All-Star Only Seniors Can Expose Midriff???

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I honestly think crop tops are fine if they still ultimately serve their athletic purpose, when you cant wear a normal sports bra with it or when your are more concerned with keeping your top on then whats going on in the routine, then it becomes a problem. I think before they ban crop tops all together they should just modify the rules a little to where there is certain length required, no revealing cut outs, and one that you can compete in comfortably.
alright so all i have to say about this rule is no i do not like it, uniforms are meant to something that unify a team, and a gym, so having half wear one thing and another half wear something else, stupid, to say i need to cover up my uniform, something that i am supposed to be proud of, stupid, and for everybody saying this whole rule thing needs to change for us to be qualified as a sport stop, because honestly nobody in the outside world that i have talked to believes that cheerleading is a sport and you want to know why, because of the scoring, they dont think that its right to be judged on how we perform, these same people also dont believe that skating and gymnastics are a sport for the same reason, they say its a 'pasttime' and never have i ever once heard anybody say 'omg what are you wearing', 'why is that little girl covered in sparkles', 'why do you have a huge bow on your head blah blah blah', because the reality of it is they dont really get offended by it, and those that i do know that have said cheerleading isnt a sport, when i show them a routine, you know what they notice first, not the makeup, not the glitter, not the bows, not the uniform, not the shoes or socks, but they notice the tumbling, the stunting, the motions

SO my point through this whole ramble is if you think its fine to be told how to dress, if you think its fine that you have to be covered up at all times when your supposed to be showing who 'your cheering for' then fine so be it, but do not tell me that this has to do with legitimizing our sport because i do not believe it for a second when i first heard this rule all i could think about was the profit these companies will be getting in three years and even now because of the cover up rules, and are there bigger fish to fry when it comes to the changes? absolutely, but this as it stands i refuse to think that its okay and fyi ive worn a half and full top and i can honestly say i have never felt as good about my body as when im in that half top, and i am in no means 0% body fat, im just your average looking college student and having full tops and competing has given me more confidence then anybody could imagine
Maybe there can be some sort of happy mid point? Still leave it up to gyms on half or full tops, but have some sort of guidelines as far as the uniforms go. Half tops dont bother me, though I have seen teams take it just a bit to far with CRAZY cutouts, tops that are probably 4-5 inches, shorts and skirts that are either showing crack or cheek. Even for those who are tall or awkward, it can be done. I know personally the last skirt I wore was a youth large (I think), I am 22 years old...but I am a size 0. My butt did not hang out even with that small of a size. I saw above someone mention another sport going through an approval process for their uniforms, could that be something to look into for cheer as well? It very well may not work, but anyone have thoughts on it?
So if you have to wear a full top you aren't going to be able to tumble anymore? Wearing a crop top is what helps you tumble, I can't beleive that. That's what I'm understanding here.
And sorry but if teams would stop pushing the limits on barely there uniforms and we didn't see cheerleaders exposing themselves on the Competition floor, I don't think they would be trying to so drastically change the uniform rules.

But that is my opinion!
You don't need to blame the USASF for this, you need to blame the gyms who have pushed the USASF to this. Now many times have people commented in the uniform thread that it was too much or too small?

Agree. This weekend we saw a crop top ride up doing a high V in a stunt... If you cannot do a crop top that fits properly when doing a high V, we have a problem. The place was packed with families, and this was not a "hidden in the back" type thing... We are talking right off center in the air, and in the air for awhile before she could fix it. Please just get uniforms that FIT and I would be more understanding.
Agree. This weekend we saw a crop top ride up doing a high V in a stunt... If you cannot do a crop top that fits properly when doing a high V, we have a problem. The place was packed with families, and this was not a "hidden in the back" type thing... We are talking right off center in the air, and in the air for awhile before she could fix it. Please just get uniforms that FIT and I would be more understanding.
the question that i have about this though is were the uniforms new or old this year, the reason being is i know TONS of kids who get a uniform each year and it fits them perfectly and they try to add extra length the the sleeves here and there to ensure they will fit over the next 3 year cycle, the problem with this is though they grow more then they expected and by the time they are done the 1st or 2nd year in the uni its simply shrunk and doesnt fit them anymore the way it should and most parents that my parents have talked to and known simply flat out refuse to buy their child another 300.00$ uniform that looks the exact same as the old one when they are getting new ones soon anyways

