OT 25 Facts

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1. i went out with a male cheerleader
2.ive been in love
3.i can speak french
4.i run everyday
5.my birthday is on dec 31
6.ive had the same bestfriends for 3 years now
7.i love the backstreet boys
8.i go tanning
9.i have a sister i havnt seen since i was 5
10.im a junior
11.i get upset easily
12.i love making new friends
13.my natural hair color is blonde
14.i run everyday
15.i actually like going to school
16.my faviorite season is competition season
17.i love pasta
18.i curse to much
19.my faviorite number is 12
20.im a horrible speller
21.im on star athletics*
22.i used to be on just cheer
23.i also cheered at north stars, they closed now
24.i did dance for 3 years
25.i dont wear makeup to school....
1. My name is soooo common its annoying.
2. I'm addicted to Starbucks.
3. I hate wearing glasses & since I cant wear contacts I have to cheer with them on :(
4. I've cheered at two gyms.
5. I love the gym I'm at now, its amazing.
6. I love country music.
7. I have a weird obssesion with Senior Elite's 2010-2011 routine ..
8. I'm awful at math.
9. I hate to study.
10. If I wasn't cheering I'd probably be dancing.
11. I have a twin sister.
12. I hate being a twin.
13. I love my blackberry even though sometimes I want to throw it on the floor and stomp on it.
14. I love being blonde.
15. I'm not a natural blonde.
16. I'm probably one of the only girls at my school who doesn't wear makeup.
17. I love playing "Phase Ten" with my family at our cottage!
18. I love Italian food.
19. I'm from Canada & I live in Canada.
20. I hate winter.
21. I want to go to University Of Western Ontario, so I can live at home with my cat & keep cheering at my gym! ( The coach of the UWO cheer team owns my gym)
22. I dont like dogs, and I usually lie to my friends when they ask me if I like their dogs :$ ( They're cute and all but I just dont like them)
23. I hate going to school.
24. I thought my cat was a girl when I first got *him* ...
25. I hate wearing braces.
1. I've only been cheering for a year. It's my life.
2. I was a competitive gymnast for 8 years.
3. I think I have the most common last name ever. At our school, homeroom goes in abc order by last names. There are 11 other people in my grade with the same last name as me.
4. I have a HUGE family.
5. I cannot blow dry my hair, for anything. It'll take me 2 hours to get it half way dried...
6. When I have a child, I really really hope I have a girl.
7. I'm scared of cats.
8. Me and my bestfriend, since we were like one years old, has neverrrr fought.
9. I wish I was british.
10. I LOVE cooking and baking, even though I'm really bad at it!
11. I'm a positive person. I'm usually always happy. Not always, but most of the time.
12. The first cheer mix I ever listened to was GA senior coed 4. I'm still obsessed with it.
13. I'm kinda obsessed with Zumba, it's so fun!
14. Aside from watching cheer all day on youtube, I love watching dance competitions.
15. I haven't got anything at any mexican restarant different for the past 4 years. Nacho cheese bean burrito, thats way to go. :)
16. I H@+3 WH3n PPL T@LK LYK3 D!$. Or capitalize every word in a sentence.
17. I can't stand reading.
18. This is weird but, my biggest pet peeve is walking directly behind someone, I don't know why, but I cannot do it. It drives me insane.
19. The "C" button on my laptop is jammed and I have to give extra force to click it. Haha :)
20. My dad has the same name as a famous singer/rapper!
21. I'm afraid of the dark. Haha.
22. I loveee being dressed up!
23. I still watch disney channel.
24. I am not creative at all.
25. I've been sitting here for like 10 minutes thinking what to put as my last fact, and I couldn't think of anything! haha :) But this was fun!

this made me laugh sooo hard!! i know exactly what you mean, because my a key is the same way!! omg, im still laughing and its not even that funny... :rolleyes:
Fun fun.

