All-Star Cheerleaders Season 2!

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I think I'm also just disappointed cause I had so much respect for the fact that I never saw Jenee and or her family or CEA staff participate in drama and childish behavior and that is a big reason I loved both parties so much. I just don't like the tone this whole thing has taken. I'm assuming both parties had to agree to that video. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
This is completely random and off topic but kind of on topic at the same time.

What if cheerleaders could get traded, like in other sports?

And before you say it doesn't happen in "young adult" sports, it does. If you play Juniors in Hockey, you can get traded and some of them are no more than 15-16.
That's a scary thought... One of my best friends played junior hockey up until a few months ago when his coach and a coach from a team halfway across the country tried to initiate a trade. He played for a team that was half an hour from home - he's seventeen and didn't want to be "forced" by coaches to move across the country and leave his family, so he just quit playing for that organization altogether.

If that happened in cheer though, I could see a lot of athletes being upset they're going from WorldChamp Athletics to Janky Allstars, and sometimes not by their own choice! Elite cheerleaders/gymnasts are lucky in that aspect - I would never want to play elite league baseball or junior hockey just because of the possibility of something like that happening. After seeing the heartbreak it caused for my friend, I would never wish it on anyone else.
@hawkeye87 kinda irrelevant but are you an industrial organizational psychologist? That's kind of what it sounds like from what you posted!

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Nope. Actually i have 2 BAs one in history and one in archaeology. My boss has a business degree. He is my husband mentor and friend and when I had trouble finding a job, he was looking for an assistant. He offered so I accepted, we are both blunt and honest to the point of cruelty at times... ok alot of the time and not to boast but I'm pretty good at reading people so it works for us. The rest I learned from him or reading. I never thought about this a career but its fun.
JTV just posted a new video of Cheer Extreme's trip to Dallas. Watch until the end.... I feel like this is entire thing is one big joke

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aw :( so upset for courtney

Benjamin Pope with Courtney Smith-Pope and Sarahbeth Swicegood Macrow
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Courtney might not be the best at cleaning the house, packing, or getting up early in the morning. She is absolutely amazing at bringing out the best out of each athlete she has ever coached. I have seen Courtney stay up all night to work on routines or making changes to the routine for all the teams to be successful. I know as parents we have blinders on when it comes to our children but to say Courtney has bullied an athlete is absolutely ridiculous. She is tough, persistent and expected 100% effort from all the athletes and so is every successful coach in any sport (Bear Bryant, Vince Lombardi).
What people didn't see is how upset Courtney was when she got the text message not a phone call a text message informing her that Amber quit. Courtney tried to call several times to talk to Amber or her mother and no one answered or called back. Amber has been with the program for many years and in those years she has won the Majors and Worlds twice. For someone to say that Courtney does care about Amber or she bullied Amber is really hard to believe when Courtney has given so much time and effort to help Amber reach so much success.
aw :( so upset for courtney

