OT 25 Facts

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1. I've lived in New England my whole life (almost 24 yrs) & just tried lobster for the first time this past July
2. I make up a voice for every dog I meet & talk with them. My sister says I should have my own YouTube Channel, lol
3. I've had one boyfriend and have been with him since we were 15, for HS Senior awards we were voted Class Sweethearts
4. I've been to Disneyland twice, the first time being last August, the second being in last March, but have never been to Disney World
5. I've attended 3 universities and changed my major every time. I'll finally graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice in December (if I stayed on track I would have graduated May 2014)
6. I only tumbled my Junior & Senior year of HS cheerleading. Being cut from comp. team my Sophomore lit a fire under my butt to learn how to tumble - I never wanted to feel that way again
7. People mistake my sister and I for twins all the time - or mistake us for one another... we're 6 years apart
8. I have 1 tattoo and it is for my first 2 golden retrievers, it reads "Love is Golden"
9. I ran a half marathon in April of 2014 and it was the greatest experience ever. I'm thinking about training for a full
10. I went to Ireland in 2010 with my HS and did an East to West tour and have been dying to go back to ever since.
11. Me and my 2 best friends are all October babies, 11th, 25th & 30th
12. I love to read / read unbelievably fast and actually process what I'm reading. I can easily finish a 300+ page book in one sitting
13. I love apples. Fresh apples, caramel apples, apple pie, apple turnovers, Apple crisp... If it's Apple I'll eat it
14. Fall is my favorite time of the year ever, followed by winter, summer, spring
15. You could describe my senior year of HS cheer like something out of the movie "Fab 5" it was awful.
16. I have always wanted to visit Egypt & the pyramids, but with all the events going on over there, I fear I never will be able to :(
17. 2011 was the scariest year for me - my brother served in Afghanistan for 10 months.
18. I love, love, LOVE, Penguins. I have enough penguin gear (stuffed animals, ceramic figures, pjs, pillows, etc) to open my own penguin store
19. I became an Aunt in 2012 and it is the greatest thing ever
20. My parents originally were going to name me Margaret Elizabeth, but when I was born they decided on Elizabeth Margaret... But no one calls me Elizabeth except for in a professional setting
21. I've had the same best friend since I was 6. We have some serious best friend telepathy. Our other friends think we're crazy sometimes
22. I'm absolutely horrible at video games/computer games.
23. I have a slight addiction to soda, specially fountain coke, it's horrible I know
24. I love horror/mystery.
25. I've never broken a bone
1. I am told at least once a day that I look between the ages of 13-16, I'm 23.

2. In May I will have a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree.

3. I have run 4 half marathons, 1 full marathon and am training for my second full even though I said I would never do that again.

4. I hated running with a passion less than 2 years ago and now I can't go a day without thinking about it.

5. Continuing the running theme, doing my first full marathon through Disney World was the greatest experience of my life, especially crossing the finish line holding my dad's hand since he was the one who got me into running. (@BHSVCGirl this might be a good way to address two of your 25 facts haha)

6. I skipped 1st grade.

7. I am super introverted.

8. The Big Bang Theory is my favorite show, I'm watching it right now.

9. I am obsessed with all things Disney.

10. I love the color pink.

11. For some reason my dad calls me by my middle name about 50% of the time, he's the only person who does that.

12. I am the youngest of 3 with 2 older brothers who both live in Dallas, Texas and I consider that my second home.

13. I am super fascinated with how the human body works and it might be kinda creepy.

14. I put hot sauce on just about everything.

15. I stepped on a sea urchin while snorkeling in St. Maarten and had to have each needle individually picked out by a doctor on a cruise ship. I refuse to go in the ocean now.

16. I am in love with all things Harry Potter and I can't imagine my childhood without it.

17. I love to read.

18. I enjoy crocheting and would love to learn to knit.

19. I like to scrapbook, crafts are probably my favorite hobby although I'm not always super creative.

20. I also have a degree in Sports Psychology and would love to incorporate this with PT and work at a cheer gym one day.