1. I turned 21 this week.
2. I go to school in Jersey but am originally from MD. Take me back to the south!
3. Sour Punch Straws in strawberry are by far my favorite food ever.
4. I'm also obsessed with my bf's mom's homemade hummus.
5. I have an extremely bizarre diet. See above.
6. I cheer on my college team and will be at UCA nationals again this year.
7. I'm a cry baby and have serious anxiety issues. Don't you dare talk down to me because I'll either cry or punch you.
8. I cheered all star L5 for 4 years and was 9th in the world. <3
9. I used to throw up before every competition. Again with those anxiety issues.
10. I don't know what else to say about myself.
11. I thought of something.
12. I love to shop and am obsessed with boots. Especially cowboy boots...I have 2 pairs. Black and tan.
13. I call everyone that is short a "nugget."
14. I based for 8 years and started flying when I was 20.
15. I'm 5'5" with stem legs and a flyer.
16. When I have a bad flying day I ask myself, WWMGD? What would Maddie G do?
17. I have randomly stopped liking pizza.
18. I drive a red VW Jetta named Judy.
19. I'm going to continue popping out babies until I have a girl.
20. I'm obsessed with spray tanning.
21. I'm more assertive than I used to be and I love the way it feels.
22. Micheal Kors, will you marry me?
24. I love my cat. His name is Ernie but we call him Fabio.
25. My twitter is Leah_semanie
1. I'm a Mom. A fierce Mom. A really fierce Mom.
2. I have a sister who is a professional opera singer.
3. I think Hawaii is heaven on Earth and I would move there is I could.
4. My greatest fear is driving off a bridge into water.
5. I love watching Roseanne reruns.
6. I can quote every line from The Goonies, Pulp Fiction, Clueless and Friday.
7. @Just-a-Mom is one of my best friends in the whole world.
8. I feel like the kids on my cp's team are MY kids. And I call them that.
9. I still like pretty much all Slapfire music. Even if I've heard about iffy professionalism.
10. I named my daughter after my father and my son after my mother-in-law, and both after religious figures.
11. I have short toes.
12. I like all-white cheer bows.
13. I'm not superstitious about the number 13.
14. When I was 15, I got run over by a truck.
15. I.Love.popcorn. Unhealthy obsession.
16. My fave thing to do is watch movies with friends and pig out.
17. I don't think Virginia is really "the South." We're more like "the Middle."
18. Yes, that's my real eye.
19. No, you won't recognize me at a comp.
20. I am the household's "Go Fish" Champion. All time reigning.
21. I prefer to wear flip flops and slippers.
22. I know just about every Bob Marley song ever recorded. One love, people.
23. I think cats > dogs
24. My mom is the business, but I didn't realize it until I had kids myself.
25. The Fierce Board is probably one of the best things that has happened in my life since...a long time.
1. I'm a Mom. A fierce Mom. A really fierce Mom.
2. I have a sister who is a professional opera singer.
3. I think Hawaii is heaven on Earth and I would move there is I could.
4. My greatest fear is driving off a bridge into water.
5. I love watching Roseanne reruns.
6. I can quote every line from The Goonies, Pulp Fiction, Clueless and Friday.
7. @Just-a-Mom is one of my best friends in the whole world.
8. I feel like the kids on my cp's team are MY kids. And I call them that.
9. I still like pretty much all Slapfire music. Even if I've heard about iffy professionalism.
10. I named my daughter after my father and my son after my mother-in-law, and both after religious figures.
11. I have short toes.
12. I like all-white cheer bows.
13. I'm not superstitious about the number 13.
14. When I was 15, I got run over by a truck.
15. I.Love.popcorn. Unhealthy obsession.
16. My fave thing to do is watch movies with friends and pig out.
17. I don't think Virginia is really "the South." We're more like "the Middle."
18. Yes, that's my real eye.
19. No, you won't recognize me at a comp.
20. I am the household's "Go Fish" Champion. All time reigning.
21. I prefer to wear flip flops and slippers.
22. I know just about every Bob Marley song ever recorded. One love, people.
23. I think cats > dogs
24. My mom is the business, but I didn't realize it until I had kids myself.
25. The Fierce Board is probably one of the best things that has happened in my life since...a long time.
1. Right now neither one of my kids is cheering because of financial reasons, and it's killing me.
2. @Mamarazzi is one of my best friends in the whole world. For real. I sometimes am not sure I could get through life without her.
3. We have a stuffed koala named Olivia that we take to every competition for luck. She has her own Facebook page and is becoming quite famous in her own right.
4. If I could get away with it I would wear a tiara every day of my life.
5. I could eat spaghetti every day of my life and NEVER get tired of it.
6. My taste in music is very similar to that of a 13-year-old girl. And I'm fine with that.
7. Just like Mamarazzi, you would never recognize me at competition. I don't look anything like Carol Brady and I don't look like this blue eek face (except maybe the roundness...)
8. I hate Chicago. Hate it. I don't understand how everyone here loves it so much. It's cold, gray, brown, and concrete. I can't wait to move back home.
9. If I could have any job in the world it would be stay-at-home mom.
10. I have an unhealthy obsession with my cell phone. I sleep with it on the pillow next to me because the nightstand is too far away and I might not hear it.
11. I played field hockey and volleyball in high school and I HATED cheerleading.
12. I don't even own a car.
13. I am absolutely TERRIFIED of birds. All these pigeons in Chicago are gonna have me in therapy soon.
14. I can't bake to save my life (even from a mix, with directions).
15. Despite my inability to bake, I can cook like a world class chef (and yes I know that sounds conceited ;))
16. I never got my degree, but I have about 14515641864156453 college credits.
17. I don't like any kind of pets, but we have a cat named Elvis who I secretly adore.
18. I am freakishly good at Words with Friends.
19. I hate hair. Hate. It. I can't stand for it to touch me ever. If it gets even NEAR food I can't eat for a day.
20. I'm extremely funny.
21. According to my 9-year-old (when asked for a fact about me) I am AWESOME.
22. According to my 17-year-old (when asked for a fact about me) I snore. Hmph. Doubtful... :oops:
23. My job blocked Hulu AND Facebook solely because of me. :fro:
24. According to my phone bill I text as much as a teenager.
25. The saddest fact of all? There are only 24 facts about me. :(
25. You care about your kids immensely.
26. You're a fabulous mother...probably like Carol Brady.
27. You always have good insight.

