OT The Dance Moms Thread!

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Are you on team Abby or team Kelly

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I laugh (not at you) you are such a librarian (this is a compliment) I have a lot of library friends and volunteer at one - research junkie ;)

lol it's such a good and bad thing. I cannot watch tv anyone more without my phone or laptop on hand to fact check.

I also do it with biographies. I was so mad when Latoya Jackson said she didn't remember being poor in Gary, Indiana because she was so young when they moved.

She was around 12 when she moved to LA...I tweeted her about that.

The struggle
I am so happy I found this thread. Dance Moms is my dirty little secret but I always want to discuss it with someone after an episode airs! Haha

I think the Kira arrest record is made up. I credit myself as a pretty good researcher and I didn't find anything on her. I wonder if she will be the next mom to file a lawsuit...

Nia's seatbelt drove me insane. It also irked me to see the girls sprawled all over the place when traveling by bus. My CP knows that if there is a belt, your bottom better be buckled into a seat. I don't care what kind of vehicle you are in or what your friends are doing. But I am hyper-vigilant when it comes to seat belts. I had to fast-forward through scenes of Breaking Bad where the baby was in a car seat. That kid was never buckled correctly. I know that baby never actually took a ride in a car in that seat, but it just made me cringe looking at it. Stepping off my soapbox now...
I am so happy I found this thread. Dance Moms is my dirty little secret but I always want to discuss it with someone after an episode airs! Haha

I think the Kira arrest record is made up. I credit myself as a pretty good researcher and I didn't find anything on her. I wonder if she will be the next mom to file a lawsuit...

Nia's seatbelt drove me insane. It also irked me to see the girls sprawled all over the place when traveling by bus. My CP knows that if there is a belt, your bottom better be buckled into a seat. I don't care what kind of vehicle you are in or what your friends are doing. But I am hyper-vigilant when it comes to seat belts. I had to fast-forward through scenes of Breaking Bad where the baby was in a car seat. That kid was never buckled correctly. I know that baby never actually took a ride in a car in that seat, but it just made me cringe looking at it. Stepping off my soapbox now...

That was my one issue with the Twinkles documentary. My kids even watched and said oh that mom is bad for having her stretch with her seatbelt off.
For the car scene---one I'm annoyed that Nia isn't wear her seatbelt correctly but nonewithstanding, it's illegal in most states to have any child under the age of 12 in the front seat for safety. She may ride back there normally because Holly knows the dangers associates with children in the front seat versus back...of course, I'd also assume she'd make her wear her seatbelt right too but...sigh

I think Nia is 14 - she looks to be the size of the majorty of grown women - if she needs to be in the back at her size, so do a lot of us. My CP is 12 and has been in the front seat for a while when it's just me and her, and it's true for most of her friends as well. Nia just looks so grown up - and she's in the back w/ her mom talking to her like she's an 8 year old - it's just really silly.

Couldn't the cameraman just sit in the back? Lol - it's funny to discuss safety and seat belts when here they got a camera crew filming them while driving and saying lines - that's got to be pretty distracting to the driver wouldn't you think? I know I would have a hard time focusing on the road when I knew everything I said and did was going to show up on national TV.

And how about those bras they were wearing in that moulin rouge dance - some of them were stuffed out to look like D cups in Victoria's Secret "add 2 cup sizes" style - why wouldn't they just have them wear bras that fit them? Then McKensie had on a corset thing for a grown woman that came down to her knees? The customing of that whole dance was just awful (at one point it looked like there were about 10 misc. peices that fell off all the different costumes while they were dancing and were just laying all over the stage in the way!) - I'm sure the poor costuming had a lot to do w/ why it didn't place.
I think Nia is 14 - she looks to be the size of the majorty of grown women - if she needs to be in the back at her size, so do a lot of us. My CP is 12 and has been in the front seat for a while when it's just me and her, and it's true for most of her friends as well. Nia just looks so grown up - and she's in the back w/ her mom talking to her like she's an 8 year old - it's just really silly.

