OT 25 Facts

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1.my full name is Alyssa Raelyn Kabanuk Donahue-Hansen Keller Christensen.
2. mybest friends name is Adam.
3. i was born in marysville, CA
4.i have a kitten named Poke :)
5. i LOVE being in class and learning.
6. i taught myself german a couple years ago.
7. i miss gymnastics alot.
8, i dont like food.
9. i say "muhr" when im frustrated or sad.
10. i love swimming with dolphins and gregory and the hawk
11. i love the vibes of the california bay area.
12. i dont like hanging out with girls.
13. i want to go to school in san diego.
14. i dont have any interest whatsoever in cheering collegiately. id so much rather be on an open team.
15. i adore family guy.
16. i cant wait to grow up.
17. alot of people tell me im the strangest person theyve ever met :)
18. i have a lot of issues with relationships
19. i only sleep with my mouth open in some type of vehicle.
20. i want an infinity sign tattoo.
21. i want to find my infinity sign necklace.
22. my room in supposed to be clean. its not.
23. i like studying brains and emotions.
24. i think i want to be a social worker when i grow up.
25. i wanted to be a surgeon when i was younger :)
1. I'll be a sophomore when school starts.
2. When I was little I lost my backhandspring 5 times.
3. One of the times I lost it was when I was at a tumbling class and finally threw it by myself and then went to show my mom and fell on my head so I lost it again.
4. When my mom signed me up for allstar cheer when I was 6, I begged her to not make me do it. I'm so glad now that she made me:)
5. I used to have a full, then lost that.
6. If you haven't already noticed, I have a long history with mental blocks.
7. I choose standing tumbling any day of the week over running tumbling.
8. I love to sing!
9. I have a really really huge obsession with lady gaga.
10. I get my permit in 2 months:)
11. My high school cheer team sucks. The coach puts pretty much anyone who tries out on the team.
12. I am deathly afraid of needles.
13. I want to study viruses when I'm older (I know, it's really weird haha).
14. I hate to read, but I loved the book The Hot Zone.
15. My best friend Catherine moved to Florida 3 years ago. We visit each other at least 3 times a year and still remain best friends.
16. I love to tumble in my backyard.
17. I live in Ohio and absolutely hate the state so much. Right after I graduate high school I am moving somewhere warm!
18. I used to be a flyer, but told my coach that I would never go in the air again.
19. I only do school cheer now, but miss allstar so much.
20. I have a rhodesian ridgeback dog and I love her very much haha.
21. My favorite movies are The Devil Wears Prada and The Proposal.
22. I am obsessed with designer clothing. Too bad I can't afford most of it:(

23. My dream is to meet Valentino.
24. My lucky number:)
25. I hate winter, but love christmas. I wish summer was year-round in Ohio!

lets be friends, were alot alike :DD
1. I am very self conceited - I am just into trying to look my best
2. If you get to know me I am actually one of the most outgoing bubbly fun people to be with
3. My favourite part of the day is getting ready to go out - school and what not
4. I MUST watch at least 2 - 3 hours of cheer video's in a day or else you will see me walking around doing
cheer related things ( video's not consecutively )
5. I LOVE to eat , but i'm cutting back for the upcoming season =(
6. I work pretty much every single day of my life leaving no social life except
when i go to the gym to stunt after work
7. I am Canadian
8. I have never EVER been out of the country .. that i remember which makes me totally adventurous .. ?
9. Favorite city so far .. Vancouver
10. I was born on the fourth of February, which is the same day as Rosa Parks ! ( Don't know her ? Google ! )
11. I only have one friend that I can talk to about cheer for a full day straight without her being annoyed
12. I'm gay ?
13. I'm almost 18 and I don't have my learners yet ! =(
14. I have eczema like all over which makes me super self conscious about the way my face will look
if i don't ready it properly
15. I have been in love with cheer ever since gr. 4 maybe ?
16. I also have this obsession with white/perfect teeth
17. I have more cheer mix's on my iPod than regular music
18. Some of my dreams are to meet anyone on CEA Sr Elite , Top Gun and / or Cali
19. My FAVORITE DRINK EVEEEERRR is milk ... like omg if i were on a deserted island and could bring a drink
it would be galllonnnnsssss of milk .. like OMFG .
20. I had a near death experience from drowning .
21. Once i start doing my eyebrows .. i just cant stop .. like wtf ?
22. I have this like small bijon shitzou named Meeko .
23. I <3 getting new clothes
24. After i get everything i need/want i will start to save up for Worlds !
25. After i graduate i plan and intend to move to California .
1. I am very self conceited - I am just into trying to look my best
2. If you get to know me I am actually one of the most outgoing bubbly fun people to be with
3. My favourite part of the day is getting ready to go out - school and what not
4. I MUST watch at least 2 - 3 hours of cheer video's in a day or else you will see me walking around doing
cheer related things ( video's not consecutively )
5. I LOVE to eat , but i'm cutting back for the upcoming season =(
6. I work pretty much every single day of my life leaving no social life except
when i go to the gym to stunt after work
7. I am Canadian
8. I have never EVER been out of the country .. that i remember which makes me totally adventurous .. ?
9. Favorite city so far .. Vancouver
10. I was born on the fourth of February, which is the same day as Rosa Parks ! ( Don't know her ? Google ! )
11. I only have one friend that I can talk to about cheer for a full day straight without her being annoyed
12. I'm gay ?
13. I'm almost 18 and I don't have my learners yet ! =(
14. I have eczema like all over which makes me super self conscious about the way my face will look
if i don't ready it properly
15. I have been in love with cheer ever since gr. 4 maybe ?
16. I also have this obsession with white/perfect teeth
17. I have more cheer mix's on my iPod than regular music
18. Some of my dreams are to meet anyone on CEA Sr Elite , Top Gun and / or Cali
19. My FAVORITE DRINK EVEEEERRR is milk ... like omg if i were on a deserted island and could bring a drink
it would be galllonnnnsssss of milk .. like OMFG .
20. I had a near death experience from drowning .
21. Once i start doing my eyebrows .. i just cant stop .. like wtf ?
22. I have this like small bijon shitzou named Meeko .
23. I <3 getting new clothes
24. After i get everything i need/want i will start to save up for Worlds !
25. After i graduate i plan and intend to move to California .

