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Somehow I just discovered this song that never made I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008) and I can honestly say I think I have a new favourite Beyoncé song. I keep wondering why she doesn't have any songs like this, little did I know she has for the last 6 years...
So I just got my paycheck and its missing the $50.00 bonus that I was promised for working a double shift. Im really depending on this money but I feel sooooo awkward bringing it up to my boss. Especially because it comes out of his personal pocket.

And then my boyfriend didnt pay the internet bill on time ( :mad: ) so it now has a late fee and is 100 dollars instead of like 40. Fabulous. I'm fuming.
@HeresAThought Right now I'm alternating books. I'm trying to read some of the books you're "supposed" to read in life, not so much because I love them, as much as because my kids are reading them for school and I'm feeling like I just... should. You know... In case I'm ever on Jeopardy. :rolleyes: Then I switch back to a quick murder mystery/thriller that I can read in a day.
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I don't know how it makes me feel that I'm still a teenager but I'm exactly the same way. James Patterson is my fave, but this week I'm forcing myself through A Farewell to Arms :banghead: (that emoticon looks so angry... I'm not that mad about it...). I just feel like I should read and appreciate the more boring classics to be able to consider myself a true reader.
And all this talk about Anna Karenina has made me decide that my spring research paper will be on Tolstoy! It'll be a good excuse to finally read it. Thanks Fierce Board! :)
Doesn't matter to me; Classics or anything new would be great! :)

If you like historical fiction, I love Kate Morton, Diane Setterfield (The Thirteenth Tale), and I really like Victoria Holt (old school, but I love her books anyway).

Drama/Thriller - Harlan Coben definitely, I think I've read all his books. I also like Brian Gruley, Scott Pratt (his books are free to borrow on Kindle), Tess Gerritsen, and Kathy Reichs.

Random books that I like - The Lovely Bones, Devil in the White City, anything by Sue Grafton, James Patterson (awful writing, but I love them anyway), Jodie Piccoult and Sophie Kinsella. I am also a sucker for Sidney Sheldon - even though his books are all like 20 years old, I could read them over and over.

Books I haven't read yet, but that look good and are on my kindle, waiting: The Dressmaker; The Perfume Collector; Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer; The Paris Wife; A Light Between Oceans; The Kitchen House.

Books everyone seems to like except me: The Glass Castle, Gone Girl, The Book Thief, Water for Elephants

Classics that I think everyone should read (and some maybe not-so-classic but everyone should read them anyway) : Pride & Prejudice, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, How to Kill a Mockingbird, Great Expectations, Go Ask Alice, The Color Purple, Memoirs of a Geisha. (weird list I know, but those are the ones I have right now lol)

So I know that's a million books...but usually I just look up a book I liked on Amazon and look through their suggestions until one catches my eye. Boring because then I never find anything really different, but it works. If I think of anything else really good I'll let you know (I'm at work, so I'm just kind of going off what's in my Kindle)

*Books that I think all kids should read (for the moms if you're trying to get your kids to read something "kid classic") : The Westing Game, The Egypt Game, The Silver Crown, From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwiler, and The Headless Cupid.
Tumbling is driving me insane. I had level 4 skills up until about October when I got hurt. I got cleared end of January and now I have a complete mental block. Naturally learning tumbling at an older age I've always been mental, but never blocked on a STANDING HANDSPRING. I'm so stressed it seems like no amount of privates are fixing my problem. And college cheer tryouts are may 18 I'm freaking out :(

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Tumbling is driving me insane. I had level 4 skills up until about October when I got hurt. I got cleared end of January and now I have a complete mental block. Naturally learning tumbling at an older age I've always been mental, but never blocked on a STANDING HANDSPRING. I'm so stressed it seems like no amount of privates are fixing my problem. And college cheer tryouts are may 18 I'm freaking out :(

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Freaking out will only make it worse! You know you can do it, so have faith that it'll come back. What helps me sometimes is having a private and working on everything except the thing I'm blocking on. Having a stress free private can really help. What can you throw alone that you're not blocking on? Running tumbling? Do a bunch of that. It takes the stress off and will help you worry less because you're seeing what you can do instead of focusing on what you can't. Then try again your next private, or at the end of the private. You can do it, don't stress yourself out!
Tumbling is driving me insane. I had level 4 skills up until about October when I got hurt. I got cleared end of January and now I have a complete mental block. Naturally learning tumbling at an older age I've always been mental, but never blocked on a STANDING HANDSPRING. I'm so stressed it seems like no amount of privates are fixing my problem. And college cheer tryouts are may 18 I'm freaking out :(

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Don't stress. The more you stress, the more pressure you put on yourself, the less likely you are to get past this as quickly as you would like. Are you able to throw your bhs on a tumble track or trampoline? I find a lot of kids that start blocking are still able to throw it there because they don't have a fear of injury. Work your skills there, and gradually move yourself down. Throw it on a cheese, throw it on a sting mat, throw it on the floor. Take it one step at a time. Get all the spots you need. Don't rush yourself back. Slow and steady. You'll come back from it, I promise.

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