Those are just a few of the obvious ones.

Oh no, she's not " @Just-a-Mom ," she's so much more!
28. She loves to watch waves crash on the beach - even cold Lake Huron waves.
29. She loves a sassy haircut and must have one, with highlights, to feel remotely normal.
30. She is the Queen of Financial Aid.
31. Her tenacity gets her in trouble.
32. She's a sucker for a sparkly, glitzy uni. And Fairport's new ones.
33. She's my evil twin. :D
34. And she would get through life without me, even though she said in her #2 that she might not be able to, it's just WAY more fun not to have to...
Oh no, she's not " @Just-a-Mom ," she's so much more!
28. She loves to watch waves crash on the beach - even cold Lake Huron waves.
29. She loves a sassy haircut and must have one, with highlights, to feel remotely normal.
30. She is the Queen of Financial Aid.
31. Her tenacity gets her in trouble.
32. She's a sucker for a sparkly, glitzy uni. And Fairport's new ones.
33. She's my evil twin. :D
34. And she would get through life without me, even though she said in her #2 that she might not be able to, it's just WAY more fun not to have to...

Hahahahahaaaaaa. All true. Especially number 32. And number 34.

If there's an award for BFFs, @Mamarazzi and @Just-a-Mom need to get it.

I don't think there is...but there definitely should be. It just does. not. get. more. FIERCE. than. us. :chestbump:

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