Back Tuck Help

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Biggest (stalker) Fan '14
Cheer Parent
Apr 3, 2011
My cp loves when I make videos and wants me to record an opening so she can say something so I do apologize about that. I'll also admit alot of yall won't like the music put with it so if your turn your volume down you will be ok.. Lol
(I only had like 3 songs on my iPhone to choose from)

So.. My cp has worked here and there on back tucks but not consistently because she needed to fix and speed up all her other tumbling and her tumbling pass so that all has came a long way.

She has been begging me to spot her on back tucks at home but unlike a BHS I don't feel like breaking my cp's neck by me spotting her. I finally feel comfortable now as I feel she understands it more. So yesterday was the day I did it and made that video below.

I feel like there is alot of things wrong but I have no pointers for her at all. The first three she didn't land, I even slowed one of them down so you can see what she is doing. Then the last one she did land but looks totally wrong (and yes she said BOW when she landed lol)
She knows how to do it and everything involved but struggles putting it together...any pointers???

Actually, to be honest I kind of enjoyed the song and your cp is absolutely precious :)

I think she's definitely off to a great start. That major thing that I noticed right off the bat was that there was no set. When she throws her tuck it seems as though she is focusing more on the back. If she focuses on going up she'll get much more height which will give her more time to get around.

I also feel that she needs to tuck a tad bit faster and tighter. Pullling her knees in quickly will increase the speed of her rotation.
But like I said before she has a great platform and with more practice she'll get it in no time. Best of luck, Jaylen!
Actually, to be honest I kind of enjoyed the song and your cp is absolutely precious :)

I think she's definitely off to a great start. That major thing that I noticed right off the bat was that there was no set. When she throws her tuck it seems as though she is focusing more on the back. If she focuses on going up she'll get much more height which will give her more time to get around.

I also feel that she needs to tuck a tad bit faster and tighter. Pullling her knees in quickly will increase the speed of her rotation.
But like I said before she has a great platform and with more practice she'll get it in no time. Best of luck, Jaylen!

Thank you:)
When we are doing it; it feels like she is setting but when I watch the video I don't see it. It all happens so fast! I'll try to put something on the wall for her to maybe focus on that and going up rather then back!! As far as the tuck part that is so true, when I ask her on the floor how does she tuck she can show me. But when she is in the air it's more like she brings her feet back to her butt verses bringing her knees up to her chest. So its not really a tuck.. Lol so many problems!!! Thank you sooo much we are going to keep working on this because she sees other people at our gym have them and she wants to do it soo badly.

She does practice them with the real coaches at the gym and they are better then they were but still not close!!
like said before, her set isn't there! try to get her to spot the wall for as long as possible, and then when tucking bring her knees in faster, hold them in longer and focus on pulling her HIPS over
I'm gonna repeat what everyone else has said and say that she isn't setting. BUT she is trying. The way she is throwing her arms up and reaching is great, but she needs to reach up more than throwing her arms back.
She isn't setting up because of the way she is sitting. She is sitting back like she does for a backhandspring. For a tuck she needs to sit down - not back - so she can jump up. Also, hold on to those legs at the end!
okay so i noticed five things that will help
1) really jump off the floor
2) if you wrap your hands under your legs you can pull harder
3) make sure that you don't thrust your hips forward when jumping
4) pull the actual tuck in tighter
5) SET SET SET!! try really hard to spot at the wall as long as you can!!
i hope this helps you get your tuck, then your layout, then your full ;)
One of the great tumble coaches my daughter has worked with always has told her it is an "Up Tuck". I think that helped her visualize what it was she needed to do with her body. Think about it....makes sense.
Off to a good start!

Here are my pointers:
- Athletes should leave the ground with both feet in a stretched out hollow body with shoulders next to her ears like a goal post before the "flip" part of the tuck is initiated.
- She is rushing her tuck a bit, first up, then back!
- Remind her she is not just trying to get over your arm to her feet, but rather jump up and over it.
- It may help to spot with your left hand as well to help flip her hips, while pressing her back and shoulders up so she can get comfortable going higher knowing that you will help with the rotation initially.
- Lastly, her head should stay neutral the entire flip. It may help to put something under her chin like a stress ball or foam block so she is focusing on going up, not back!

Happy Skill Building!!!
I second what everyone else is saying but also wanted to add that I'm not a big fan of doing back tucks down an incline. It puts too much weight on the heels.
Also, like what others said, adding to that, tell her to not throw her head back! Try have her spot something on the wall and look at it for as long as possible! Hope she gets it! She's precious! :)

Well I wanted to tell everyone in case they haven't seen it in the other thread.. This is the newest video!

It has gotten a lot better she is working standing but she will get there!!
I love the fierceboard!! Y'all are awesome!

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