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i'd like to meet the person who named the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle and kick them in the shin. i don't care if it's telling me exactly where it is and what it does. how am i supposed to fit that whole name on the little line provided on my lab practical?!!?

that is all.
Thanks for reminding me how much I hate facial expression muscles in general lol. I remember getting a half a point off on my lab practical for just writing LLSAN, even though my professor said no abbreviations. I was angry, but that name is just way too long.

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I know to compete at worlds you have to be at least 12. If you are on a senior 5 team, but are not going to worlds or will be replaced before worlds do you still have to be 12 or can you be 10 (the age for senior teams)?
I know to compete at worlds you have to be at least 12. If you are on a senior 5 team, but are not going to worlds or will be replaced before worlds do you still have to be 12 or can you be 10 (the age for senior teams)?
Still 12 to legally compete......R5 you can be 10.
Thanks for the info. One more question, has anyone heard updates on the rule changes about ages for next season? I am curious about the new age rules.
My kitten is such a weirdo. He sprints back and forth along my tub between the shower curtain and liner while I'm showering. He also fell in the toilet last night.
My cat does the same thing when I shower. It's like he wants to be near the water but not actually get wet! He also likes to go in after I'm out and walk around in the tub. He likes water but only on his terms (like splashing the water out of the dogs dish!)
I need patience!
There is an awesome almost 12 year old at cp's gym who as of right now will be eligible for the senior 5 next season should the rules not change. The girls can't wait for her to join them, so we are all keeping on eye on this and hoping it plays out in her favor.
Can I just say how disappointed I am in Rate My Professor this semester? All five of my profs had tons of great reviews and I would say only two of them are true to those ratings! Ones incredibly boring and never willing to help (world religions), my math prof has a impossible to understand accent and we're half way through the semester and we're only on chapter 2 (out of 7) and my Sign Language teacher has an impossible to pass grading scale and made a girl cry the other day and made her stay in class. Makes me nervous for next semester.. especially it being my last before I receive my AA...
Can I just say how disappointed I am in Rate My Professor this semester? All five of my profs had tons of great reviews and I would say only two of them are true to those ratings! Ones incredibly boring and never willing to help (world religions), my math prof has a impossible to understand accent and we're half way through the semester and we're only on chapter 2 (out of 7) and my Sign Language teacher has an impossible to pass grading scale and made a girl cry the other day and made her stay in class. Makes me nervous for next semester.. especially it being my last before I receive my AA...
Ugh I hate their new website! It looks nice up is confusing to use at times. Not a fan
I jut found out that my best friend of 10 years has never seen a single Harry Potter movie. She's coming over to my house to pass out candy on Friday, so I've decided not to let her leave until we've seen every single one of the movies. I just don't understand how someone goes through almost 18 years of life never having seen one! I mean, I grew up on those movies!

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