21. I am far from a girly girl, if I could wear a t shirt and sweats every day I would.

22. I still have most of my stuffed animals from when I was younger and can't bring myself to get rid of them so they're just chilling in my closet.

23. I love to play video games.

24. I miss cheer and hope to join an open team once I graduate.

25. I'm super boring and am surprised I was able to come up with this much about me.
1. I've never had poutine.
2. The last time I went to a hockey game was 1992.
3. I was convinced to try cheer by my mom's friend who was on the BC Lions dance/cheer/whatever it was back then team.
4. I've been in two different productions of Les Mis.
5. In high school, I wanted to play the tuba. They couldn't find any mouthpieces, so I had to settle for the baritone.
6. It's my goal to find out where the morgue is at my school before I graduate.
7. I decided to do a degree in Criminology because I have a weird fascination with true crime novels.
8. I still don't know how to drive. But the world is a safer place because of that.
9. In February I went to Barbados, and that was the first time traveling outside of Canada in almost 10 years. The last time I left the country was for UCA Allstar and USA High School nationals in 2006.
10. I cross stitch and knit in my spare time.
11. I danced competitively for 7 years before switching to cheer.
12. My high school had an extensive collection of instruments we were allowed to borrow; by the time I graduated I learned the clarinet, trombone, trumpet, and bassoon.
13. The first concert I went to was Backstreet Boys/New Kids on the Block
14. I've seen both Imagine Dragons and Tegan and Sara 3 times now.
15. I'm known as the 'Crazy Cat Lady' at work, but regrettably I only have one cat.
16. I'm terrible at crossword puzzles. I'm determined to finish one someday.
17. I've never broken a bone.
18. When I was 10, I fainted and managed to hit my head on the drawer on the bottom of the stove at my parents' house. Dented it.
19. I bought my own apartment 2 years ago.
20. I want to go to New York to see Hamilton before it closes.
21. The only computer game I'm "good" at is The Sims.
22. I've never seen a Star Wars movie.
23. Or a Harry Potter movie.
24. I own every Gossip Girl book. (and the It Girl books.)
25. I own an embarrassing amount of nail polish.

So how much is an embarrassing amount of nail polish?
1. I graduated with my BA in psychology the year I was supposed to graduate high school.

2. I got married young, (if I hadn't I would not have worked to graduate early).

3. I drive a red VW bug

4. It has a "Got Hedgehogs?" sticker on the back window.

5. I own two hedgehogs, they are my favorite animal. Ever.

6. I also have two dogs (Padme and Leia.)

7. I am a first year teacher this year. Thankfully I get to team teach with another teacher.

8. I teach 3rd-5th grade.

9. I also coach two school cheer teams.

10. I teach two dance classes at my school as well.

11. I don't get paid for any of it, all of the teachers and admins are volunteer.

12. This is my second year coaching cheer.

13. I cheered all star cheer for 11 years.

14. My last year was filled with minor injuries.

15. I broke my nose twice while I was a back spot that year.

16. I have never read or watched anything Harry Potter.

17. Or Star Wars

18. I love to read.

19. I also write when I have time.

20. This is harder than I thought.

21. I got to meet Veronica Roth last year.

22. I love french fries.

23. I love to do laundry, something about it is relaxing to me.

24. I never finish all of the laundry though.

25. I hope this isn't as boring as I think it is haha. ;)
1. I graduated with my BA in psychology the year I was supposed to graduate high school.