Couldn't the cameraman just sit in the back? Lol - it's funny to discuss safety and seat belts when here they got a camera crew filming them while driving and saying lines - that's got to be pretty distracting to the driver wouldn't you think? I know I would have a hard time focusing on the road when I knew everything I said and did was going to show up on national TV.

And how about those bras they were wearing in that moulin rouge dance - some of them were stuffed out to look like D cups in Victoria's Secret "add 2 cup sizes" style - why wouldn't they just have them wear bras that fit them? Then McKensie had on a corset thing for a grown woman that came down to her knees? The customing of that whole dance was just awful (at one point it looked like there were about 10 misc. peices that fell off all the different costumes while they were dancing and were just laying all over the stage in the way!) - I'm sure the poor costuming had a lot to do w/ why it didn't place.

She's 13.

I'm pretty sure in SC there's a height and weight requirement to ride in the front seat...not age. The cameraman Probably rides shotgun to film in the back seat and film profile of driver as opposed to sitting in the back and filming backs of heads, but yes them filming at all only aides in creating distracted driving.

But If Nia rides in the back seat because that's where she enjoys riding, I honestly think nothing of it. I knew people that chose to ride in the back seat until they started driving because that's what they preferred. It's whatever

I've noticed on a lot of reality shows people ride with the seat belt incorrectly. I feel like Jill did it once. It's weird to me because even as a child I never found discomfort in a seatbelt
I think Nia is 14 - she looks to be the size of the majorty of grown women - if she needs to be in the back at her size, so do a lot of us. My CP is 12 and has been in the front seat for a while when it's just me and her, and it's true for most of her friends as well. Nia just looks so grown up - and she's in the back w/ her mom talking to her like she's an 8 year old - it's just really silly.

A lot of people actually do and a lot of adults would actually benefit from a 5 pt harness type seatbelt that you see in carseats. But, just because we would benefit from it doesn't mean we actually do it because it's inconvenient. For kids in the front seat, as long as the airbag is turned off it's not as bad; but a kid plus an air bag? That's just a deadly combo.
unfortunately i think this show has a HUGE audience and it won't end anytime soon! Maybe one day whenever there is only mackenzie and maddie left people will get bored but as of right now, i don't see and end anytime soon

This weeks episode was stupid , looks like it was Kalanis turn to get yelled at now
What happened?
This show does have a decent following, BUT this entire season has seen a SIGNIFICANT fall in ratings. I'm on a forum that keeps up with that type of stuff and last season most episodes had 2.0 or higher every week, since Chloe has left the highest they've had is 1.7 with 1.2 being their new average. So yes, people are watching...but, and this is a huge but, the consistent falls in ratings will get them cancelled if Lifetime stops making money out of it. The cast alone is expensive, plus travel and hotels (which Lifetime pays for)...etc, so it has to be worth it after it's all said and done. I see this going maybe one more season...maybe, but that's about it.
This show does have a decent following, BUT this entire season has seen a SIGNIFICANT fall in ratings. I'm on a forum that keeps up with that type of stuff and last season most episodes had 2.0 or higher every week, since Chloe has left the highest they've had is 1.7 with 1.2 being their new average. So yes, people are watching...but, and this is a huge but, the consistent falls in ratings will get them cancelled if Lifetime stops making money out of it. The cast alone is expensive, plus travel and hotels (which Lifetime pays for)...etc, so it has to be worth it after it's all said and done. I see this going maybe one more season...maybe, but that's about it.

I agree. Watching the show this season compared to previous seasons, it feels very staged. I really liked Chloe and her (crass) mother. For me, they left with the last bit of "reality" that the show had. I think a lot of viewers have moved on, like most of the dancers on the show.
I'm just watching to wait and catch the car wreck.... that goes for many reality shows I used to watch or still do... They're all just losing the "reality" feel and its becoming extremely scripted and annoying lol
I agree. Watching the show this season compared to previous seasons, it feels very staged. I really liked Chloe and her (crass) mother. For me, they left with the last bit of "reality" that the show had. I think a lot of viewers have moved on, like most of the dancers on the show.

