All-Star Ep Review - Uca Greensboro, 11/17

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Cheer Parent
Dec 17, 2009
This has nothing to do with the performances on the floor or the teams that were in attendance.

Am I crazy to expect more than what UCA was able to produce at last weekend's competition in Greensboro, NC? If EPs can't come together to make some common sense out of their scheduling, and fight for our dollars, then I think it is fair for us to give some critical reviews that hopefully will help make their events better for everyone. I would love to see more of these types of reviews for other venues BTW.

I could not get over how mediocre this event is, or at least how it didn't really even come close to what we should be expecting from a company with as much stature as UCA.

The set-up was such that the parents were required to sit in the seats at least 50 feet away from the floor-level mat, leaving a huge empty space between them and the mat. I was told that they do this so the judges can see the entire floor. Common sense would tell you to simply move the judges' tower closer to the mat. The nice young man wearing the Varsity shirt said that they need that space for the seats as we both stared at the couple of hundred seats with nobody in them and wondered how badly they really need those seats. For the record, I watched those seats all day, and the only people who sat in them were people who just really looked like they were just trying to stay awake. They weren't there to watch what was happening on the mat, because there was no way to see it anyway.

Speaking of the judges tower, I am not even sure how the judges could even see what was happening on the mat. There was no stage lighting whatsoever, so the only hope was to rely on the ceiling lamps that were lit at the same consistency throughout the rest of the building. I felt like asking everyone in the parent section to download a flashlight app onto their smartphones to help illuminate the stage. I swear that if these event producers just spent 20 minutes at each competition as a spectator, they would get a feel for some of these set-up shortcomings and make adjustments.

Someone already mentioned the medals being so small. I couldn't agree more. Why even bother? If you are going to splurge on $2/kid for an award (that's probably being generous) that probably won't make it out of the back of the minivan, why not spend an extra $1 and give the kids a t-shirt or something they will use. Surely Varsity has ocean-shipping containers full of $2 t-shirts from some SE-Asian country somewhere in their compound. Use some common sense.

The atmosphere in the special event center was easily one of the most boring, mundane, and lifeless that I have seen in nearly eight years of doing this. When the MC has to ask three times, "is everyone having a good time!?!?" and gets no response, there might be a problem. I am guessing that because the sound system was so bad (or in fairness, probably the acoustics of the building) that nobody heard him the first two times. When they did hear him the third time, they probably realized that they really weren't having a good time, so to be polite, they simply didn't respond. I did actually hear a couple of moans and some people saying 'no'.

Dear UCA, my suggestions for this event/venue are as follows:

If you are going to insist on having this competition the same weekend or adjacent to a Cheersport event, you can probably expect that your attendance will go down (enter CEA not going to Cheersport, everyone (mostly) else does drama). The building with the current layout, therefore, will be too cavernous to create an exciting atmosphere and will probably just get worse than it already is. You need to set your stage on the side wall to eliminate one of the bleacher walls. Force everybody onto one side of the bleachers. Pull the bleachers out on the ends of the other wall to make the seating simulate a horseshoe pattern (Spirit Sports Myrtle Beach does a good job with this). If you are not going to invest in bringing stage lighting to these local events you will not have to worry because the 'stage lighting' is already set-up in that arena for HS basketball games (it really is, just look up). Your problem is that these lights are pointing in the wrong direction for your current set-up. By rotating the stage you will be able to shine lights on the attention of the kids who deserve to be treated like the rock stars that they are. You will argue that there won't be enough seating. Based on this performance, I have a feeling that attendance will be the least of your worries. You really need to create a better atmosphere. By making it feel busier than it is, you will create that atmosphere. Everyone will be closer to the stage making it louder and more intimate, and just more enjoyable.

To close this, let me just say that I love watching my kid perform more than just about anything in the world, whether it be in a showcase setting, a local event, or in the arena in Dallas. That being said, the MC did a great job of keeping the 5 or 6 of us who were actually listening to him read out the college football scores throughout the day. I think for the first time ever, I actually wondered how much more exciting it would be to be watching a football game on TV than sitting in that arena on that day.

I would love to see reviews of the Cheersport event that happened on the next day.
You are totally right. As a coach, I pick events that have great seating. We typically don't attend an event if they don't have priority seating. There are several events held at a venue in St. Louis that has stadium style seating. Our kids do better with screaming parents in front of them. Id suggest not only giving your social media review, but talk to your coach/gym owners about not attending for the future based on your concerns.
I would love to see reviews of the Cheersport event that happened on the next day.

The competition stayed on schedule. All day. The crowd was great, awards were smooth and FAST. I don't think I saw a bad team all day, which says a lot since there were over 100 teams there. Free admission, easy parking. It was easily the best 1-day regionals I have ever been to.

The only thing that bugged me was the rampant seat saving. Rows & rows of seats being saved, one seat with a scarf, one with a glove, one with a jacket, etc...

Needless to say, I emailed our gym owners Sunday night and expressed to them how much many of us parents enjoyed the competition, and wouldn't mind going back in the future.
Can't disagree with any of that, now that you mention it.

I had a brand new cheer mom with me (first competition) and she slept in her seat the whole time.

Can I also add that the apparel size range was quite lacking. My youth small sized kid ended up with a youth large t shirt that wasn't the one she picked bc it was the only thing that would come close to fitting her. I came hoping to buy a few items for Christmas gifts, but left with only the one top.
I did appreciate that everything stayed on schedule, if not ahead.