Wtf? Why the "?"
thank you! whenever we get stunt groups my bases are always like "wow, it's so light, help alot!" umm yeah, i'm supposed too...
and then i always have to get switched to the "struggling"group and make it work, it always works after :)


That happens to me all the time! And you hafta work sooooo hard!
Bothers me when people say I don't serve a purpose
1. My names Katrina:)
2. I think standing BHS are easier than RO BHS.
3. I'm reallyyy outgoing, and the freshman at my school think I am crazy for talking to them.
4. I don't get my permit until october, TWO MONTHS!
5. I love food, but I hate eating.
6. I'm half lebanese, and I can speak some Arabic.
7. I am not a girls girl and I never will be. Don't hang out with other girls.
8. I cheer for school and All Star.
9. I have relationship issues. I have a fear of getting hurt, and hurting someone I care about.
10. My best friends name is Joe:)
11. I almost never paint my toenails.
12. When I was little I always wanted to go to college at Michigan State, even though I'm a hardcore U of M football fan.
13. I'm obsessed with baseball, my favorite team is the Red Sox, my favorite player is Dustin Pedroia.
14. I rarely wear makeup . If i do, I don't wear concealer or foundation.
15. Contradicting #14, I want to be a Makeup Artist. I'm really good at it.
16. My favorite color is Green.
17. Last year I was captain for my school team, and I hope I am again this yearr:)
18. I have to have my spankies fit me JUST RIGHT or I can't wear them. I also buy them a littlee big because when they're too small they "make a muffinn out of nothinn" as my coach would say.
19. I'm OCD about wearing my cheer shoes outside. I will run across the pavement barefoot. In Las Vegas. In the summer. At 115 degrees.
20. I'm almost always on facebook:)
21. I can't wear just a sports bra, I have to have a bra under it.
22. I love basing.
23. I love backspotting. Girls are always suprised at the amount I pull up.
24. I take ALL MEASURES to save a stunt. Even at practice. I am that group you see where the girl looks like shes going to fall on her face and they somehow manage to save it.
25. I hate lazy backspots&flyers:)
Oh ! Hahaha i didn't meant that in a bad sense .. i was thinking
and didn't know what to put so i was like ooh maybe ill put im gay . i don't
know if you understand what im trying to say =\
Im Tamara :)
I cheer a little more then an hour away from where I live.
I love chicken soo muchhh<3
Georgia allstars is my obsession
I listen to cheer music way to much
My roooms really cold
I have a jammy doll :)
Justin Bieber is pretty amazingg too me
Jersey shore is my favorite show
I like taking pictures with people from other gyms:)
I wannna GA shirt, very badly
I wanna go to worlds and acctually perform, one day :)
Im pretty sure im going to go to world and watch with taylorrrrrr:)
I recently switched cheer gyms
I loveee hannah montana, shes pretty great
I wish someone would sell/trade me a GA shirt :p
Im listening to top gun right now
I wanna go to germany one day and visit consintration camps
The hollicost? (cant spell) is very interesting
I like to watch musicals
I hate the tumble track
I have 19 bows :)
I cant stand myspace
I lovee Jarodddddd:)
I thinkk thats 25? hahah
1. I hate CT
2. i live in CT
3. my names isabella
4. i hate my namee so evry1 calls me izzy
5. i cheer at the central valley panthers
6. im on sr3 and sr4
7. if youve seen cvp at a comp you might have heard us sing the lama song<im the one who made us all learn it sing it and change it abitt.
8. im gunna b 13 in december
9. im going into 8th gradee
10. im VERRY hyper and loud
11. my sr4 team last year tried giving me a swirly last year so i cried and they stoped d:
12. they did give me a wegie tho haha
13. i love cody simpson
14. i love justin bieber
15. i have just a litttlee bit of an obsession with the stingrays and sparks! :)
16. my cousins baseball team won states and their in new jersey right now playing to go to michiagin!
17. if they win in new jersey and michiagin they win the hole nation!
18. i hate spanish
19. i just watched mtv top ten because cody simpson was on it!
20. i usually never read but im on my 6th book of the summer!
21. i dont remember my formspring passwordd
22. i just moved so im starting a new school this year :/
23. whether you just met me or have nown me my hole life you will probly kno that im UBSESSED with cheese!
24. i went on a cruise in april with a bunch of freinds from cheerleading and i met like a zillion people and they all called me zohan!
25. my momm just yelled at me cause im not ready to leavee!

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