All-Star Amazing Level 2 Teams?

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The only holes I see is your inability to distinguish facts from Heresay or rumors. Everyone here gave you the opportunity to state the facts. You danced around the number of athletes that were above level two and I still don't see that answered here - but you do say... 19 of the athletes are on teams that are Level 2, 3 & 4 at Rockstar. 1 athlete is a Level 4 tumbler but flies on a Level 5 team. She backspots a group.

If you choose to make your points based on a disgruntled employee who hasn't stepped foot in my gym since the day I fired him then so be it. One person's opinion alone didn't generate this. And several people here know Ccebebad and do allot him credibility, regardless of your personal and professional interactions.

3) We learned the routine in 2 days
4) We had 3 practices to do the routine before our 1st competition, the 1st weekend of February at NCA Atlanta.
5) We lost that competition to Stingray Lg Jr 2
6) We did not have enough time to put together a Level 3 routine and compete it in 3 practice days.
7) We competed 4 times this year including NCA
8) We had 12 practices
Of course Level 2,3,4 and 5 athletes can learn a level 2 routine in this time. How does that justify the decision not to compete at least Level 3? You chose to make that decision to compete at the very last minute. The teams that competed against you didn't have a choice whether to compete against your team. If, as you kept stating, it was "for the experience", then competing Level 3 should not have been an issue if winning a jacket wasn't a priority.

9) We will never put a routine on the floor at Rockstar that isn't clean that isn't hitting. We most certainly wouldn't ask parents to spend $1000-$2000 to go experience the Super Bowl of Cheerleading (NCA) and pray that we could get a Level 3 routine together. If we could have done a Level 3 routine in 3 practices, we would have.
10) This trip was an amazing one for our parents and athletes. All they've talked about is going shopping and buying Cowboy boots, cowboy hats, visiting Dallas Cowboy stadium and experiencing NCA. For our gym it was a great decision and those parents and our customers are very appreciative in our decision.
Good for you and your parents and athletes. Happy that they had such a great time. I'll bet the second place teams had been looking forward to these trips too....all season. Not 3 weeks. I wonder how many of them went home happy.

11) We did not cheat or break any rule.
And if that is enough justification to you then nothing we say here will change your mind.

12) We lose to teams at every competition who we know aren't competing at their true tumbling level.
13) We beat teams at every competition that aren't competing at their true tumbling level.
14) There are teams that compete down an entire season, that aren't their true tumbling level and compete all season like this. Unless you go into every person's gym and find out what each team is doing, then all these teams are sandbagging.
Then call them out too. This door swings two ways.

15) If you don't like the USASF rules then go do something about it. Whatever the rules are we will continue to follow them.
You are entitled to your opinion and that's what the message boards are for. But the minute you try to speak something inaccurate about Rockstar or harm our business with rumors I will adamantly defend it.
As soon as we say something innacurate, I would hope you would.

I edited the color of this so people could follow easier.-Admin
but why would they create this team just for the two big comps? if its mainly level 2 kids, why was it just made now? if these athletes are level 2/3 or such, why wasnt the team started in the begining of the season?
Thanks for providing these facts. The above is an interesting statistic. How many are level 2? Level 3? Level 4? I think if your team is mostly level 2 with some 3s and 4s thrown in, it is understandable to compete at level 2.
I totally agree with you I would be fine with it if it was like 13 15ish level 2 athletes but if its majority level 3 and up athletes they should have been level 3
but why would they create this team just for the two big comps? if its mainly level 2 kids, why was it just made now? if these athletes are level 2/3 or such, why wasnt the team started in the begining of the season?

It has been said several times that their gym doesent travel much. They decided to take 2 level 5 teams to NCA this season then parents and athletes from other teams showed intrest is going along. So, they made up a team with the people that had the money to go and went.
My daughter is in a small gym and has never had to deal with offical crossover rules/Worlds rules etc. So I do not know all the specifics. Do the crossover rules not come into play at all here? I mean, I know they only took this one team but it wouldn't affect indivdual athletes in any other competition?
If you knew you were going to Dallas and you had level 2,3,4 and 1 level 5 athlete (I don't care if she tumbles level 4 she is on a WORLDS LEVEL 5 TEAM) then why could a level 3 routine not be learned in the same amount of time as a level 2 routine? Those level 3 and 4 athletes could learn a level 3 no problem, heck those level 2s probably would learn a level 3 routine no problem. Unless that team was 95% level 2 and the rest just to fill the team there is absolutely no reason that team had to be level 2.
What if that level 5 girl you are calling out is really just a beginner in the whole Cheerleading industry? Never backspotd before, and only 2nd year flying. Wow...and just happens to be able to do a backhandspring. I think that the whole situation has been blown out of proporation by one individual that wanted to make a stink. From what I can tell, there are plenty of teams out there that look like they may be stacked. Regardless of what anybody may feel is the "rule".....all teams of a division have to perform within a guideline. From what I have seen, other teams totally out weigh in stunt difficulty than the team you question. They are just clean. Not sure if that takes years of experience or just some great coaching?
So next year if Courtney decides to combine the girls on their large junior 5 team that aren't on a senior team competing at NCA with their small junior 2 team to make a large junior 2 will that be alright? I mean they can only do level 2 skills and they wouldn't be breaking any rules so that is totally fine right?
So next year if Courtney decides to combine the girls on their large junior 5 team that aren't on a senior team competing at NCA with their small junior 2 team to make a large junior 2 will that be alright? I mean they can only do level 2 skills and they wouldn't be breaking any rules so that is totally fine right?
And you have nailed my biggest fear. That sandbagging will become the norm because that is the only way you can hope to compete. And eventually there won't even be a place for a true level 1 or 2 maybe even level 3 athlete. Stretching the rules is like a disease, it doesn't just happen once and stop. It becomes the 'new normal' - continuing to slowly corrupt and corrode your sport as each team struggles to find a way to succeed against those that don't 'play fair'.
And you have nailed my biggest fear. That sandbagging will become the norm because that is the only way you can hope to compete. And eventually there won't even be a place for a true level 1 or 2 maybe even level 3 athlete. Stretching the rules is like a disease, it doesn't just happen once and stop. It becomes the 'new normal' - continuing to slowly corrupt and corrode your sport as each team struggles to find a way to succeed against those that don't 'play fair'.

I'm afraid it already has. There have been several teams that drop the entire team a level or two to win NCA. (thus the compete at your NCA level previously in the year rule). I'm curious at all of this outrage towards Rockstar when they are definitely not the first and certainly not the last to do this very thing.
I'm afraid it already has. There have been several teams that drop the entire team a level or two to win NCA. (thus the compete at your NCA level previously in the year rule). I'm curious at all of this outrage towards Rockstar when they are definitely not the first and certainly not the last to do this very thing.
They had the misfortune of being one of the two publicly called out here. The comment has been made a couple of times that this isn't an accusation limited to them, they aren't alone, and that perhaps the best thing that has happened here is that people are aware that they can and will be called out.

I don't see that as the answer (and I think you agree). The answer is to fix the loopholes that allow it to happen.

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