All-Star My Nca Rant!

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I really didn't want to get into this more than I already have, but I am afraid there is an impression being given that isn't exactly correct. We are also at SOT, and yes, our competition notes do usually say that we are to stand and cheer for all teams. However, for the great number of competitions we attend, this is the norm. Most people sit with others from their gym, and you realize when you are behind a group, they will be standing for their kids. These competitions have arena seating. If we are competing in a hall, we stand and cheer when the team comes out, sit and cheer through the routine, and stand again at the end. If you want to stand the whole time, you go to the viewing area. The arena at NCA is a special circumstance since there is interest in seeing so many amazing teams. I don't recall exactly what our note said for this weekend (and the cp seems to have lost it along the way), but while I know we were told to cheer, I can't say if standing was mentioned or not. But I just don't think TPTB would want us to be less than considerate when wearing our gym's name on our shirt.
Regarding The Sixth 's comment about spectators. Agreed. I have never seen so many people walk directly in front of the stage during an actual performance. We spent most of our time in B hall and it is one thing when you see some of the obvious grandparents or clueless dads (apologies to the true cheer dads on here, but you are the exception), but when you see athletes from major gyms who should know better......

Pin Trading Etiquette: Appalled at the behavior of an Empire Elite dad. He was frankly a bully who tried to pressure LITTLE GIRLS to trade their special pins. He approached one of our girls last year (11) and she frankly felt so intimidated she traded one of the limited edition pins for the Empire pin (she was very upset about it), we moms were close by and should have been paying better attention at the time, but never expected that kind of behavior from an adult. There was no other explanation but that he was taking advantage of a child. This year, my cp and a teammate were talking to two younger girls (possibly from Cheer Athletics - it was Sunday and they had NCA jackets on) about trading and he came up to one of the younger girls (absolutely no older than 12) and kept asking for pins she didn't want to trade. My cp said he would not take no for an answer. The little girl explained she didn't want to trade this one because it was last year's and this one because it was special or this one because she really liked it and he kept after her about them. She shouldn't have had to say anything but "no, I want to keep that one". My cp finally had to walk off because she was getting so angry, but didn't feel she could say anything to an adult. Just really classless behavior.

And our girl who had the run in with him last year was still talking about it this year when pin trading came up.
To the athletes betting on my team loosing, this is why you will never win a sportsmanship award. I hope you are satisfied with yourselves. Enjoy your money.

Other than that super fun award ceremony, this weekend was great!
I really didn't want to get into this more than I already have, but I am afraid there is an impression being given that isn't exactly correct. We are also at SOT, and yes, our competition notes do usually say that we are to stand and cheer for all teams. However, for the great number of competitions we attend, this is the norm. Most people sit with others from their gym, and you realize when you are behind a group, they will be standing for their kids. These competitions have arena seating. If we are competing in a hall, we stand and cheer when the team comes out, sit and cheer through the routine, and stand again at the end. If you want to stand the whole time, you go to the viewing area. The arena at NCA is a special circumstance since there is interest in seeing so many amazing teams. I don't recall exactly what our note said for this weekend (and the cp seems to have lost it along the way), but while I know we were told to cheer, I can't say if standing was mentioned or not. But I just don't think TPTB would want us to be less than considerate when wearing our gym's name on our shirt.

Our gym has a similar policy as well about cheering for our teams, but we're also told to be respectful of those around us.

I have family members who don't get around very well, and asking them to stand for a performance would be very difficult, if not impossible. I would be sad if someone stood in front of them while my daughter was performing.
I have to agree, some people were really rude this weekend, but others were also very nice from what I heard and saw on twitter. I don't know why, but teams seem to get cocky and athletes just feel like they can say whatever they want! Telling people they suck as soon as they come off the mat, laughing at placements, saying things like "___ couldn't hit if they tried", just really rude things. I was appalled that people had the nerve to say this to other teams faces! Also saw some that turned on teams that were once their friends I guess you could say. It's crazy what big national competitions can bring out of people.

But for the good, I was happy to see respect/ praise given when it was deserved. When SE hit, there were a lot of people who usually bash them to pieces, say that they killed their routine. People cheering on other teams, supporting special needs, and no one complained about the placements like how Cheersport was.
To the athletes betting on my team loosing, this is why you will never win a sportsmanship award. I hope you are satisfied with yourselves. Enjoy your money.

