OT Should Parents Have A Say In Whether Or Not They Vaccinate Their Children?

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My kids all had the vaccination. I think there is now a booster they need.
I do believe the increase we are seeing in shingles with every age population is directly related to the chicken pox shot, which cannot be a good thing.
My child did not have the chicken pox shot, but she still got shingles at age 10. She got chicken pox at 3 months.

I don't see how that is related to the vaccine that she never had.
My kids all had the vaccination. I think there is now a booster they need.
I do believe the increase we are seeing in shingles with every age population is directly related to the chicken pox shot, which cannot be a good thing.
My youngest got the shingles shrtly after she got the chicken pox vaccination. I am sure it was a direct result of it. It was horrible and I have refused the flow up vaccinations.

"You are only responsible for being honest, not for someone else's reaction to your honesty."
I'll advocate for new moms. My daughter is now 11 days old, and I'm terrified to bring her anywhere, just in case she were to get sick. It's also FTM syndrome where everything is new and scary.

But in all honesty, the measles outbreak scared me a little more (especially since a case has recently been confirmed 20 minutes away from my house). My daughter is helpless to any diseases until 2 months when she can get her first shots, and a year for measles. I'm strongly depending on the "herd" to help keep her healthy. There are so many families who are unable to get vaccinations due to illness or allergies too that depend on others getting vaccines.

I'd have a really hard time if my daughter had a kid in her class who wasn't vaccinated, and in turn my daughter got sick out of it.

I don't think it should really be a choice. I know parents of the kids do their research for their kids, but vaccines are also for everybody else's kids.

I hope this post makes sense... New mommy brain/lack of sleep may make it not comprehendible...
My youngest got the shingles shrtly after she got the chicken pox vaccination. I am sure it was a direct result of it. It was horrible and I have refused the flow up vaccinations.

"You are only responsible for being honest, not for someone else's reaction to your honesty."

This is one vaccination I won't be getting though. I think some need to be looked into and chosen by parents (ex chicken pox& flu shot), and others should be mandatory (measles etc)
The bottom line is that vaccines are not 100% safe and cannot be forced upon anyone because of that. it's not like we are drinking sugar water and then suddenly diseases are eradicated: CHILDREN, are given them, and the outcome cannot be determined until it's too late. Instead of mandating vaccines there should be mandates on making them safer and more effective. Seems like a no brainer to me.
But NOTHING in medicine is 100% safe, even the choice to NOT to take a medication. ALL treatments carry risks. I agree that every medical treatment should be as safe and effective as possible, but no treatment will ever be 100% safe for everyone. Vaccines are still much safer than the diseases they prevent. I don't think anyone should be forced to get them, but I agree with others here that those who choose not to vaccinate have a a responsibility to protect the public by not interacting with those too young for vaccines, those medically unable to vaccinate, or the immunocompromised.

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There were some issues with healthcare and insurance when Jaylen was younger so for whatever reason I was not made aware until I enrolled her in Kindergarten in TN that she had a lot of the required vaccines but she was missing several.

They said she should get them but it was never really mentioned after that.
We finished kindergarten and moved to a completely different district in TN for 1st grade and they said her shots were fine and didn't hassle me over it.

We move toward the end of her first grade year to Texas. Basically they could not believe she wasn't up to date on all her shots and that she had actually been attending school in TN missing several.

They wouldn't allow her to enroll until she was vaccinated. Apparently school nurses in TX can give the shots at no cost? They sent me to the nurses office at the school and my daughter got whatever she needed within 10 mins and she was enrolled and the nurse completed her vaccine records sheet.

That was so much easier than getting them in TN. She has always been healthy and never had any issues after any other shots so I was ok with it and if she has been healthy after them I definitely think it's in her best interest to be vaccinated so when they told me the nurse could hook her up I was satisfied!

I was just surprised TN didn't seem to care or hassle me and it wasn't like I claimed religious or medical reasons and TX absolutely needed it rectified and had the resources to fix it immediately.

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My child did not have the chicken pox shot, but she still got shingles at age 10. She got chicken pox at 3 months.