(not necessary to quote you just a thought i had)
the question that i have about this though is were the uniforms new or old this year, the reason being is i know TONS of kids who get a uniform each year and it fits them perfectly and they try to add extra length the the sleeves here and there to ensure they will fit over the next 3 year cycle, the problem with this is though they grow more then they expected and by the time they are done the 1st or 2nd year in the uni its simply shrunk and doesnt fit them anymore the way it should and most parents that my parents have talked to and known simply flat out refuse to buy their child another 300.00$ uniform that looks the exact same as the old one when they are getting new ones soon anyways

(not necessary to quote you just a thought i had)

Totally agree... We have brand new full tops this year, and many girls are already growing right out of them! I know how people try to get the life out of their uniforms since they are so expensive and totally understand. But, this was a level 5 team and I promise you they were not old. I don't think many of the uniforms I saw in level 5 were more than a year old this entire weekend-I felt like everyone had new, flashy, awesome uniforms.
My thing is, if you are blessed enough to have them, at least cover them up.
So then once this rule passes can you wear a full top with a huge cutout on the front and back bottom section to show your tummy and get away with it, just thinking out of the box :)
You don't need to blame the USASF for this, you need to blame the gyms who have pushed the USASF to this. Now many times have people commented in the uniform thread that it was too much or too small?

I personally have never seen a uniform that was "too short". I have seen many that I would not design but since that is not my gym or my athletes it is none of my concern....too many people in others business....IMO
I fail to see how tumbling with a full top on is any different then a crop top. It isn't like you are going to be tumbling in a prom dress or big baggy tshirt, it is form fitting with your stomach covered. If you can't tumble with your stomach covered then blame it on yourself psyching yourself out not the material covering a few more inches of your body.
I completely agree! Personally, all I have ever had was a full top, and I never once thought to myself, "gee, this thing is so uncomfortable! How am I supposed to tumble?" JMO
Now I would be much more disturbed at my cp wearing THIS than any crop top she has ever had. A little tummy exposure bothers me a lot less than a high cut hip.

Yeah except have you seen some of the boy shorts that are being paired with crop tops (MICRO CROP TOPS)? Seriously we saw a pair at one conference and the shorts were micro short and the top miniscule.... I have no issue with a true half top and bottoms that actually cover a bottom - would not have my daughter cheer at that gym still but understand that some like that style. BUT there are teams and parents who feel that the less fabric on these children the better they will score. I know not all teams are doing this stuff but a fair number are and competing as to who can create the next big shock and as a sport we need to put in some rules because clearly their are adults out there that are using these little girls like Barbies and are not making intelligent or safe decisions about how they are dressed and presented as cheerleaders.
Yeah I am wondering what in the world cheer has to do with the UN :confused: Something about the story seems not true, maybe they didn't mean the UN?
If we ever want to to be considered an Olympic Sport, we need image guidelines. I was told a story about how a well known level 5 team was supposed to go to the United Nations and they told this team no we do not want them here due to the fact of their uniforms being distasteful!
This is what I HEARD... Shooting Stars were going to perform at the United Nations, but different countries thought their uniforms were too revealing, as in they wanted them to follow their countries guidelines and laws. Like face and ankles covered. If this is true, then it's a lot different than just cheer uniforms are so distasteful, because what sport here follows those guidelines?
While I don't have a huge problem with the rule of "no" crop tops except for Senior teams, I do see a few problems with it. My daughter loves wearing a crop, I don't mind it.

1. Full length tops ride up and can be a huge distraction to the cheerleader, constantly pulling her top down. My daughter wore a full length top through out her years on a youth team. I never had a problem with her wearing the full length top. However, girls were bothered with them riding up and they didn't look great with certain motions. These were custom fit tops...and some had extra length added to them, but it still happened. Sometimes girls would wear liners to stay covered, but then they would deal with being "TOO" hot.

2. I think someone has already mentioned the age overlap. I can't see how or why it should be fair for a 10 year old on a senior team be allowed to wear a crop, while a 12 year old on a youth team, or 14 year old on a junior can not wear a crop top.

To me, if they want to implement crop tops to seniors only then the bottom age on a senior team should be 15...since that is pretty impossible, something needs to give... take the 12 year olds OFF of youth and cut the age at 11. Allow junior and senior teams to wear crops.

The other solution would be to ban crop tops all together.

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