Benjamin Pope with Courtney Smith-Pope and Sarahbeth Swicegood Macrow
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Courtney might not be the best at cleaning the house, packing, or getting up early in the morning. She is absolutely amazing at bringing out the best out of each athlete she has ever coached. I have seen Courtney stay up all night to work on routines or making changes to the routine for all the teams to be successful. I know as parents we have blinders on when it comes to our children but to say Courtney has bullied an athlete is absolutely ridiculous. She is tough, persistent and expected 100% effort from all the athletes and so is every successful coach in any sport (Bear Bryant, Vince Lombardi).
What people didn't see is how upset Courtney was when she got the text message not a phone call a text message informing her that Amber quit. Courtney tried to call several times to talk to Amber or her mother and no one answered or called back. Amber has been with the program for many years and in those years she has won the Majors and Worlds twice. For someone to say that Courtney does care about Amber or she bullied Amber is really hard to believe when Courtney has given so much time and effort to help Amber reach so much success.
What is this from? I feel for her, and thought about how upsetting this must be. I think all coaches can empathize with the feeling when you're blindsided by a kid quits that you think you have a bond with. If it's a kid you've coached and thought highly enough of to have on your selective premier team for 6 years, then you clearly care for them. I've also wondered how Eddie and Orby feel with all of this. Yes at the end of the day you have to move on and take the high road, but most coaches would admit that its not a joyful felling... that is unless its the problem child that you're waiting to for they day they leave. Thats a different thread though!
After reading through a few pages of posts I was curious to see what all the hoopla was about especially after watching SMOED practice at NCA (they we're amazing) and not seeing the SMOED twins (well Jenee) in action. I watched the video in it's entirety and I must say I LOVED IT! I damn near fell over at the end when Jenee popped out and laughed hysterical thinking man I love how CEA just goes for it. The whole thing was very dramatic and completely hilarious yet at the same time I can understand why feelings can be a little hurt. I honestly feel like the video was an attempt at uplifting CEA as a program after having several great performances yet zero wins, and also poking fun at the entire situation of losing an athlete and gaining another. Sometimes in all star cheerleading we tend to take ourselves way too seriously. In the end CEA will continue to be an outstanding program whether you like the video or not, and I have no doubt the Cali SMOED will survive and continue to thrive as they are equally as outstanding at what they do as well. Peace and Blessing to both programs, especially Jenee!
It's ok. It just means you have a different frame of reference than the rest of us. So you can't expect us to not be totally on the game with this. :D

I wonder too- if this is a potential problem when you have a mega-gym. Let's say they're trying to get the mentality of K-ville in at another gym. You're not with the coaches 24/7, and sometimes they might cross a line. You need to address it, but how do they know? If you're there, they're not going to do it. Or if the people aren't used to harder coaching/individualized coaching, it can be perceived as bullying.

Adding: @crazyredhead - I think 'If you can't hit this stunt/throw your tumbling/do the job you need to do to be on this team, I'm taking you out of this sequence/the air', is a reasonable threat. If you were put on a team and you haven't been hitting a skill required for WEEKS/MONTHS, then it's time for a little pressure.

Well I'll go on record and say I'm one of them...while my CP wasn't on a Worlds team or even a level 5 athlete (she was 7), I can attest that there are numerous instances at that specific location that weren't properly addressed and it wasn't from a lack of trying on the parents' behalves, in addition to some behavior I found reprehensible regarding the character and integrity of a couple of coaches (things I haven't even told anyone, even @mstealtoyou , bc I didn't want to put her in the awkward situation of even knowing about it, out of my respect for her). I realize that our (my family) experiences aren't necessarily the same as people who are happy there and have always been happy there, and there are many athletes and families who are and have the same time, there have been several that haven't and left at the end of last season (most who had been there at least 3-5 years- mostly from my CP's age/level at the time of our departure.
Well I'll go on record and say I'm one of them...while my CP wasn't on a Worlds team or even a level 5 athlete (she was 7), I can attest that there are numerous instances at that specific location that weren't properly addressed and it wasn't from a lack of trying on the parents' behalves, in addition to some behavior I found reprehensible regarding the character and integrity of a couple of coaches (things I haven't even told anyone, even @mstealtoyou , bc I didn't want to put her in the awkward situation of even knowing about it, out of my respect for her). I realize that our (my family) experiences aren't necessarily the same as people who are happy there and have always been happy there, and there are many athletes and families who are and have the same time, there have been several that haven't and left at the end of last season (most who had been there at least 3-5 years- mostly from my CP's age/level at the time of our departure.

Sorry you had a bad experience! Why didn't you tell anyone about these "reprehensible" instances, or even confront the coach about it?

