay, anyway! Even with that darn B+...
So like a week ago I was hardcore celebrating in this thread because I got a 99 on my Organic chem final and it was worth 20% of our grades so I was super excited (still am, that wasn't easy) but I thought for sure that would bump me up to an A. Right before the final I had an 87.4 (thank you automatic 100 homework assignments) final's worth 20% and I got a 99. What's my final grade? 89.7. And it's clearly written in the syllabus no rounding. I know there are some people who would kill for that grade, so I sound like an obnoxious brat, but I'm so disappointed... Not at the professor for not rounding up but at myself. Like if I tried a little harder on something for an extra point. Ugh. Lame.

On the bright side, I officially, officially will be starting my doctor of chiropractic in January (my acceptance was conditional based on organic chem) and I will now be getting an academic scholarship, so yay, anyway! Even with that darn B+...

I feel your pain! I got a B in microbiology because I got an 89.4 - and my teacher would round from an 89.5! So I got a B by 1/10 of a percent.

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I'm dreading taking micro. :( How hard is it? I'm taking it with anatomy and physiology 2 next fall.

It was the hardest class of my life. To give you a frame of reference, in my various times in college and various majors, I've taken the majority of the classes that are notoriously difficult - with the exception of statistics (I don't know how I've gotten 120 credits and not taken that yet, but voila!)

I found micro to be harder than organic chem, physics, anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, etc.

I will say that I took it at a school that goes in quarters rather than semesters, so I had to learn it in 10 weeks, not 16. We did 28 chapters in a 10 week (really 9 because finals are week 10), 6-hour a week class. My 89.4 was the highest grade by 5 points. :(

Sorry to be negative Nancy but that class was a nightmare. Interesting, and a lot of really useful information but it was hard to learn.

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It was the hardest class of my life. To give you a frame of reference, in my various times in college and various majors, I've taken the majority of the classes that are notoriously difficult - with the exception of statistics (I don't know how I've gotten 120 credits and not taken that yet, but voila!)

I found micro to be harder than organic chem, physics, anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, etc.

I will say that I took it at a school that goes in quarters rather than semesters, so I had to learn it in 10 weeks, not 16. We did 28 chapters in a 10 week (really 9 because finals are week 10), 6-hour a week class. My 89.4 was the highest grade by 5 points. :(

Sorry to be negative Nancy but that class was a nightmare. Interesting, and a lot of really useful information but it was hard to learn.

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I'm dreading taking micro. :( How hard is it? I'm taking it with anatomy and physiology 2 next fall.

See for some reason I loveddd micro. I almost felt like it was easy but I seriously struggled in organic chem (like had to get a tutor and still cried everyday) my test grades in micro weren't perfect, but I loved the labs, so that really kept my grade up. It was extremely time consuming (for reference I took it concurrently with A&P 1) so I did basically give up my social life for that A, but it wasn't impossible. Your professor will also make a difference - you need a good one. While I liked it, I couldn't imagine doing it in a quarter, @Just-a-Mom major props.

I will be taking it at the graduate level come January, concurrently with gross anatomy (hello, cadavers ) so we'll see if my outlook changes. Just breathe and take it one chapter at a time. You'll be fine, girl.
See for some reason I loveddd micro. I almost felt like it was easy but I seriously struggled in organic chem (like had to get a tutor and still cried everyday) my test grades in micro weren't perfect, but I loved the labs, so that really kept my grade up. It was extremely time consuming (for reference I took it concurrently with A&P 1) so I did basically give up my social life for that A, but it wasn't impossible. Your professor will also make a difference - you need a good one. While I liked it, I couldn't imagine doing it in a quarter, @Just-a-Mom major props.

I will be taking it at the graduate level come January, concurrently with gross anatomy (hello, cadavers ) so we'll see if my outlook changes. Just breathe and take it one chapter at a time. You'll be fine, girl.

Yes - time consuming is the best way to describe it! I liked it and I understood it... But you really have no life while you're taking it. It IS your life. (I also took it at the same time as A&P) It's my hardest earned grade ever, but I'm still salty about that B. (however I ended up loving my professor when I had her for a different class later - we're still good friends now! I agree - the teacher will make or break that class)

Graduate level microbiology... Just, no. I can't even. I would never. I COULD never. Good luck with that one! :eek:

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Omg. I'm jealous. How long have you been taking classes? I feel like I'd be behind because I definitely lack experience since all I've ever done is cheer! :confused:
I've been dancing since I was 3 or 4 but I haven't been enrolled in formal classes since I was 14 (I'm 19 now). Hip hop reminds me a lot of the dances that are put in routines. It also really depends on your instructor. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for something to be shown again! More than likely, someone else has the same question but is too scared to speak up.
So me and my so called best friend have drifted so far apart lately and I'm to the point where I don't even mind that much. Like I feel like I fought the whole time and nothing from her so now I'm almost over it! Which is bad since we've been friends for about ten years!
Ya'll I just feel awful. I studied my butt off for that organic final and I ended up with a D. There goes med school. :( I hate that class because the only grades were tests. I don't know what I'm going to do...
@justdance14 just know you're not alone in that feeling. Organic sucks for everyone and without a lucky curve I would have failed it majorly. Please don't let it get you down too much because you've still got other options. You can always take it again and I'm sure you'd do better, go to nursing school and eventually become a nurse practitioner, or even change your major to something else healthcare related that you'd probably enjoy just as much, if not more. I was in your shoes two years ago and thought the world was ending after not passing a class, but I'm honestly so much happier now because that failure made me think about why I was doing things and if they were right for me. Definitely take a break to be upset about it, but just remember that one class doesn't mean you won't succeed in the future :)
@ashscott41 Thank you for your sweet words. I just fixed my schedule so I can retake it next semester. Hopefully everything works out, and if it doesn't then I guess med school just isn't for me. There are plenty of other things I can do with a psychology degree. Honestly, the hardest part was telling my mom. I've never heard her so disappointed. :( I was always the one with the amazing grades, and now I feel as though I just let her and my dad down.

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