2. I got married young, (if I hadn't I would not have worked to graduate early).

3. I drive a red VW bug

4. It has a "Got Hedgehogs?" sticker on the back window.

5. I own two hedgehogs, they are my favorite animal. Ever.

6. I also have two dogs (Padme and Leia.)

7. I am a first year teacher this year. Thankfully I get to team teach with another teacher.

8. I teach 3rd-5th grade.

9. I also coach two school cheer teams.

10. I teach two dance classes at my school as well.

11. I don't get paid for any of it, all of the teachers and admins are volunteer.

12. This is my second year coaching cheer.

13. I cheered all star cheer for 11 years.

14. My last year was filled with minor injuries.

15. I broke my nose twice while I was a back spot that year

16. I have never read or watched anything Harry Potter.

17. Or Star Wars

18. I love to read.

19. I also write when I have time.

20. This is harder than I thought.

21. I got to meet Veronica Roth last year.

22. I love french fries.

23. I love to do laundry, something amabout it is relaxing to me.

24. I never finish all of the laundry though.

25. I hope this isn't as boring as I think it is haha. ;)[/QUOTE

Ugh I did the same in less than a week.. The 1st time we didn't know it broke
Not quite full. But full enough to last me the next 5 years without needing to buy more.
A blogger I follow has 3 Helmers and 1 Alex full. I just think of that when I feel like I have too much.
At last count I had around 200, but most of those I've had for 4-6 years. I'm actually going through all of them right now by swatching them on my nails to see if I even still like them. My nails are going to hate me by the end.

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  1. I love French fries.
  2. But if I could eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be my grandmother's lasagna.
  3. Yesterday I tripped down my stairs and hit my head on the floor.
  4. I'm obsessed with keeping my car clean. I wash it most days and have to hold back tears if there's a spot on it.
  5. I have a tiny little dog whom I miss like crazy when I'm away at school.
  6. I play the piano, and I would love to learn how to play the oboe.
  7. My Patronus would be a snow leopard.
  8. Or a mountain goat.
  9. I broke my ankle falling out of a tree when I was 9.
  10. I'm currently re-reading Gone With the Wind for the millionth time.
  11. On Tuesday I went to see Trainwreck and laughed so hard that I swear Coke came out of my nose.
  12. I'm a science student, but I seriously considered majoring in criminology and becoming like Benson from SVU.
  13. I share a birthday with two close friends. We often have joint parties.
  14. Shows like 19 Kids and Counting and Toddlers and Tiaras make me feel physically ill but I can't look away.
  15. I drink too much coffee.
  16. My favorite place in the world, even though it's corny, is Disneyland.
  17. Most of my cheer career was spent flying, but I wish I had gotten more of a chance to base.
  18. My favorite season is winter – I love skiing, ice-skating, snowmen, s'mores and cuddling by the fire.
  19. It didn't snow a whole lot where I grew up, so it was initially a huge novelty.
  20. I danced competitively for a while, even whilst doing cheer. I also did gymnastics.
  21. I've done my own hair and makeup for cheer/dance/gym since I was very little, since my parents are hopeless at it.
  22. I have a terrible habit of locking myself out of my house.
  23. Writing this list is harder than I thought.
  24. I'm pretty handy with Spanish and French. Started with Spanish, and then French is really quite similar.
  25. This list makes me sound a lot more interesting than I really am.
Haha oh god, well I try to block it out but I'll give bullet points - it's long so be prepared:
Football Season:
- there were 8 seniors, 5 of them super close (ta-da) and then me and 2 other girls
- 2 of the "5" were appointed captain. The other 3 "5" were not happy, this is were the cattiness begins. Me and the 2 others could careless, just wanted to cheer
- The 3 started making the coaches and captains lives miserable (not listening, showing up late, leaving early, etc)
- The 3 "5" made the 2 captains feel so bad that the captains stooped down to the level of the other 3.
- Eventually the "5" grouped up together again and were out to get the coach (to this day I still don't know why - 2 of them were captains - were they mad their friends weren't captains as well? Brainwashed by the 3? Idk!)
- Our coach at the time had been there for 18 yrs, she was an older lady (whom I'm still very close with to this day) and loves what she did, but these girls were out to get her. They made her cry and she even walked out one practice because the girls were so bad
- Coach decides to take a stand and discipline the girls, but the "5" did not take this too well.
- one of the 5 went to our AD and cried racism (not true whatsoever - one of the 5 who was elected captain was Dominican)
- Our AD believed every word this girl said and the witch hunt began against our coach, she was eventually (unfairly) fired.
- Fab 5 is happy as a clam as a teacher from the school fills in as coach for the remainder of our season and they are basically able to rule the roost.
*** We have team shirts made for our pep rally performance with our year on the back & a nickname... They all had "Fab 5" as their nickname.... Note this was around the time that movie came out - no coincidence!