Back to the other subject, I spent years at CEA. I'm not even going to sit here and lie and say Courtney isn't a very tough coach. I can't count the nights I came home from a 2 hour held over practice during Worlds season bruised, bloodied, and exhausted. Sure she yells, most coaches do. Yes, athletes cry (myself included). I've cried many times after practices and even during. I have seen Courtney in her "worst stages"- but NEVER have I seen her bully an athlete….because she doesn't. There is a mighty fine line between "bullying" and pushing an athlete. This is competitive cheerleading at an intense level, you can't expect it to be all hugs and kisses. Courtney's tough coaching style is beneficial in my eyes. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it is in no way, shape, or form bullying. The only reason she pushes her athletes so hard, is because she 100% truly believes that we are capable of doing what she's asked from us. I would MUCH rather have a coach yell at me to do something right, than a coach who says "eh, its fine." She is adamant about us performing to her standard because she KNOWS we are capable of doing that if we give our all and push. To me, that is inspiring as an athlete…. to know my coach is so passionate about me being the best athlete I can personally be. She is a coach fueled by pure passion. The love and pride Courtney had for us makes me tear up as I write this. She is truly my inspiration and role model and I owe so much of who I am today, to her and her "tough" coaching. She truly does not deserve the type of reputation bitter individuals tried to give her today.
Sorry you had a bad experience! Why didn't you tell anyone about these "reprehensible" instances, or even confront the coach about it?

Back to the other subject, I spent years at CEA. I'm not even going to sit here and lie and say Courtney isn't a very tough coach. I can't count the nights I came home from a 2 hour held over practice during Worlds season bruised, bloodied, and exhausted. Sure she yells, most coaches do. Yes, athletes cry (myself included). I've cried many times after practices and even during. I have seen Courtney in her "worst stages"- but NEVER have I seen her bully an athlete….because she doesn't. There is a mighty fine line between "bullying" and pushing an athlete. This is competitive cheerleading at an intense level, you can't expect it to be all hugs and kisses. Courtney's tough coaching style is beneficial in my eyes. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it is in no way, shape, or form bullying. The only reason she pushes her athletes so hard, is because she 100% truly believes that we are capable of doing what she's asked from us. I would MUCH rather have a coach yell at me to do something right, than a coach who says "eh, its fine." She is adamant about us performing to her standard because she KNOWS we are capable of doing that if we give our all and push. To me, that is inspiring as an athlete…. to know my coach is so passionate about me being the best athlete I can personally be. She is a coach fueled by pure passion. The love and pride Courtney had for us makes me tear up as I write this. She is truly my inspiration and role model and I owe so much of who I am today, to her and her "tough" coaching. She truly does not deserve the type of reputation bitter individuals tried to give her today.

I did (immediately) and out of respect for the entire program, I will not post the texts on here and out of respect for certain parties involved whom I care more about than the gym, I will not discuss them w/anyone (especially here). The specific things regarding what we (well my daughter) went through were addressed by me immediately to her coach first and then second, to Courtney. I've discussed them in smaller detail in the parent section of this forum. So I did in fact, address it immediately. Not sure where you got the idea that I hadn't.

The issue regarding the character of a certain individual is a separate issue that doesn't pertain to the gym as whole, just their personal behavior regarding a very specific incident- that to me, spoke volumes regarding how I do and will forever think about that person. This is the latter part of my initial post to which I am referencing, not the reason we initially left. It doesn't directly have anything to do w/the reasons we left, as I've already explained, that were brought to their attention immediately.
I did (immediately) and out of respect for the entire program, I will not post the texts on here and out of respect for certain parties involved whom I care more about than the gym, I will not discuss them w/anyone (especially here). The specific things regarding what we (well my daughter) went through were addressed by me immediately to her coach first and then second, to Courtney. I've discussed them in smaller detail in the parent section of this forum. So I did in fact, address it immediately. Not sure where you got the idea that I hadn't.

The issue regarding the character of a certain individual is a separate issue that doesn't pertain to the gym as whole, just their personal behavior regarding a very specific incident- that to me, spoke volumes regarding how I do and will forever think about that person. This is the latter part of my initial post to which I am referencing, not the reason we initially left. It doesn't directly have anything to do w/the reasons we left, as I've already explained, that were brought to their attention immediately.

Out of curiosity if you left CEA why is your default picture still CEA?

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