I don't see how that is related to the vaccine that she never had.
From my understanding - chicken pox puts the virus in your system, as does the shot which then creates the immunity. Shingles are caused by the same virus. And used to be something that was typically contracted by older people who had already had chicken pox when they were younger - as most people did unless you had a natural immunity to it - the virus would lay dormant in your system for years, and then something would trigger it and voila! shingles. This is the reason older adults were always told to stay away from kids with chicken pox because they could contract shingles through exposure.
There's just something about the shot that triggers the shingles virus as well, maybe it doesn't lie as dormant as it does after the actual virus. Which is why it's now bring seen in younger people of all ages post the chicken pox shot introduction. Why yours got shingles at 10 I have no clue, maybe she was exposed to someone else with shingles (or even chicken pox). Or maybe rotten luck. Either way I have seen it in kids and adults and it looks horribly painful.
But NOTHING in medicine is 100% safe, even the choice to NOT to take a medication. ALL treatments carry risks. I agree that every medical treatment should be as safe and effective as possible, but no treatment will ever be 100% safe for everyone. Vaccines are still much safer than the diseases they prevent. I don't think anyone should be forced to get them, but I agree with others here that those who choose not to vaccinate have a a responsibility to protect the public by not interacting with those too young for vaccines, those medically unable to vaccinate, or the immunocompromised.

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I didn't say anything was 100% safe, I'm just saying that when it isn't, it can't be forced onto someone. Just because someone isn't vaccinated, doesn't mean they're carrying diseases, either, it just means they have potentially less immunity to something than someone who has been vaccinated. And those who are vaccinated can still carry and/or get these illnesses. There are also plenty of illnesses that there aren't vaccines for that are much more widespread. So really, if someone is too young or medically unable or immunocompromised, they/their parents should still take steps to protect themselves.
There were some issues with healthcare and insurance when Jaylen was younger so for whatever reason I was not made aware until I enrolled her in Kindergarten in TN that she had a lot of the required vaccines but she was missing several.

They said she should get them but it was never really mentioned after that.
We finished kindergarten and moved to a completely different district in TN for 1st grade and they said her shots were fine and didn't hassle me over it.

We move toward the end of her first grade year to Texas. Basically they could not believe she wasn't up to date on all her shots and that she had actually been attending school in TN missing several.

They wouldn't allow her to enroll until she was vaccinated. Apparently school nurses in TX can give the shots at no cost? They sent me to the nurses office at the school and my daughter got whatever she needed within 10 mins and she was enrolled and the nurse completed her vaccine records sheet.

That was so much easier than getting them in TN. She has always been healthy and never had any issues after any other shots so I was ok with it and if she has been healthy after them I definitely think it's in her best interest to be vaccinated so when they told me the nurse could hook her up I was satisfied!

I was just surprised TN didn't seem to care or hassle me and it wasn't like I claimed religious or medical reasons and TX absolutely needed it rectified and had the resources to fix it immediately.

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Depending on the state, moving can be a real pain. When we moved from St. Louis to Atlanta, we had all the paperwork from our pediatrician for vaccines and medical documentation from hematologist/oncologist as to why oldest wasn't up to date. BUT, in GA you have to have a Certificate of Vaccination (Form 3231) and Certificate of Hearing, Vision, Dental and Nutritional Screening (Form 3300) to enroll in school. Where does one get these forms? From your GA pediatrician ( are you starting to see the issue if you are from out of state?) or the County Health Facility. We called about 30 pediatricians to tell them we needed these forms, in which they all replied they could see us in a month or two.......really? BUT, we were told where our closest County Health Facility was and to get in line between 6:00-6:30 AM so we wouldn't be there all day (it is no wonder why people that rely on the county health system flood the ER's, the wait time is shorter). Anyhow, I applaud TX for making it an easy process and I now know why GA's education ranking is so low, those kids are probably still waiting in line for their dang forms.:rolleyes:
I didn't say anything was 100% safe, I'm just saying that when it isn't, it can't be forced onto someone. Just because someone isn't vaccinated, doesn't mean they're carrying diseases, either, it just means they have potentially less immunity to something than someone who has been vaccinated. And those who are vaccinated can still carry and/or get these illnesses. There are also plenty of illnesses that there aren't vaccines for that are much more widespread. So really, if someone is too young or medically unable or immunocompromised, they/their parents should still take steps to protect themselves.
They cannot protect themselves from something they are unaware of. I think that parents so don't vaccinate carry a moral responsibility to share that information with any parent of a child theirs has close contact with so parents can make informed decisions about risks they are willing to take. Yes, there are things that there are no vaccines for, but vaccines protect us from the things most likely to kill a child. The things we definitely DONT want our infants, childhood cancer patients, ect exposed to. It is very unlikely that vaccinated people will carry or shed the disease they are vaccinated for outside the first 14 days after a vaccination. Unvaccinated people are much more likely to be carriers. I think parents of vulnerable kids deserve to be informed if they are potentially exposing their kids.