Christi was, by far, my favorite mom from the start. I actually think I'd like Kelly a lot in real life, but I felt like after season one the stress of the show got to her and by the time she left she was a basket case; but I don't really think she was as crazy before Lifetime. To me, Christi was like the super hero mom of the group---she was always the one to be there for all of the girl's and from season one was the one put on defense of her kid. While Brooke and Paige got some heat, nothing compared to what Chloe endured and I applaud Christi for not having Abby killed by a hit man or something. Holly always seemed normal, but true colors have shown and the second she gave up her job I knew it was downhill for her. Melissa reminds me of a Lynn Spears or Jane Carter---honestly, if she could sleep her way through Hollywood to get her kids on top I think she'd do it.

Kira is whatever to me---clear stage mom, but she at least pretends to be normal. And Jojo's mom makes me question my faith in humanity.
My take on the moms of the show:

Kelly was by far my favorite mom - she came off as the least selfish and internally competitive of the bunch and that's why I liked her so much - her kids were there to dance and do their best and it wasn't about beating or being better than other people to her like it is w/ so many of the others. And considering how talented her kids were, especially Brooke, that is very admirable (and rare).

IMO Christi was driven almost entirely by the competition between her daughter and Maddie in the quest to be the number one dancer in the junior age group at that specific studio - yes she was nice to others, but I don't think that would have been the case as much had they been true "competition" for Chloe (cause none of them really are/were, only Maddie was/is, cause Brooke is just too much older).

Melissa is just the complete epitomie of a kiss-up, do whatever it takes to get my kid ahead no matter what the cost "dance mom". She would befriend, sleep with, pay off, etc., whoever she needed to in order to get what she wants for her kids. And she is very good at this and was thus kicking Christi's butt in their little contest to have their kid be the "favorite" or the "best". When the show started the two girls were almost equals, but by the end Maddie was clearly very far ahead of Chloe, especially in Abby's eyes.

Holly to me was/is more of a wannabee dance mom who was just kind of there, but not really a player in the big scheme of things. Her daughter was never any real threat talent-wise to the others and was mostly the designated back up dancer/supporting role. That she quit a good job for this garbage show was really disappointing and not very bright IMO. Holly really wasn't as deeply involved or significant in the politics of the studio, cause her daughter wasn't a top dancer - if Nia left and went to another studio, what really would have been the impact to the team? That wasn't the case w/ the others who all brought some form of special skill or ability to the mix - unless you want to count Nia's death drop move ;), but that one move hardly compares to the stuff the others can do (and I'm sure it could be taught to McKenzie quickly if they really needed it).

I feel bad for Chloe and Maddie because those two girls are going to be competiting against each other for the rest of their lives - the public will have "where are they nows" comparing their careers, their relationships, their looks, etc. It will never end - even when they are 80 years old people will still be comparing them (kind of like the Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie situation). And for this they can thank their mothers.
ETA: Meh: I remember that episode where Abby didn't call Chloe by her name all day. She kept calling her "hey you" and "blondie". After that, I thought, I hope Christy gives it to her with both barrels and keeps firing. You don't do things like that to children. It's demoralizing! I can't hate Christy.

Why did ALM go to Hollywood? What was the point? To whine and waste time? Both of thosedances were an epic fail! There was no artistry, or artistic merit. They deserved to lose. Girl bye!
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Why did ALM go to Hollywood? What was the point? To whine and waste time? Both of tthosedances were an epic fail! There was no artistry, or artistic merit. They deserved to lose. Girl bye!

I didn't understand it either. When they said they were going to Hollywood, I thought they were all MOVING to Hollywood. Little was accomplished in this trip, besides Maddie booking jobs.

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