Then comes basketball season:
- Fab 5 is all happy about this new coach we are getting. "She's so pretty, she drinks Starbucks, blah blah blah"
- We meet the coach she's great, tryouts role around, wonderful, team contracts are signed, all is good
- Fab 5 don't seem to really understand the meaning of a contract and still do things their way (leave early, arrive late, don't wear proper practice clothes)
- New coach takes a stand and follows her 3 strike rule and kicks 2 girls of the 5 off
- The 2 girls create a huge fuss and eventually the other 3 leave with her, as well as one of their sisters (6 girls total)
- Team is shaken up but we move on, haven't had Choreo yet so all is good.
- We have choreography all is well we are starting to work together as a team.
- First game roles around and the girls who were kicked off show up and sit front row in front of us. Doing the cheers with us (mocking us, trying to yell louder, etc), tumbling in street clothes during timeouts, whole situation is so embarrassing & makes us girls feel like crap
- A few weeks later I show up at practice and am told I have to go to the AD ... Ok? I go... And the AD says he has a picture of me and the other senior left on the team drinking at a party with lacross boys!!! 1 I didn't drink in HS, and 2 I didn't know anyone on the lacross team?!?
- The Fab 5 sent this photo in hoping to get me and the other senior kicked off the team because we didn't "follow" them. To this day I have NEVER seen the photo. The school refused to show us this "photo" they had. My mom and the other girls mom were livid with the AD and school as they almost kicked us off for a picture that was fake and that they wouldn't even show us! Me and the other girl were in the office in tears, hysterical, because we just love cheering and that's all we wanted to do. Parents fought tooth and nail to keep us on the team. I truly think to this day our moms would have sued if the school decided to kick us off.
- OK, that sucked but it's over with, those girls are low, I'm going to move on and lead the team
- We get to our league competition and who is there... The Fab 5.
- We go to compete and they are standing right behind the judges front and center (we're friends and family of the teams stand)
- We compete and it goes horribly. One of our underclass man who was "friends" with the 5 falls out of every stunt (nerves or intentional I will never know ... But fishy to say the least)
- while we are competing the 5 are laughing and pointing and trying to move our coach out of the way and record us
- We are defeated and sad and just down on ourselves for everything that happened this season
- award time. We don't place, we don't move on to regionals for the first time in forever.
- the fab 5 and one of their moms & sisters (great role models)are going NUTS. Taunting us and our coach, trying to antagonize and get physical with our coach.
- one of the girl on the teams boyfriend tries to record what's going on and one of the fab 5 snatches his phone and BREAKS IT!!
- Athletic Directors from all the schools had to break up the altercation and the cops were called.
- Our new coach (whom I'm also still close to this day and made me the coach I am today) and the team, we are mortified and so embarrassed. Other teams in our league felt so sorry for us and were appalled at what happened.
- The End.

It was really bad, like Sr year of cheering is something I so looked forward to and it was just ruined.

I don't think the AD and the school realized they were being played by the Fab 5 the whole year until that fight at our league comp for basketball season. Really unfortunate.

I went on to assist the new coach for 4 years until we both moved on from that program and went our separate ways. We look back now and laugh/cringe at what happened. We joke that if we survived that we can survive anything.
Haha oh god, well I try to block it out but I'll give bullet points - it's long so be prepared:
Football Season:
- there were 8 seniors, 5 of them super close (ta-da) and then me and 2 other girls
- 2 of the "5" were appointed captain. The other 3 "5" were not happy, this is were the cattiness begins. Me and the 2 others could careless, just wanted to cheer
- The 3 started making the coaches and captains lives miserable (not listening, showing up late, leaving early, etc)
- The 3 "5" made the 2 captains feel so bad that the captains stooped down to the level of the other 3.
- Eventually the "5" grouped up together again and were out to get the coach (to this day I still don't know why - 2 of them were captains - were they mad their friends weren't captains as well? Brainwashed by the 3? Idk!)
- Our coach at the time had been there for 18 yrs, she was an older lady (whom I'm still very close with to this day) and loves what she did, but these girls were out to get her. They made her cry and she even walked out one practice because the girls were so bad
- Coach decides to take a stand and discipline the girls, but the "5" did not take this too well.
- one of the 5 went to our AD and cried racism (not true whatsoever - one of the 5 who was elected captain was Dominican)
- Our AD believed every word this girl said and the witch hunt began against our coach, she was eventually (unfairly) fired.
- Fab 5 is happy as a clam as a teacher from the school fills in as coach for the remainder of our season and they are basically able to rule the roost.
*** We have team shirts made for our pep rally performance with our year on the back & a nickname... They all had "Fab 5" as their nickname.... Note this was around the time that movie came out - no coincidence!