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Every year there are numerous new threats for immunologists to worry about. Does anyone know where I can find more information about this? Not for my paper, really, just because I'm curious.

I would be very interested, as well. I used to get to talk to our hematologist/oncologist in St. Louis quite a bit and they worked closely with immunologists and would trade research. Ten years ago, they talked about it not necessarily being linked to one thing but, the "perfect storm". Only to mean that our bodies have to filter so many chemicals today whether ingested, inhaled or topically. Add to that, yes, vaccines are a big part of their research because of them dealing with immunity.

Interesting recent development with my nieces baby last week. Their baby is about 26 months and at about 13-14 months started having "night terrors" where he appears awake but, can not be consoled, nor does he appear to acknowledge my niece/nephew when they are trying to console him. Anyhow, because the night terrors are not going away, their pediatrician has now sent them to a pediatric neurologist at St. Jude's in Memphis that is studying this specifically. Night terrors, if they go on for a long time, are now being treated as a neurological issue in infants and guess what they believe a possible link to be? Night terrors having a possible link to autism, with research looking into first immunizations and timing when they give them.
Oh, yes, "Dr." Jenny McCarthy...former Playboy bunny and MTV VJ. She started this more than a decade ago. As a parent to a 14 year old with autism, she makes my blood boil. Why people EVER listened to her is beyond me. And, you are right, her son was misdiagnosed as he is now cured. I never understood why it took years for people to discredit her. Anyone with half a brain could look at autism statistics in 3rd world countries and see they have similar autism stats without vaccinations
Off my soapbox now

One thing we have to remember is "no" many of these countries don't have the vaccinations but, they do have the actual virus, and that is what the vaccine is. A side effect of the actual measles is thrombocytopenia, after the MMR, my daughter developed immune thrombocytopenia purpura. Seizures are a side effect of the mumps, which @SheCheers said her child experienced. It doesn't mean everyone is going to be affected by the side effects but, please don't forget many of these vaccines are live viruses and I have no doubt that there is a very good chance they can cause neurological issues just as any virus can.

Side Effects of Measles | LIVESTRONG.COM
Long-Term Side Effects of Mumps | LIVESTRONG.COM
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I would be very interested, as well. I used to get to talk to our hematologist/oncologist in St. Louis quite a bit and they worked closely with immunologists and would trade research. Ten years ago, they talked about it not necessarily being linked to one thing but, the "perfect storm". Only to mean that our bodies have to filter so many chemicals today whether ingested, inhaled or topically. Add to that, yes, vaccines are a big part of their research because of them dealing with immunity.

Interesting recent development with my nieces baby last week. Their baby is about 26 months and at about 13-14 months started having "night terrors" where he appears awake but, can not be consoled, nor does he appear to acknowledge my niece/nephew when they are trying to console him. Anyhow, because the night terrors are not going away, their pediatrician has now sent them to a pediatric neurologist at St. Jude's in Memphis that is studying this specifically. Night terrors, if they go on for a long time, are now being treated as a neurological issue in infants and guess what they believe a possible link to be? Night terrors having a possible link to autism, with research looking into first immunizations and timing when they give them.
People have been trying for 20 years to prove that vaccines cause autism. All research has shown NO link whatsoever, no matter how much those doing the study's want it to be true, it has been proven over and over that there is no link.

I had night terrors from about 2-12. I can actually remember the last few episodes I had. While I do believe they are necrologic I don't think they are autism. It feels like something completely different. It is like your brain is trapped between asleep and awake. You KNOW you are dreaming, but cannot seem to snap your brain out of it. When I was little, I never remembered them, but as I got older I became more aware.

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One thing we have to remember is "no" many of these countries don't have the vaccinations but, they do have the actual virus, and that is what the vaccine is. A side effect of the actual measles is thrombocytopenia, after the MMR, my daughter developed immune thrombocytopenia purpura. Seizures are a side effect of the mumps, which @SheCheers said her child experienced. It doesn't mean everyone is going to be affected by the side effects but, please don't forget many of these vaccines are live viruses and I have no doubt that there is a very good chance they can cause neurological issues just as any virus can.

Side Effects of Measles | LIVESTRONG.COM
Long-Term Side Effects of Mumps | LIVESTRONG.COM

You are so right. However it is not the actual virus they claim causing autism, it is the preservative that organization are blaming. It is mercury, or thimerosal, that "experts" say causes the developmental disability.

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