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im surprised the havent moved that one girl in the second stunt in from the left at 1:50. she just barely makes it, or doesnt make it to her stunt in time for the ripple effect after she tumbles. she does haul some major butt though. other then that, im surprised that havent competed the dance yet, cause in that teaser video they did awhile back, it looked really good.

They didn't dance at Showcase for superstition reason's and didn't dance at UCA because the stunt formation changed to the V and Eric had to change a lot of kid places and learn their new part' they haven't had a chance to practice it. They've been dancing all weekend so hopefully, maybe, they'll do it at X Evolution Sunday!
What is the cameramen of Cloverfield mean? I've never heard of it.

Cloverfield is one of those movies where it's from a handheld camera view? Not sure how to describe it, but like how Paranormal Activity or Blair Witch Project were shot.

Fun fact: When Cloverfield was in theaters, many people had to leave mid-showing because they got motion sickness from all the shaking of the camera.

I watched that movie on my computer (wouldn't recommend to anyone, terrible movie) and I felt nauseous just from that little screen. I couldn't imagine being in theaters watching it with no perception and reference of the world around me.

And now you know.

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They didn't dance at Showcase for superstition reason's and didn't dance at UCA because the stunt formation changed to the V and Eric had to change a lot of kid places and learn their new part' they haven't had a chance to practice it. They've been dancing all weekend so hopefully, maybe, they'll do it at X Evolution Sunday!

ha. with all the hoopla over video, i just hope someone gets video of the dance if they do it sunday, im really interested in seeing it ever since they did that teaser video of it.
Fun fact: When Cloverfield was in theaters, many people had to leave mid-showing because they got motion sickness from all the shaking of the camera.

Slightly TMI fun fact: I was one of those people. I threw up in a half eaten bag of popcorn in the theater because I get super motion sick. I (the quiet nerdy girl) saw it with my then boyfriend (the star athlete/popular senior) and it was mortifying. But now because of that and several other motion-sickness related events I no longer fear getting sick in front of people! Hooray for personal growth!

And now back to your regularly scheduled arguing over all things teal....

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side note: at 3:07 you can see a girl on the ground in the center of the pyramid and I've been spending the last 10 minutes trying to figure out where she came from..
side note: at 3:07 you can see a girl on the ground in the center of the pyramid and I've been spending the last 10 minutes trying to figure out where she came from..
she's the center flyer that kinda swings into that stunt. i think she just didnt get enough off the ground in order to do it.
okay so on a serious note.....
kinda made my life easier wath sr.elites pyramd since he right side had issues I was able to break down each skill since there always soo much going on!
There's more people saying that there was too much hoopla, versus the amount of people who actually put the hoopla out there...
Had the video been released straight away, things would probably have been different, but since we had time to get used to the idea that they didn't do too well, this actually wasn't that bad ! I was almost expecting to see the entire pyramid collapse or something. Bad performances can happen anytime. It's better to have them at the beginning of the season so you have plenty of time to fix them.
I like the fact that people and the the SE athletes called the performance disastrous. It's not, and especially not at all for November at a local comp but they and we know that if they do that routine against orange, Babs and stars then it most likely will not bode well for them.
Context of environment I would say.

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