Then comes basketball season:
- Fab 5 is all happy about this new coach we are getting. "She's so pretty, she drinks Starbucks, blah blah blah"
- We meet the coach she's great, tryouts role around, wonderful, team contracts are signed, all is good
- Fab 5 don't seem to really understand the meaning of a contract and still do things their way (leave early, arrive late, don't wear proper practice clothes)
- New coach takes a stand and follows her 3 strike rule and kicks 2 girls of the 5 off
- The 2 girls create a huge fuss and eventually the other 3 leave with her, as well as one of their sisters (6 girls total)
- Team is shaken up but we move on, haven't had Choreo yet so all is good.
- We have choreography all is well we are starting to work together as a team.
- First game roles around and the girls who were kicked off show up and sit front row in front of us. Doing the cheers with us (mocking us, trying to yell louder, etc), tumbling in street clothes during timeouts, whole situation is so embarrassing & makes us girls feel like crap
- A few weeks later I show up at practice and am told I have to go to the AD ... Ok? I go... And the AD says he has a picture of me and the other senior left on the team drinking at a party with lacross boys!!! 1 I didn't drink in HS, and 2 I didn't know anyone on the lacross team?!?
- The Fab 5 sent this photo in hoping to get me and the other senior kicked off the team because we didn't "follow" them. To this day I have NEVER seen the photo. The school refused to show us this "photo" they had. My mom and the other girls mom were livid with the AD and school as they almost kicked us off for a picture that was fake and that they wouldn't even show us! Me and the other girl were in the office in tears, hysterical, because we just love cheering and that's all we wanted to do. Parents fought tooth and nail to keep us on the team. I truly think to this day our moms would have sued if the school decided to kick us off.
- OK, that sucked but it's over with, those girls are low, I'm going to move on and lead the team
- We get to our league competition and who is there... The Fab 5.
- We go to compete and they are standing right behind the judges front and center (we're friends and family of the teams stand)
- We compete and it goes horribly. One of our underclass man who was "friends" with the 5 falls out of every stunt (nerves or intentional I will never know ... But fishy to say the least)
- while we are competing the 5 are laughing and pointing and trying to move our coach out of the way and record us
- We are defeated and sad and just down on ourselves for everything that happened this season
- award time. We don't place, we don't move on to regionals for the first time in forever.
- the fab 5 and one of their moms & sisters (great role models)are going NUTS. Taunting us and our coach, trying to antagonize and get physical with our coach.
- one of the girl on the teams boyfriend tries to record what's going on and one of the fab 5 snatches his phone and BREAKS IT!!
- Athletic Directors from all the schools had to break up the altercation and the cops were called.
- Our new coach (whom I'm also still close to this day and made me the coach I am today) and the team, we are mortified and so embarrassed. Other teams in our league felt so sorry for us and were appalled at what happened.
- The End.

It was really bad, like Sr year of cheering is something I so looked forward to and it was just ruined.

I don't think the AD and the school realized they were being played by the Fab 5 the whole year until that fight at our league comp for basketball season. Really unfortunate.

I went on to assist the new coach for 4 years until we both moved on from that program and went our separate ways. We look back now and laugh/cringe at what happened. We joke that if we survived that we can survive anything.
Holy crap, that is awful! I can't believe your coach was fired after 18 years, all because of false claims?

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