Other than that super fun award ceremony, this weekend was great!

I have never wanted a post to be more not true than this one.
That being said I don't wanna hear any names because unless you know 100% that it happened, that would cause drama.
But I am sorry if this did happen to you and your teammates that is just terrible.
[quote="The Sixth, post: 522978, member: 4890
Spectators: This is a rant I have at almost any comp actually. But I know NCA is/was really strict in the letter halls about not letting ppl move around. At least in the arena, fans and athletes alike, is it really THAT hard to wait in between performances to move up and down the aisles??? I understand NCA is pretty fast about moving teams in and out; but I never had any problem getting to my nosebleed seat all weekend in between teams. YOU may not care about the team on the floor, but that doesn't mean other ppl don't. I used to think it was common knowledge, and common courtesy not to be up walking around during performances. Guess not, and I wish NCA would announce reminders for everybody.

This drives me insane!!!! We are talking about 2'30", if you can't wait perhaps you should look into Depends.
I am only 5'0 tall so if someone in arena style seating was standing in front of me and then told me to stand I would be upset because either way I more then likely wouldn't be able to see over you.
NCA is arena style seating for level 5 teams (including the IOC division) so it was not necessary to stand in order to see them unless those in front of you were standing.
I will now remember though that if I am ever at a competition where SOT is to not sit near their fans/parents because I would like to be able to see the teams perform.
I'm sorry... But at the arena at nca... I would be upset if you stood for a performance... Others have a right to see your team too...I would have asked you in a kind way but I would have asked...
I am SO SURE I saw you this weekend! I was sitting in my group of friends and I just blurted loudly "OMG, There is lakerfantlc"! And they looked at me like I was crazy! Also, I just wanted to say I had the opportunity to meet A TON of Cali parents, athletes, and even coaches in the underground room, and they were SOO kind and fun to be around!
I hope this doesn't come out as rude, but what you say about SOT must stand for their teams performances, it almost makes it sound like "well we're SOT and we will stand so everybody around us too bad". Now i know you don't mean it like that. I think your gym is amazing and have the upmost respect for them, but i have NEVER heard of any other gym following this behavior.
You have to understand how frustrating that would be for everyone around you.
The more I read this, the more angry I get....maybe it's been a long day already. I don't care if you are for Grandma Ruth's Allstars or World Champion x10 is extremely rude, and I thought it was common courtesy (common sense for that matter) to not be standing in front of people in the bleachers/stands/chairs/whatever. That's even worse than people walking in front. Ahhhhh. I dare someone to stand in front of me when I'm at Worlds. It won't end well for you.
When my daughter started in cheer about 12 years ago, the coach explained cheer competition etiquette to the team and parents. We were to never walk in the aisle or stand in front of anyone during a performance. I remember some competitions had ushers at each aisle as a reminder. It's unfortunate that good manners seem to have disappeared.

your avatar soooo goes with your comment. ;)
I am SO SURE I saw you this weekend! I was sitting in my group of friends and I just blurted loudly "OMG, There is lakerfantlc"! And they looked at me like I was crazy! Also, I just wanted to say I had the opportunity to meet A TON of Cali parents, athletes, and even coaches in the underground room, and they were SOO kind and fun to be around!
Oh my goodness...I wish I would have seen you...I was walking around with mamarazzi on a stick taking fierce board sightings with her...hahahah...thank you for the nice words...we try to be respectful and kind and do unto others...:) It was an amazing weekend...both my babies won....I am blessed beyond worth!!!!! Next time....come get in my face and yell OMG...then I could get a "fierce" hug...:)
I don't think SOT has been doing this very long. I know Champion Cheer used to do it and I avoided sitting by their fans. I guess this is something SOT has recently adopted as well.
A mom of ours sat on a chair and accidently sat on the end of the another ladies purse shoulder straps. She was yelled at that her "fat a$$" was on her purse to to "move it". Geezzz ..... this poor mom spent the rest of the weekend looking in the mirror thinking ... "is my butt really that big?"

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