And the football updates were nice too. :)
Maybe it's just me, but when I see UCA on the schedule, I expect the actual production to be at least on par with other EPs' events. It wasn't even close to be honest.
The competition stayed on schedule. All day. The crowd was great, awards were smooth and FAST. I don't think I saw a bad team all day, which says a lot since there were over 100 teams there. Free admission, easy parking. It was easily the best 1-day regionals I have ever been to.

How did you get free admission? Everyone I know had to pay $10 per person plus either $5 or $8 to park. (Some had to pay higher parking.....still not sure why)
How did you get free admission? Everyone I know had to pay $10 per person plus either $5 or $8 to park. (Some had to pay higher parking.....still not sure why)

She's referring to the Cheersport comp in Raleigh on Sunday. I mentioned in my original post that I was curious to hear any reviews on that competition. Funny, my parking was $6.
Cheersport in Charlotte two weeks ahead of that was good. Good production, raised stage, good venue, ran on time, typical cheersport. I just think they need to add having EMTs in attendance, but that goes for all EPs

As to UCA Greensboro...we went to that last year because our lv 5 had to do the regional to be able to go to nationals.

I was summarily unimpressed. So we're my kids (we just went as spectators to support our lv 5). It was like competing in a garage. All the lights were on. We did a better job with production in our gym showcase than was done there. The sound was bad in fact it messed up a few teams here and there that couldn't actually hear it all that well. I heard kids complaining about missing motions because they couldn't hear the music.

There was zero energy in the room and it sucked every bit of life out of the teams that came out, no raised stage, no stage lighting, all the house lights on, bad music. It was my first experience with UCA and I thought it would be entirely different knowing this is an EP that airs on ESPN. I don't think our kids got anything last year so the medal seems new....maybe they did, I don't know, I was yawning my way through.

We called it "priority squatting" because the floor was on the floor and that big no mans land between it was for people to sit on the floor and watch if they wanted...yeah...gramma and grandpa are not digging priority squatting.

It's year my kids are going to UCA Nationals so our whole gym is going to UCA in sevierville TN in a few weeks to qualify. I'm dreading the fact I'm afraid it will go like this one, but we specifically chose cheersport Charlotte and NOT UCA Greensboro because its so underwhelming. I think we picked sevierville as the lesser of the regionals evils because its in gatlinburg (basically) the weekend of the Festival of Lights and is at least a two day.

I just pray it has a bit more production, something like a tee shirt or something (especially since this is a traveling two day) would be nice. I was asking about that in the competition thread because I'm worried if all the lights are on, and its not a raised stage and the sound is bad again that it will effect my kids performance. If the room is dead, they just die with it and that team is too fierce to get sucked down the drain for poor production.
She's referring to the Cheersport comp in Raleigh on Sunday. I mentioned in my original post that I was curious to hear any reviews on that competition. Funny, my parking was $6.

Ahhh. Ok. Make sense.
$6, huh. Wonder what the actual parking fee was supposed to be?
We did UCA last year, and thought the same thing, and I hate that arena in Greensboro. Have been to two concerts there that sucked bc of lighting, sound etc! I love the MC though, he is great, and really tries to get the crowd involved. I hate the mat on the same level as parents. Last year they ran out of schedules, and told us to look them up online on our phones, which were getting no reception anyways! But when we went to UCA in Disney (which is why we went to GBO last year was to qualify) I loved it! Thought it was one of the best run events ever (and I think I have been to over 60) And our team had to go right after a team from Columbia (as in South America not SC) and security asked our team parents if we could go up early and cheer them on, and so we did! They came out and were so surprised to see all these strangers cheering for them like crazy. It was great.
I have to agree with everything in this post! In the 12 years of attending competitions, this has to be the WORST one CP has competed at. I even said to my mother that the atmosphere was absolutely dead. It did not matter what age or what level the team competing was - it was DEAD. We left after CP competed in the first session because it was so bad (which is a first). I see that it didn't get any better throughout the day. I totally expected a whole lot more - better lighting, seating, raised stage, etc.
I feel like you get what you pay for in terms of comp companies... Even the best companies have a couple horrid competitions.
We went to UCA two weekends ago, and it was similar. There was a stage, but all the lights were on and the sound was a mess. My kids were DEAD. I don't think any of my minis had a facial expression beyond boredom for their entire routine. We did well, qualified for nationals, and all the rest, but performances suffered big time just because of the bad set up.
I normally think of NCA as the best competitions around, but we went to one of the worst NCA competitions ever last year. It was honestly one of the worst competitions I've ever been to under any company (sorry Justin). We were in a middle school gym with no lighting, stage, nothing. We had to stretch in the hallway. The judging was awful. If you added cheergrams it could have been a youth league/pop warner competition. But, it was cheap and we thought "well we have a gap in competitions so let's add it!"
If it's cheap to attend, they are giving up something somewhere to make it that way. Do I think competitions should be $100 a day? No, that's just as ridiculous. There is a happy medium I've found between good price and good production, but you have to do your research.
Please send these comments to the EPs in addition to posting them here.

Love your well thought out comments. Please do send them to the EP. I have sent many feedback emails and actually received a reply from one EP.

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