All-Star 2013/2014 Team Videos

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Not chiming in on SE one way or the other but I detest this competition for that exact reason. There's a thread somewhere about competitions we hate and I ranted about this one 1-2 years ago. The kids said the floor felt like foam covered rock among other things. This "production" sucks the life out of many teams. It's like performing in a garage.

That being said, I'm not making excuses for anyone just agree whole-heartedly with your assessment of the venue.

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I can see what you're talking about, it looked like they were having trouble getting their doubles around like they didn't get enough bounce or something.

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^ Am I the only one that was actually expecting worse by the way everyone was talking? They performed exactly how I would expect any Large Senior team to perform in that kind of venue. No energy, no pressure, no competition. It's hard to really push yourself that extra mile in a routine when there won't be any fruits of your labor so to speak.
Agreed! I was expecting multiple stunts down in each section and like the entire pyramid crashing down. It wasn't as horrific as it had been described. Also, I hate that there is no like red border around the floor like at other competitions. A few times I thought people were going to land their tumbling, take a step back or to the side and step off the floor and roll their ankle.
I really don't understand why people were calling it a disastrous routine? So what they had a couple stunt falls and a pyramid issue....don't we all have those at some time or another? People expect Senior Elite and all other worlds teams to be perfect all the time...they don't realize they are just like any other level team, 1, 2, 3, and 4...mistakes can happen at any level, any competition, to any team, and at any time. Those girls have fight in them, and thats what I love about this sport, I know walking off the mat they probably weren't too thrilled about their performance, but better now than at Dallas or Worlds is what I always said/say. This will be their motivation for future competitions/practices, and from personal experience, that brings out the raging fire in their guts to push them harder at practice, when they're tumbling, conditioning, when they are about to give up. I'm not saying that they should be picture perfect right's NOVEMBER people and I know some of y'all are saying that november is an excuse, but it's not an excuse, it's reality! Video is out, it's to be seen (which I wasn't too fond of it being out since I know CSP and I'm sure the parents and athletes wouldn't like for it to be out) and that's that. What is done is done, let's move on.
Agreed! I was expecting multiple stunts down in each section and like the entire pyramid crashing down. It wasn't as horrific as it had been described. Also, I hate that there is no like red border around the floor like at other competitions. A few times I thought people were going to land their tumbling, take a step back or to the side and step off the floor and roll their ankle.
That was the first thing I said. "Where's the skirt?" To which my dh looked at me as though I'd taken uniform critique to an entirely new level.

"I mean around the performance floor!"

I was stressed out for every team (regardless of the gym) that competed on that. A kid lands half on half off that floor and it's a broken ankle, easy.

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That was the first thing I said. "Where's the skirt?" To which my dh looked at me as though I'd taken uniform critique to an entirely new level.

"I mean around the performance floor!"

I was stressed out for every team (regardless of the gym) that competed on that. A kid lands half on half off that floor and it's a broken ankle, easy.

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Skirt! Okay so that's the correct term for it. I feel like it's a total safety issue not to have one. I mean, regardless if you have one or not you could still land half on the mat and half off and get hurt, but at least the skirt is angled so the drop isn't as dramatic.

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It really wasn't that bad, I agree with the poster that said maybe cea isnt begging people not to post it just because it was bad but maybe people just are choosing not to. Someone finally posted a video and no one to my sight has said anything remotely bashing which is a good thing. I liked that kick double inversion thing they did at showcase but I understand why they took it out if it wasnt working after that fall at showcase. Pyramids are tricky esp large pyramids because its like ok, if one thing doesnt go up none of it can go up its like a chain reaction and its okay - hopefully they can get it together which Im sure they will after all it is November and these kids are not robots. They dont go to practice and say to themselves ok, I have to nail this and be better for this one person on fierceboard that doesnt like my stunt.. no. They do it for themselves !

Also, as far as world up - I am a SE fan good days and bad but that Shooting Stars routine is awesome ! I really like it and think that routine is going to do very well this year ! Is Lauren the only one from Twinkles on SS this year ?

im surprised the havent moved that one girl in the second stunt in from the left at 1:50. she just barely makes it, or doesnt make it to her stunt in time for the ripple effect after she tumbles. she does haul some major butt though. other then that, im surprised that havent competed the dance yet, cause in that teaser video they did awhile back, it looked really good.
I think people were building the "it was disatrous" thing up. I didn't really think it was HORRIFIC. They had some issues, but that HAPPENS. Thats LIFE. Its November. If this was April.. i'd be worried. They have TONS of time to clean things. Right now, they're really not "competing". Its november, which means its still kind of "trial and error" mode. Once January/NCA rolls around, thats when you really see the TRUE talent of the team.

ETA: Really happy they removed the pyramid element where they had that accident with that small flyer at the showcase. Looked super dangerous!
That was the first thing I said. "Where's the skirt?" To which my dh looked at me as though I'd taken uniform critique to an entirely new level.

"I mean around the performance floor!"

I was stressed out for every team (regardless of the gym) that competed on that. A kid lands half on half off that floor and it's a broken ankle, easy.

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Yep..... I landed half on-half off of a wedge mat (doing a standing tuck so I was toward the top) and had an awful sprain that still bothers me a year and a half later. So if you were twisting too it would be even worse...
Not only that but without it how do they keep the floor from sliding? I mean they have Velcro but it seems like the floor could still slide and the skirt kind of keeps it restricted?

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Going back to Stars: Do they practice falling? Serious question. Because that group that fell got back up at exactly the right moment and I love it. I think I need to start incorporating this into practice.
I've heard of teams doing this! They practice the flyers falling in case it does happen. Then, the bases know how to recover and what to do.

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